Chapter 401: Warm-up start

Online doubts about Yu JinLi's card maker grade certificate became more and more intense. Even walking on the campus of the First Military Academy, you can often see a few people whispering or pointing at Yu JinLi. Some specious words.

However, these Yu JinLi ignored them, because the warm-up match was about to begin. When the match, he directly used actual actions to make C-level energy cards. Isn't this more convincing than any language?

The warm-up match of the Three Kingdoms also officially started in this atmosphere.

Although the warm-up match is only a match between the military academies of the three countries, it is also highly valued by the three countries. In particular, the players from the US Empire and the European countries who participated in the Three Nations Grand Tournament came to the stage to cheer for the players in their own countries.

After all, the competition venue is in the Federation, and the Federation has a certain host advantage. The number of spectators who come to watch first is very large, and sometimes the cheers and cheers of the spectators will also affect the mood and momentum of the contestants.

Therefore, all the people who can come to watch the game from the U.S. empire and the European countries have come.

Warm-up matches are a bit more troublesome for the superpowers and mecha fighters, and require several games. The comparisons between the card maker group and the mecha manufacturing group are easier and can be completed in one game.

In the morning, the arrangement is for the preliminary competition of the superpower group and the mecha fighter group, half of which are eliminated, and then the competition between the mecha manufacturing and the power mecha manufacturing group.

Because there are fewer students participating in the manufacturing of super-power mechas, I started with the contestants of mecha manufacturing, but ended a little later, giving them a slightly longer time, and finally in accordance with the completion and production within the specified time. The difficulty and quality of the parts are scored.

The card maker's game was placed in the afternoon, and the finals of the superpowers and mecha fighters were also placed in the afternoon, so all the warm-up matches can actually be compared in one day.

"Hurry up, it will start soon?" Shao Yang urged the students eagerly.

"What's the hurry, there is no Little Chestnut game in the morning, why do you go so early?" Yang Zhehao said puzzled.

Shao Yang replied: "But in the morning there will be a contest with a superpower player."

In fact, the most interesting part of a warm-up match like this is the contest between the superpowers and the mecha fighters, which are both passionate and exciting, and the use of various energy cards, abilities, and fighting skills. Can see the true strength of a person.

It's not as boring as the card maker and mecha maker, just staying in the audience and watching them write, draw, and beat, and it's still a long time. Of course, he doesn't want to miss the morning game.

Other students in Class F heard this and raised a little interest. Although they went to the scene mainly to cheer for Little Chestnut, after all, it was also a competition between their own country and other countries, and they had to cheer for their own country's players. What if they behaved well and crushed the other two countries. As a federal member, wouldn't they be proud of you?

As a result, the students in Class F speeded up their cleaning and prepared to go to the auditorium to occupy a seat.

However, when the class F students arrived in the auditorium, they found that the auditorium was already densely packed with students. At first glance, they were all black and black heads. Obviously many students came to take up seats early in the morning.

"Let you come earlier or not, see, are you out of time?" Shao Yang frowned slightly and said in dissatisfaction.

"This is too exaggerated, all the students in the school are here?" Liu XingYe couldn't help but be speechless.

They actually came early enough, but obviously there are still many students who are earlier than them.

Just when the F students looked around blankly and were about to find a place with a lot of vacancies, they heard a familiar voice: "Here, here."

Everyone looked along, and saw He Linsheng sitting in the first row in the best position to watch the line of sight and beckoning to them. More importantly, there was still a lot of space beside him and behind him. Obviously he came early. Occupied a seat.

Class F classmates were immediately happy, and ran over in a hurry, taking their place.

"Okay, I said I won't see you early in the morning, so I came to occupy the seat." Yang Zhehao said with a smile.

"You don't know how hard it took me to help you keep these positions, otherwise I would have been robbed." He Linsheng wrinkled his face and said exaggeratedly.

From the time he came here to the present, he didn't know how many people who wanted to grab his place had been dealt with. Fortunately, his combat power was pretty good, otherwise he would definitely be robbed.

"Thanks for your hard work, I will invite you to dinner later." Shao Yang lightly hammered He Linsheng's shoulder, and quickly sat down with a smile, staring at the playing field, wishing to start the game now.

The other students in class F also sat down one after another, and very intimately left a position with the best view in the middle for Yu JinLi.

"I guess Little Chestnut will watch it with the instructor." Yang Feiyu looked at the reserved position and said quietly.

The instructor wouldn't let Little Chestnut be with these stinky boys in their class.

The class F students were speechless when they heard this, but the space that should be left is still reserved. What if Little Chestnut misses them and wants to come over?

Sure enough, Yu JinLi came over ten minutes before the start of the game. This made the F students very happy. They looked at Yang Feiyu triumphantly. The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Unfortunately, near the last minute of the game, Yu JinLi stood up and walked towards the VIP seat because their instructor was sitting on it.

Class F students...

"So Little Chestnut came down to tell us the past?" Gao Ziqi said in a daze.

"Satisfied, it would be nice to be able to come down to tell you the old times. The sight of the VIP area is so good, and there are instructors to accompany you. If I were Little Chestnut, I would not come down and sit with you." Yang Fei smiled and teased Tao.

The others were immediately choked by her heart.

Warm-up matches, which were not available before the Three Kingdoms Grand Tournament, were established for the first time. Therefore, before the official start, it was certain that the representatives of the three countries came forward to give speeches in turn.

As we all know, speeches or speeches under scenes like this are very boring and lengthy, and the students almost feel drowsy.

"I really don't understand what the leaders have to say, and they are so energetic. I haven't seen that few people below are willing to listen?" Gao Ziqi couldn't help yawning and said.

"It's a routine, just bear it, although I don't know who came up with this routine, it is simply torturing the audience's ears." Du Jingxuan also reluctantly said.

Class F students who didn't want to listen to the leaders' speech had to look around, looking for some fun to divert their attention, and then they found that the American and European contestants were sitting not far from them.

"Aze, do you see if the U.S. empire competes in the Three Nations Grand Tournament over there?" Liu XingYe asked Han Yinze, who was sitting next to him in his clothes, pointing in one direction.

Han Yinze's gaze followed, and he saw a group of powerful people. Some of them were sitting upright and some were lazy, but they all exuded the aura of a strong person, especially sitting in the best viewing position. Dozens of people on board.

"Yes, it is said that this year the U.S. Empire and the European countries have also specially formed an ace team in order to deal with the team formed by our instructors. It is estimated that those people should be in the ace team." Han Yinze pointed and sat at the front. Some people said.

"I don't know if any of these people participated in the previous session. I remember that the instructor of the previous session should have participated, and also won the championship. This time the championship is definitely our instructor."

"I don't know if these people have participated in the competition before, but I know that there are also S-level powerhouses among these people, and they have been specially trained for instructors. I am afraid that this competition will not be too easy." He Linsheng said suddenly.

He is the little prince of gossip, even for such information, as long as there is gossip, he can find out, so it is normal to know some inside information.

"What are you afraid of? They trained, don't our instructors have any training? An, it's absolutely okay." Gao Ziqi is still very confident in Jiang MoSheng, after all, he is the most powerful power in their federation. They are the idols and heroes of all of them, who can definitely defeat the American and European players.

After about an hour, the speeches of the representatives of the three countries finally ended, and the game officially started.

The matches between the superpowers are indeed very interesting, especially between different countries, because some of the energy cards they use are also unique to each country, so that people from different countries can learn more Energy card, it looks better naturally

The atmosphere of the scene was very eagerly driven by the battle on the stage, cheering, cheering, cheering, and even

Some of the more stable leaders couldn't help but become excited after seeing it.

"Really deserve to be the best of the three countries. Every game is very interesting and can be learned a lot. I can't wait to be a supernatural player after watching it." Gao Ziqi said eagerly.

"Right, right, very passionate, right?" Shao Yang said excitedly. The violent elements in his body were probably inspired by these matches. His eyes flashed. If it wasn't for someone to stop him, he might rush to follow him. The supernatural player had a fight.

To be honest, the students in their F class are different from traditional cardmakers. They are cardmakers who can make energy cards and fight. Although their strength is definitely not as good as these ability players, they are still a little ready to move. After all, you can always learn a lot of things and experience against the strong.

There are a total of forty-five contestants in the superpower group, and one of them has a bye at the beginning, so there are a total of forty-four contestants, a total of 22 groups, and five venues are open at the same time, so the progress is also very fast.

After the preliminary round, the final will be held in the afternoon, the same as the mecha fighter group.

When the match between the superpower group and the mecha fighter group is about the same, the players in the mecha manufacturing group will go backstage to make final preparations.

However, at this moment, a teacher from the First Military Academy was anxiously turning around in the backstage when the players in the mech manufacturing group were resting with an anxious face.

"Ms. Li, what's the matter?" asked another teacher who was a colleague with this teacher.

"Lin Lingling suddenly eats bad food and diarrhea can't come." Teacher Li said anxiously.

If Lin Lingling is just a student majoring in mecha manufacturing, after all, although the students majoring in mecha manufacturing are not as strong as her, there are still many students who can replace them, but she is a mecha manufacturer professional.

You should know that the number of students majoring in the manufacturing of power mechas in each school is very small, and the academic performance is also uneven. It is not an exaggeration to say that the difference is very large. After all, there are not many students who are willing to learn the manufacturing of power mechas. They are willing to apply for this major, as long as the conditions are sufficient, the school will pass.

After all, you can cast the net widely, and then focus on training. If there are more people studying, one or two outstanding students can always be cultivated, right?

As long as one or two can be cultivated, it is already a profit.

Therefore, I barely found three contestants this time, and even the substitutes were not selected. As a result, I was absent from the game due to absurd reasons such as diarrhea. It is really... it is too much to hate iron and steel. Up.