Chapter 49 - Skill Ascension

Rynold was sitting while laying beside the fountain to rest. The battle had officially concluded and he hoped that the rest of the gang were somewhere safe and sound.

He was waiting for his Mana and Stamina to recover for the meantime before leaving to look for the others. After all, in his sorry state, he'll just be a pig brought to the slaughter. Besides, this was the best time to actually look at the things that he's gotten from the battle.

Rynold ordered X to grab the loot from where the Behemoth Ghoul once fell since he couldn't even walk let alone move. Apart from the worthwhile objective of defeating a Hazard-class monster to ascend his [Summon: Mech Knight] skill, the loot should be something of a treasure as well.

"Let's see here...," Rynold checked the loot. Now that he recovered a bit and could slightly move his arms around, he gladly accepted the loot that X presented to him.

The first one up was the biggest one amongst all of the ones that X managed to grab.

[Frozen Teardrop of Mist]

Sword Equipment

Durability: Infinite

Attack Power +12% of the user's Strength

Equipment Requirements: Strength 50, Mana Bond

A sword made from a crystallized teardrop of a water spirit. If one listens closely, they could hear the spirit's last words before they perished.

Additional Passive Skill: Spirit's Remorse

- When bonded, increases the bond's Ice Affinity by 20. Reduces the bond's physical damage dealt by 15%.

Additional Passive Skill: Culling Through Ice

- Every second attack with this weapon infuses the sword with Ice, dealing an additional 15% Ice Damage for the next attack.

Additional Active Skill: Spirit's Final Whisper

- Upon activation, reduce all resistance by 20%. Converts all Physical Damage to Ice Damage for the next 30s.

- Cooldown: 5 hours

"Not bad," Rynold spoke to himself, "but I can't use it." He sighed out of disappointment but what else could he do. It's not like forcing himself to use an item that didn't work well with him at all was a good idea. Anyway, Rynold had other items to check right now.

[Guide to the New World: Beginner's Edition]

A simple guide to the New World. Fit for Beginners and can be used any number of times by any person.

"You're fucking kidding me, right?"

Rynold was surprised to find something like this so late into the New World. He's gotten himself way too invested in the things that have been going on that this book would, in the most literal sense, be as useful as an egg cracker. Useful, but anybody with half a brain could crack an egg.

With a disappointed sigh, Rynold used the book. It was nice and easy but a bunch of information suddenly popped into his head. The guide wasn't meant to be read in any sense whatsoever but it was used to update the system of any user.

[System Update Completed.]

[Information Updated.]

The notification popped up as soon as he tried to open the book and shut itself right after. The system had managed to undergo an upgrade in the simple sense that the information it provided for items was a bit more detailed now.

To check what sort of information updated, Rynold opened up the Mana Gauntlet's window.

[Mana Gauntlets]

Gauntlet Silver Tier Equipment, Mana Bonded

Durability: Infinite

Attack Power +10% of user's Intelligence

Equipment Requirements: Intelligence 40, Mana Bond

Gauntlets made from a long-lost civilization embued with special magic that is long lost.

"That's it?" Rynold seriously had his doubts as to why would this sort of item would show up now of all times. It was way too unappealing, especially with its 'Beginner' title. But, it was still better than nothing... probably.

Rynold didn't bother to continue checking what else he discovered now that his system updated. Essentially apart from weapon classes, there were a bunch of things as well. There were the item rarity classifications and the monster classes too. But Rynold couldn't be bothered and decided to check on the next drops.

[Monster Core (M)]

Rarity: Rare

The monster core was a congealed orb that was as big as Rynold's palm. He really didn't know what to do with this now so he placed it inside his inventory for now and kept going on with the loot.

[The Librarian's Tree Teleport Key]

Teleports a group of up to 10 people to the Librarian's Tree. Infuse Mana to Activate. (One-time use)

Rynold was filled with excitement about what he had read as he held the key in his hand. It was shaped like a teardrop but it was made from frozen amber. Regardless, Rynold was looking forward to exploring this so-called tree with his friends.

Moving forward, he continued to check the rest of the loot, most of which turns out to be random materials and ores that would be useful in the future. There could be many ways of using the materials but as of now, there's no crafting menu that he can use.

All in all, the drops were actually quite nice. Not to the point of usability but the teleport key was the only thing that made it all worth it.

"Right, there's still this one thing to do," Rynold murmured and opened up the Mech Knight window. It was time for him to activate the ascension and make his trustworthy follower stronger.

[Ascend Skill [Summon: Mech Knight]?]

Rynold clicked yes right away but another window popped up.

[Select Ascend options for Skill.]

- Increase maximum limit for Summon: Mech Knight to 2.

- Grants current [Mech Knight] X self-sentience and ability to grow on its own, making it a magical being of its own will.

"Oh...," Rynold looked at X once more before deciding. Although another Mech Knight as powerful as X could prove to be useful, he's grown admittedly attached to the one he currently has.

He chose the second option without even thinking it twice and the results happened straight away. The Mech Knight was enveloped in a magic array that surrounded it whole. There was a slight difference in the runes that showed from the usual summoning but Rynold didn't even bother noticing it.

He just sat back and enjoyed the show.

Once the magic array was finished, a light suddenly shot out from it. The beam of light looked like it was overcoming the darkness from the moonlight but the glare was different from welcoming.

The light was bright enough for Rynold to forcefully block his sight from the beacon in the moonlight. It was painful for a person to look at even if they wore shades but it wasn't long until the light finally subsided.

When the light dissipated, the Mech Knight showed no signs of sentience. Perhaps it was too dark for Rynold to see clearly, but there didn't seem to be any sort of difference in the Mech Knight's physical appearance. A window, however, confirmed that the ascension was complete.

[Summon: Mech Knight Skill Information Updated to Summon: X.]


[Summon: X]

Active Magic Skill

Summons the Mech Knight, X using magic. Consumes 20 Mana to summon the Mech Knight into the target location.

X has gained sentience and can grow on its own. The user's will and Mana directly contribute to the Mech Knight's personality and will follow the caster's every command. (Current level: 10/50)


"Nice," Rynold smiled with a satisfied expression, "how do you feel, buddy?"

The question was rather dry to ask a Mech Knight who has undergone a transformation. There were, admittedly, some ways X could respond.

To Rynold's surprise, X suddenly spoke in a sort of mechanical tone to the voice, "I am alright."

"You can talk!" Rynold was genuinely elated now that his precious Mech Knight could talk, "I guess the upgrade did really make you sentient now."

"Father," X then suddenly asked, "what is my purpose?"

"Eh?" Rynold's mouth was agape from the sudden existential question and couldn't contain his surprise. On the one hand, he was really happy and satisfied with how things turned out but, on the other hand, the sentience might have been a little too much to spring on a magical being.

He coughed to try and reduce the awkwardness that only he could feel and continued, "well, I think that's a question that you have to find out for yourself, no? And can you please call me something else, instead?"

X nodded in response and asked in his mechanical voice, "is overlord alright?"

"Too extreme," Rynold dismissed.

"Papi?" X asked once more.





"Big swing and a miss there."


"I guess that's acceptable for the meantime," Rynold chuckled. In truth, he wouldn't actually mind if X called him father or dad because he always treated X like a son. It, or he, rather, resembles what seemed to Rynold as a child that he's taken care of. And, well, put in harm's way repeatedly.

"As you wish, master," X nodded. The mechanical voice was starting to get on Rynold's nerves but he was more or less okay with it. He would much rather change it though but that's something to look forward to in the long run.

"Oh yeah, something reminds me," Rynold hesitated mid-thought, "I'm sorry for all the trouble I've put you through, buddy."

"It is alright," the Mech Knight replied with a grateful tone.