Chapter 264 - To Succeed

"So. What do we do now?"

As the two of them stared at the empty tundra, Jack wanted to know what they'd do from here. While there was no clear direction for either of them to take, Jack seemed eager to hear what the man would say, hoping the latter's wisdom would help put things into perspective.

Unfortunately, the man only glanced at Jack before looking back at the horizon.

'What the hell does that mean?' Jack thought to himself as the frustration took over his senses. Confused and distraught, Jack could only sigh.

There wasn't anything he could do now. Jack knew that and felt defeated as a result. And, even though he could head back home, Jack wasn't so sure how he would handle the fallout.

Jack had, by all means, failed in his mission. And, not only that, but Jack also managed to get himself cursed and lose his ability to control his Mana. There was nothing to show for after going through this mission. While he knew the stakes, the unexpected turn of events was something Jack couldn't have known beforehand.

"Damage control," murmured Jack as his eyes narrowed slightly. He knew that was the only thing he could do now. But, even so, Jack had close to no clue how to get it done.

"What does that entail?" the man asked, secretly attentive of Jack's condition.

"Hm? Oh. Damage control is a term used by people when the situation becomes out of control," Jack explained, oversimplifying, "People do damage control to minimize the damage and the consequences of said damage. It's basically a fancy way of salvaging."


The man acknowledged with a grunt and didn't bother to say anything more. Jack, on the other hand, felt obligated to continue.

"Hey," Jack nudged the man's arm, testing the waters of their current relationship, "I've been thinking. If you're still, technically, the Frost God, can't you, well.., I don't really know how to say it."

Unbothered by the nudge and physical contact, the man said, "I suspect that you do. Out with it, mortal. No need to beat around the bush."

"Right, heh, right," Jack scoffed and nodded, "Okay. What I'm trying to say is that: If you're still the Frost God, doesn't that mean you'd be able to choose someone as your.., well, you know."

As Jack spoke aloofly once more, the man shot Jack a glare, forcing him to square up. Going about it roundaboutly was not the right idea here.

"A Chosen!" Jack unintentionally yelled out, "That's what I was trying to say. A Chosen. Can't you choose someone to act as your blade in the mortal world? The other gods did it. I'm actually friends with two of them. So, I wonder if you could do it too."

The man remained silent. Whatever Jack said didn't seem to come across too well. And, on the off chance that it would work, Jack was far from the ideal candidate.

Fortunately, the god he was trying to appease was nothing if not reasonable. Unfortunately, though, the guy didn't have a clue.

"I do not know about this 'Chosen' you speak of," the god answered indifferently. "While, in theory, it is not impossible, the act of passing a god's power to a mortal is highly irregular."

"But, it's already happening all around the mortal world," Jack rebutted, not backing down, "The two people I mentioned had gifts from the Mech God and the Thunder God. They have abilities far more powerful than my own. I've had to scrape on by while they could breeze through unhindered. I-"

"Are you jealous, mortal?" the god interrupted, hitting a rather sensitive subject. To which Jack responded with, "Not my point."

It wasn't a stretch to consider that Jack might have been jealous this entire time. Nonetheless, though, there was nothing he could do about it. And, right now, that was the least of his concerns.

"What're you thinking?" asked Jack.

"The gods have decided on a drastic measure, empowering the humans of the mortal realm. While I cannot say for certain what caused such a change, there is nothing I can do about it. Gods giving mortals their blessing is far from the ordinary. Something dangerous must be coming. Something the gods alone could not handle."

Jack, stunned, fell quiet. He stared at the man's blank expression before looking at the horizon once more. While the appearance of the New World caught nearly everyone off-guard, Jack thought there must have been a reason for it. That said, he never expected something so dooming.

"Are you sure?" Jack said after swallowing, gulping audibly.

"No, it is mere speculation," the man answered, "While I cannot say what is to come, it is far more likely to be the case. What does concern me, however, is all the gods being on the same page. This matter is unprecedented, with gods often clashing against each other. For such beings to fall under one cause is.., unexpected."

Jack nodded, understanding fully what the man had said. He then turned to him and said, "Well, what are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing. As I said before, I am no god. Whatever problems they have, it is their responsibility to resolve. I am no longer one of those beings that stand above the mortals."

"I mean," Jack hastily added, "You aren't exactly standing with us either."

"Even so, I do not seek to bask in the glory of controlling the mortal existence. The mortal's problems are theirs to bear. Allow me to bear mine in peace."

"Who cares about that now? You're not really helping us through this situation. At the very least, the gods are trying to stand with us even if they still loom over us like powerful tyrants."

"It is still none of my concern," the man answered and unintentionally released his powerful killing intent against Jack. In which the latter instinctively inched back. The guy then pulled back the pressure he gave off, opting to calmly continue with the conversation.

Nonetheless, there was nothing to continue off of from there. Jack couldn't offer any rebuttal to the last thing the guy said. Because, in reality, it was none of his concern. He chose the life of seclusion.

So, why should he go back to the gods now?

"Then, help me."

"Do not be absurd."

"I'm not joking," Jack answered, serious to the very bone, "Help me. On the off chance you're right, I wouldn't want to be unable to defend myself."

"You...," the man turned to Jack, facing him for the first time on equal footing, "Your relentlessness and perseverance is annoying. There is no reason for me to assist you. After this exchange, you will not see me again until you die, wherein I will have to capture the creature you have released."

"Then let me do it for you."

The two of them had barely known each other for long. Jack was pushing it, even by his standards, trying to grab a favor from a previous god. It was beyond what any human would do, blasphemy by definition. If Jack hadn't built some rapport before this moment, he would've been smacked the moment he opened his mouth.

"Your motivations and agenda are ridiculously misguided. While I admit I have some vague form of respect for your determination, they are still incredibly foolish nonetheless."

"Foolish or gutsy?"

The man's eyes narrowed at Jack as he said, "Foolish," in the same manner and tone as before.

Jack sighed, somewhat defeated but, at the same time, trying to find an angle to convince the man. At this point, Jack would've done anything to make sure that he'd actually have something to show for once he returned to the Tree of In-Between. But, right now, it seemed like a long shot.

"I cannot impart you with gifts like your fellow mortals," the man suddenly spoke up after a semi-long period of silence. It was the first time in some while that the man had chosen to speak first. "However, what I can offer you is wisdom."

"Fair enough," Jack shook his head defeatedly and heard what the man had to say.

"Throughout my journeys in the mortal realms, I have discovered more than one way to live. More than one reason to serve one's purpose in their insignificant, short lives. While none of those discoveries have helped my situation, I hereby impart you with the knowledge that would help yours."

The man touched Jack's forehead with his index finger and instantaneously sent knowledge to Jack's brain. It was like a high-speed data transfer that happened in the blink of an eye. And, after a second, the man removed his finger and walked away.

Jack, on the other hand, couldn't stop him because his brain was in a trance. While standing, Jack absorbed the pieces of information imparted to him. Time ran on by, and, soon, it was nearly four hours after the man had left.

To which Jack woke up to a single message from the System:

[Class Advancement: Frost God's Chosen]