Chapter 274 - A Call to Action

"Mind telling me what the hell it is, then?"

There was a limit to how much teasing Rynold could take. And although Rynold could take a few more instances, the situation was definitely pushing it.

"For one, there is the option of shattering your Mana Core completely, thereby removing any trace of your Mana."

It took Rynold a full second to consider the proposal. And, almost immediately, Rynold chose to dismiss it. He knew it would work, knowing full well that shattering one's Mana Core would erase his Mana Signature. But, the cons significantly outweighed the pros of what would happen then. Rynold would have to build his Mana Core from the ground up. And that was if he survived the shattering of his Mana Core.

"You know I can't do that," Rynold rejected the suggestion, "You and I both know that that's the worst thing to do with the situation. Why the hell would you even suggest that?"

The Mech God fell indifferent at Rynold's question, but he knew that the god was having fun messing with him. It was a valid option, though, and getting the bad ideas out of the way was somewhat of a good thing.

"Fair enough," the Mech God answered, "Your concerns are valid, but, unfortunately, that is the easiest and safest way to move on. The other options will be both tedious and exhausting. Hell, it might even kill you. The risks alone are something your mortal body can barely handle. The chances of you dying is a close million to one odds."

"And you don't think I could handle it?" Rynold stepped forward, reaffirming his determination, "You've seen what I can do, more so than anyone else. I survived handling the backlash from your Mana Crystal. So, you better believe I'm willing to handle whatever risks that will come up."

Having been passive this past month, Rynold felt the need to take action. While his motivations and goals were still murky at best, Rynold thought that going out and doing something would be the best thing for him right now. It would clear his head and help him focus on what's important.

"You sound sure of yourself."

"That's because I am."

Thoughts beget action; actions beget results. Rynold had about enough of thinking and theorizing as of late, wanting to take action to move forward. Now seemed as good a time as any.

"Okay," the Mech God turned around and sighed. He put his hand up to his chin, stroking it in thought. While he did so, Crimson, who had stayed quiet all this time, turned to Rynold.

Rynold noticed the stare and looked at Crimson, prompting the latter to speak. Crimson seemed a little lost in the moment. And, so, he asked what was going on.

"If you must know, I'm trying to get something out of the situation here," Rynold explained, not going into too much detail, "The ex-goddess that previously possessed me has something she wants from me. Since she didn't get it the last time, she's sure to strike again. So, I'm trying to negotiate here that the Mech God would let me out and find a way out of the whole cat-and-mouse chase thing."

Crimson fell to thought, took a second, then nodded in agreement. There was something that bothered him, though, and just as he was about to say it, Rynold already knew.

"Look," Rynold placed his hand gently on Crimson's shoulder, "Whatever happens to me, you don't have to come with, okay? I know you might feel different like maybe you need to follow, but you don't. You can stay here, help the god out, maybe find a way to fulfill your destiny you can accept. Whatever it is you do, you don't have to feel like you have to do it because of me."

That was the best way Rynold could put it. While Rynold could've said the anecdote a lot more straightforwardly, this approach seemed best. He didn't outright say no, even though he wanted to. In essence, Rynold didn't like for Crimson to follow him. Out of duty or whatever Crimson felt, Rynold knew it wasn't light. For the most part, Crimson should be able to decide for himself.

But, at the same time, Rynold knew it was easier said than done. It would be hard for Crimson to remove Rynold from the decision-making process. Objectivity was hard to accomplish, given the circumstances. Rynold could only hope that Crimson would do the right thing.

"Okay," Crimson nodded, then falling silent not a second later. Rynold lifted his hand from Crimson's shoulder as he fell deep in thought. Rynold, on the other hand, looked to the Mech God.

"Got a decision?" he asked without even bothering with honorifics, "I don't have an entire lifetime to wait for your decision, you know. We, mortals, need to act fast here."

The Mech God turned back around and approached Rynold. The furrowed expression on his face was something Rynold had never seen before. It was a sign that the god had given a lot of thought to the situation. And, weirdly enough, the expression made Rynold slightly nervous.

As soon as the Mech God was within reach, he placed his hand over Rynold's chest where his Mana Core was. In an instant, he pushed Mana into Rynold's body, causing a feeling of intense shocks all over. Rynold coughed up blood as the Mech God continued to force his Mana down Rynold's Mana Core. It was an overwhelming feeling, one that made him feel like dying if it had lasted another second longer.

Fortunately, the Mech God pulled away just when Rynold had nearly passed out. Although, Rynold collapsed to the ground, all the same, struggling extensively. He fell on all fours, gasping for air and trying hard to regain all his senses. The room around him spun, much to his nausea. And, all the while this was happening, the Mech God let out a quiet 'hmph' sound.

After a bit, Rynold finally managed to speak, albeit still looking to the ground. "What the hell was that?" he asked, near to the point of hysterics. It was way too sudden, to which Rynold felt like being electrocuted.

"A test," the Mech God answered as he rubbed his thumb and index finger together, "I needed to measure the capacity and level of your Mana Core. It was a bit of a surprise that you had something else in there. Which, consequently, made the backlash a lot harsher than it should have been."

"A... TEST?!"

Rynold could barely put two and two together, but he knew that what the Mech God pulled was far from acceptable. Even if Rynold was some being of less importance than a god, this was too much.

"I..," Rynold said as he pushed himself off the ground, struggling at every step. Fortunately, Crimson was there to help him, propping him up and providing ample support. And, as soon as Rynold was within eye level of the Mech God, he continued his confrontation.

"I have had it up to here with you! Another test?! Really?! The giant motherfucking robot wasn't enough to test me?! You better have a good reason for pulling another thing like that. Because I swear to god, I'll break everything you own even if I die in the process!"

"Alright, calm down," the Mech God said, disappointed at Rynold's loss of level-headedness, "I didn't kill you, right? You're fine. I needed to test your Mana Core because what you're about to do next would only kill you if you're not ready. And, from what I can tell, you're not yet. But, it's pretty damned close."

After hearing that, Rynold glared at the Mech God with every ounce of hostility he could muster. It was a pathetic display, seeing as how Rynold could barely stand. But, he couldn't help but think that this god in front of him really thought of nothing of Rynold. Although, then again, the Mech God was still willing to be in the same room as Rynold. That counted for something, right?

"Then, you could've warned me, asshole."

That was all the rebuttal Rynold offered to what the Mech God had said. He was pissed, that was sure, but, at the same time, he couldn't really push it. The Mech God was helping him, even though it definitely doesn't look like it.

"Are you done?" the Mech God responded, unamused, "If you are, let's get a move on, shall we? The mission is going to need you to reach at least Tier 3 of your Mana Core. That, and a bunch of other little things. So, if you really want to leave, it's best for you to get it done as soon as possible."

Rynold nodded to Crimson, motioning that he was good to stand on his own now. The backlash the Mech God had placed on him didn't leave any residual pains. And so, with that, Rynold stood on his own two feet, straightened his back, and looked forward.

"I'm ready. Let's go."