
"If there is one thing that the mages in Azure have been sorely lacking for the longest time, it is a decent school for their children to attend."

Rafael Baccarat shook his head.  "We have a fairly large population of mages living in Andalusia and while our goal is to try to incorporate mages back within human society, there is a very large stumbling block that we cannot navigate."

He splayed his hands with resignation.  "Humans operate very good schools, but our children are at best only half-human.  Many of them are full mages." 

He rubbed his head with a weary hand.  "They are missing too much of the education that they need to be able to control the natural tendencies that their magikal powers begin to express.  Because of that, they either feel as if they are freaks of nature and try to subvert their natural talents or express them in ways that are unhealthy, even dangerous."