Chapter 2 - Mech Knight

[Summon: Mech Knight]

Active Magic Skill Lvl. 1

Summons a Mech Knight using magic. Consumes 5 Mana per minute while the creature is summoned. The Mech Knight follows your command without question. It is possible to let the Mech Knight grow stronger and evolve. (1/1)

5 Mana was instantly consumed as a magic array appeared right in front of Rynold. Suddenly, a figure and a new window appeared at the same time.

[Name your Mech Knight.]

The Mech Knight standing before him was 6 feet tall with a broad build. Instead of muscles, however, it seems to be made of brass metal with a sleek luster to its design. At the same time, the Mech Knight was carrying a longsword and appeared to be quite trained with it.

"Hmmm…," Rynold thought for a long time and decided to choose a simple letter for its name instead, "how about 'X'?"

[Are you sure?]


With that, X suddenly moved into life and appeared to be waiting for its master's command. Rynold wasted roughly a minute thinking of the Mech Knight's name and wasted 5 Mana's worth of time by doing so.


Mech Knight Lvl. 1

Health: 150/150


Strength: 25 Endurance: 15

Agility: 10

A Mech Knight summoned by Rynold.

The Mech Knight lacks Intelligence and therefore can only follow simple commands.

"Alright," Rynold confirmed the status window of X, "time to go. Lead the way, X."

X charged into the courtyard and managed to gain the agro of three of the creatures that were around. He then swung his longsword as soon as the creatures came close.

The creatures were forced back and stumbled to the ground. Oliver then ran up to one of them and tried to wack it with the broom.

These ones were a lot more resilient than the ones they met earlier in the hallway.

'Was it possibly because of the other students it managed to defeat?' Rynold thought of the possibility to be highly likely.

While Rynold was analyzing the situation both X and Oliver managed to finish the three creatures and secured their loot. The only item the creatures managed to drop was a shortsword.

[Dull Shortsword]

Bladed Weapon

Durability: 20/20

Attack Power +15

*Small chance of bisecting limbs.

A dull shortsword that needs to be sharpened.

'What a Grade A piece of shit…' Rynold thought.

"Looks like you're the one who's going to use this," Rynold handed the weapon to Oliver.

Oliver nodded in response and all three of them ran straight to the girls' dorm while slaughtering some of the weird creatures on the way there.

By the time they all got into the girls' dorm entrance, both Rynold and Oliver managed to level up while X remained the same. X managed to tank a lot of damage for both Oliver and its master, such that he only had less than half of his HP remaining.

X is way too overpowered for a couple of newbs like Rynold. The summons in the New World needs to fulfill certain conditions to level up. As for the Mech Knight, it's not evident as of yet.

When they reached the door of the building itself, Rynold spotted a creature that appeared different from the others. What's worse is that the creature before them seemed stranger than the creatures they've encountered so far. And it still said, [??? Lvl 5] above it.

Rynold sent X straight towards the creature and swung its longsword.

The creature just raised its hand nonchalantly to block.

'Completely blocked??' Rynold was astonished. For one thing, the creature was so strong that when X swung with full force and the creature raised its hand to block it; the hand didn't even shudder.

X then prepared for full 1-on-1 combat, readying its stance in front of the creature and striking and blocking the normal attacks of the creature.

Rynold was facing a dilemma. Currently, only 5 out of his 40 Mana remained, meaning he can have X remain for 1 more minute after this one. X was rapidly losing his HP facing the creature. The only way to turn this fight is to allocate the 10 points he gained from his last level up.

Oliver then noticed the struggling X after deciding on allocating his points into Strength and Agility. Pushing his Agility attribute to 25 and his Strength to 17. Is this what it feels like to be the main character?

Thanks to Oliver's Agility attribute breaking the threshold of 25, he unlocked a new passive skill that will help in any situation.

[Innate Acceleration Obtained]

[Innate Acceleration]

Passive Skill

Your reactions and reflexes are innately faster.

'Nice,' Oliver ran straight to the creature's blindside and attacked with the Dull Shortsword. The fight went on for a few seconds when Rynold realized he lost his last remaining Mana meaning he can only sustain X for this one last minute.

Rynold currently felt useless as he couldn't help in the battle at all and simply was letting X do all the work for him. He looked at the free 10 points that he had left and gambled on which attribute would finish the battle.

'Ah. F*ck it,' he split the points he had left to push both his Perception and Agility to 10. Then a familiar window appeared.

[Scan Obtained]

[Scan Lvl 1]

Active Skill

Scan an entity within the vision range.

*Does not work if the entity is not within the physical visual range.

*Has a small chance of uncovering weaknesses. Chance depends on Lvl of Skill.

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Rynold unintentionally rejoiced and forgot that they were currently facing a strong adversary for a split second. As soon as he recovered from his excitement, he used Scan on the creature before them.

[Enhanced Ghoul Lvl 5]

A ghoul that appeared from the Red Rain after converting from a human.

The enhancement caused the creature to have an above-average defense at the price of significantly losing its speed.

As soon as Rynold finished reading he immediately hatched a plan. Since Rynold got a boost in his Agility, although he might be slower than Oliver, he was sure he could strike at the Enhanced Ghoul a lot easier than what X was currently doing.

It was evident that the glaring weakness of the Mech Knight was its monotony. X may be able to block foreseeable attacks, but he lacked the creativity to fight back properly, not being able to use obvious gaps in the Enhanced Ghoul's defense.

'Alright time to get into action.'

He yelled to Oliver, "try to use its weight against it! Attack its lower limbs and try to take it off balance!"

Oliver nodded and started slicing the Enhanced Ghoul's lower limbs.

One… Two… Three…

As the fourth strike hit, the effect of the Dull Shortsword activated and managed to completely slice one of its limbs off. This forced the creature to tip over and expose its underbelly in which a big, throbbing mesh of skin was exposed. If this didn't look like a weakness, then what would?

Oliver stabbed with the Dull Shortsword effectively eliminating a large portion of its HP.

"Quickly! Chop its head off!"

X received the command and swung its longsword in a quick and decisive manner. As soon as the Enhanced Ghoul gargled its last sound, it promptly turned to dust.

This fight was a good experience of what future battles would look like. If they continuously hunt these ghouls, they would undeniably be stronger but would the constant grind of easy-to-kill creatures be efficient? Of course not! Especially if these creatures have ridiculous defense and give little to no EXP.

The drops this time were more than what they expected. Instead of dropping the typical one item, killing the Enhanced Ghoul managed to drop two. One of which was a long stick and the other is a spellbook.

[Wooden Staff]

Blunt Weapon

Durability: 30/30

Attack Power +10

*Can conduct basic magic.

A wooden staff that's made of cheap but sturdy wood.


Magic Skill Book

Heals for a certain percentage of the target's Health.

Cost: 10 Mana


It was the second time today in which Rynold can't contain his excitement. It wasn't because of the long stick that can be used to whack people's butts but it was the Magic Skill Book!

Rynold currently didn't know how hard it is to find support type magic in the New World especially a percentage heal type of magic.

As Rynold was tempted to learn the new skill for himself, he stopped himself from doing so. It wasn't because he didn't like it but it was instead because he felt the need to be in front instead of sitting in the back and simply supporting the team.

Speaking of being in front….

Why the hell was X still around? Rynold didn't realize but it was already the second time his Mana Recovery passive activated. On top of his Mana Recovery recovering 4 Mana, there was also his natural Mana Regen of 1 every 5 minutes. This meant that every 5 minutes he recovered 5 Mana instead.

Rynold chose to ignore it instead of thinking about it any further. It was time to head inside the girls' dorm!