Center Blue Ball

Mira took a sip of her tea and thought about what Magus Asada had just told her. 

The words kept going round and round in her mind:

"Those men are two sides of the same coin.  Entwined with you as the fulcrum, the three of you make a single entity.  The Power Trinity." 

It didn't make sense to her, but then few things of the magikal sort ever made sense.  She was not born into this  magikal world. 

In her human world, everything was mundane.  Nothing was ever magikal.  It was all rather dull and ordinary. 

And suddenly, she was thrust into this amazing place that was so far beyond what she knew of as reality, it really shook the core of her understanding about life itself.

She had read about the Power Trinity from the book that Chloe Belladonna wrote but she never thought that it would have anything to do with her.

"Doesn't the Power Trinity require a set of twins with equal powers, in combination with a hybrid human/mage?"