Chapter 53 - Last Goodbye

The next morning, the sun was rising from the east.

Rynold woke up from the sun shining in his face. He brought his hand up to block the sunlight from the sky and stood up. Rynold looked around and noticed that Jack was still asleep.

Stretching, Rynold walked around and checked on the others. He slept in a different spot from where the others did the night before and left everyone to do their own thing.

X was still sitting with Eileen sleeping on his lap. They were the same when Rynold left them there last night. He patted X on the shoulder and continued to check on the others. He walked at a normal pace but stopped when he saw Oliver.

Oliver was awake but it seemed like he wished that this was a dream. He held Skye in his arms and didn't move. It was as if time stood still.

Rynold didn't dare approach the guy who he managed to let down in more ways than one. Not only did Skye die, but he also couldn't do anything to the guy who killed her. He simply stood still and watched.

"You're awake, huh?" Oliver suddenly spoke while keeping his eye on Skye.

Rynold clicked his tongue and then sighed in guilt. "Yeah," he responded after a long pause.

A long, awkward silence ensued. There was no way for Rynold to initiate the conversation without coming off as an ass but Oliver didn't seem to bother talking about it either. He just stared at the sleeping Skye, who would never wake from her long slumber.

"For the record, man," Oliver spoke in a monotone voice a few seconds later, "I don't blame you for what happened. It was way too fast and there was nothing you could've done about it."

In fact, Oliver actually knew that it was mostly his fault for getting Skye killed but, of course, there was something else entirely in his mind. He wanted to go ahead and end Shyft's life no matter what.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened. Is there anything I can do to help out?" Rynold asked as he slowly approached Oliver only to stop because of what Oliver did next.

He placed Skye back down on the ground and slowly stood up and turned to face Rynold. His face was full of anger.

"Help? Help?! You could've fucking killed the guy who did this but you didn't! What the hell is wrong with you! You call yourself my friend but this shit happens?!" Oliver yelled out in anger.

Rynold was stumped with what to say next and only chocked out and stammered to say anything. He couldn't even bring himself to say something that would alleviate the guy's anger or his guilt. Well, Oliver was just saying those things out of anger, anyway.

Catching himself losing it, Oliver clicked his tongue and turned back around, and kneeled next to Skye. Meanwhile, Jack was finally awake and made his way to where Rynold and Oliver were. The atmosphere was tense and awkward which made Jack all the more distraught.

Oliver then lifted Skye up from the ground and cradled her in his arms. He turned around and faced Rynold and Jack but now with a sad and depressed look on his face.

"Let's go," Oliver said in a deep, moody tone.

Rynold and Jack moved to the side to let Oliver pass and followed him down. Before leaving, though, Rynold mentioned X to keep watch of Eileen and Strider.

The walk down was quiet and the atmosphere was far from bearable. Regardless, the three of them made their way from the radio tower building to the foot of the forest where Rynold had found Oliver.

This was the place that they planned on burying Skye. Rynold figured that they would place her someplace else entirely but it was ultimately Oliver's decision.

"Here," Oliver said as they stopped a few feet into the forest.

Rynold didn't say anything and got to work. After all, he was the one with the equipment to actually do this thing.

He pulled out the drill and extended it into its full size. He dug up a small hole that served as the final resting place of Skye. It was the most ghetto way to do one last thing for her but it was the only way that made sense. They couldn't just leave her on the side of the road, now can they?

A few moments later, the hole was large enough for Skye to rest. Rynold moved to the side to make room for Oliver.

Oliver moved forward and placed his love into the small hole, her head laying as if she was simply asleep. He hesitated and looked back one last time. It was hard for them to let go but it was even harder for him. After all, this wasn't something that they would have expected especially with a future planned together.

He stepped back up and approached Rynold and Jack who were watching him.

"Here," Rynold handed him a Dull Shortsword to both Jack and Oliver. It was meant to be used as a shovel but Jack managed to misunderstand and look back at Rynold with a confused look.

Rynold simply shook his head and let Oliver go first.

Oliver grabbed the Dull Shortsword and picked up a pile of dirt from the flat side of the blade and poured it onto Skye's unmoving chest.

Rynold followed after the first drop of dirt and Jack soon after. It was a memorial service of three men that had a varying closeness with her. But all of them had a good relationship with her that they would carry for the rest of their lives.

After the burial, the three of them stood in silence to give their respects. Then, Oliver spoke in a low mumbling voice.

"Sorry for losing it earlier."

Rynold patted his friend on the back and shook his head, "don't worry about it, man. You've been going through a lot of heavy stuff."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm still mad at you," Oliver continued, "But who I'm really pissed at is Shyft. The next time I see him, I swear I'll end his sorry life. And if you get in my way... I'm sorry."

Rynold chuckled at Oliver's sudden threat.

"Don't worry about it, dude," Rynold replied, "I've got a score to settle with the guy too. And... sorry about what happened."

Oliver simply nodded and looked at the place where they buried Skye. Rynold suddenly remembered something and brought it out from his inventory.

It was the Wind Acolyte's Grimoire.

Rynold handed it to Oliver and asked, "what do you think we should do about this?"

Oliver took the Magic Weapon and his eyes lit up with some sense of duty. He approached the burial site and stuck the Grimoire into the ground, making it look like the tombstone.

Before leaving, Oliver whispered while kneeling.

"Goodbye, Skye."

Rynold and Jack turned around and waited at the edge of the forest for Oliver who was making his last talk with Skye. Not long after, Oliver came out from the forest and asked what's their next move.

"Let's go back first," Rynold said and started walking back to the radio tower building.

The door to the roof kicked open as the trio made its way back. Rynold then called over X and woke Eileen up from her sleep. He pulled something from his inventory and showed it to the rest of the group.

[The Librarian's Tree Teleport Key]

It was a teleportation device that would bring them to a completely different place. This was a one-way ticket to leave this town that had nothing but bad memories for them and bring them to a completely different place.

"What do you guys think?" Rynold asked the other two.

Jack considered and pondered for a while and Oliver grabbed the key to inspect it. A few seconds later he gave it back to Rynold and said, "I've got nothing waiting for me here." Rynold took it as a yes and only waited for Jack's thoughts.

He considered that there might be unwanted dangers over there but the main thing he was afraid of was that he would be a burden to the two who were obviously a lot more powerful than him. But with the two of them gone, he couldn't really survive on his own either.

After a few minutes of waiting and Jack nodded and gave in. He had to get stronger too, after all. However, he did some reservations.

"What about Eileen?"

"What about her? She's coming with us. There's really nothing here and if she's with us at least we could protect her," Rynold said, determined to not lose anybody else.

Jack nodded at Rynold's flawless logic and accepted. There was no way that he could leave a child all alone and fend for herself. Even though he felt useless, he at least had the power to protect a child and made sure they survived.

The three made preparations for the journey ahead of them and it was time to get ready for the real New World.

=End of Vol 1=