Chapter 411: The wicked has evil

As a result, Yu JinLi began to concentrate on using spiritual power to appease the energy in the energy card, and his performance in the eyes of outsiders was like watching the energy card in a daze, which immediately made more people feel puzzled, the U.S. Empire and Europe. The audience in China took the opportunity to ridicule the Federation continuously.

The students in Class F also noticed Yu JinLi's abnormality, but they didn't believe that Yu JinLi was really in a daze.

"Could it be that something went wrong with the blank energy card?" He Linsheng guessed.

I have to say that as the little prince of gossip, his instincts are really sharp.

When other people heard this, their expressions suddenly became serious, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt that there must be something wrong with the blank energy card.

But now during the game, even if they have questions, they can't directly raise it. After all, interrupting the game is a very unqualified performance, and they don't have enough evidence to prove it.

"Don't worry, since Little Chestnut has not raised any questions, it shows that he can solve this problem. We must believe in Little Chestnut." Du Jingxuan calmed everyone.

Although the class F students were very impatient and angry, they did not show any abnormalities. They all paid close attention to Yu JinLi on the competition stage.

It took Yu JinLi about half an hour to appease the riot energy in a blank energy card, and the audience watching the scene was already eager to a certain extent.

In this half an hour, the faster card maker, the energy card is almost halfway drawn, but Yu JinLi hasn't even started. The anxious Federal audience members can't wait to come forward and wake him up, or simply help him. To draw the energy card.

Bai Hu and others also feel very puzzled. After all, based on their understanding of Yu JinLi, the other party will definitely not delay the time deliberately, and then quickly draw the energy card to gain attention and show the limelight, since he is half of the time now. If there is no energy card drawn for an hour, just staring at the energy card in a daze, it shows that the energy card is likely to be faulty.

When I thought of this, the expressions of Bai Hu and others became very bad.

They all know that Yu JinLi is very talented in making cards, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is unmatched. It is normal for some people to be jealous and jealous, but in such a game, they play tricks and bully their little ones in front of their eyes. Sister-in-law, this is when they do not exist, right?

If they know that someone really dares to bully their sister-in-law in such a game, he will definitely make those people regret being born in this world.

After half an hour, Yu JinLi finally started to make his own cards, and the impatient audiences were so heartbroken for him.

However, as the worried person, Yu JinLi has no idea what the audience is in anxious at the moment. Anyway, he is very leisurely and relaxed, drawing energy cards at his own pace.

Although Yu JinLi started drawing cards half an hour later than others, he was still the first to complete the task of the game. Everyone who saw it was shocked.

"Could it be that my eyes were spent? The half an hour that Yu JinLi wasted just now was not wasted, but was all used to draw cards, but I didn't see it?" A viewer began to doubt the look in his eyes.

"I think I may also be dazzled."

Obviously there are not a few viewers like him. Many people think that the fact that Yu JinLi stared at the energy card for the first half an hour was actually their own fantasy. The other party was actually making the card from the beginning, otherwise how could it be so? Almost finished drawing the energy card?

"I'm done." After Yu JinLi finished drawing the first energy card, he directly clicked the submit button next to the table.

Each contestant has three energy cards in front of them, but for this competition, you only need to choose one of the highest-level and most complex energy cards as the final submission. That is to say, card makers can choose all three. Draw, you can also draw only one of them.

However, to be on the safe side, the average contestant draws all three and then chooses the best one to hand in. Only those who are quite confident in their abilities will hand in only one.

Yu JinLi's strength is naturally very strong, but the reason why he only chose to draw one is because it is very laborious to appease the energy of the riots inside, so just draw one.

But other viewers didn't know the reason. After being surprised by Yu JinLi's super fast drawing card speed, they only felt that he was a little too self-confident.

"Are you sure you just draw this one?" The teacher responsible for collecting the entries submitted by the contestants confirmed to Yu JinLi again, and kept winking him, hoping that he could draw two more sheets, in case he draws the next one. Will be better than the current one

However, Yu JinLi could not receive the signal from the teacher at all, and said affirmatively: "Yes, teacher, these two blank energy cards, can I take them away?"

The teacher saw that Yu JinLi didn't understand his wink, and couldn't say too clearly, he was a little annoyed, and said irritably, "Yes, take it away."

Once the contestants choose to submit their works, even if the contest is officially over, they can leave the venue temporarily and wait until the time is up and all contestants have submitted their works before returning to participate in the scoring of the works.

Yu JinLi got the teacher's reply, and happily left the playing field with the two blank energy cards in question.

Lilian is very concerned about the existence of Yu JinLi, especially what the three brothers said before the game, so even if she tries to concentrate on drawing energy cards, she still unconsciously pays attention to Yu JinLi's side. Happening.

As a result, when she saw that Yu JinLi not only had no problems, but also finished the game ahead of schedule, her heart suddenly became confused. The energy cards that were originally being drawn had all reached the final stage, but because of her distraction and spirit The output of force broke, and the energy card that was about to be drawn suddenly exploded and was completely scrapped.

Lilian, who was in the center of the explosion, looked dazed, completely unexpected that such a situation would happen.

Several nearby contestants were also affected. The explosion sounded one after another, and the scene was almost as lively as setting off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year.

This is the first time for the onlookers to see this kind of scene with their own eyes. Although they often hear that card makers often explode when making energy cards, there are still very few opportunities to see them with their own eyes, especially like this one. This kind of large-scale explosion scene, I have to say... it is really a bit shocking.

The contestants who were affected by Lilian looked at the energy card they were about to complete without tears, and immediately glared at Lilian, the culprit. If it were not for the other party, they would not be frightened, even more. Will not blow up the energy card.

Although there are still two energy cards, the lack of one lacks a chance, and no one wants to let go of such an opportunity in vain.

But who made Lillian the princess of the American Empire? The players in the American Empire that were affected naturally didn't dare to say anything, and could only silently swallow the bitter fruit, while the players from other countries had no such scruples. I turned on the satire mode to Lilian, and Lilian wanted to run away for a minute.

Yu JinLi, who had already left the playing field, also heard the explosion. However, for the card maker, the failure of the card making explosion is a very common thing, and it is not enough to attract his attention, not to mention that he still has it. More important things to do.

Yu JinLi took the two problematic energy cards from the field and walked towards the audience. Prince Andre, who was watching the game, frowned when he saw Yu JinLi's behavior. There was a rare flash of confusion on his face.

He couldn't figure out why when Yu JinLi painted the card, the blank energy card didn't explode, and even let him finish the drawing successfully. This is not scientific at all. Could it be that the people under him are not doing things badly?

Andre glared at the guard next to him with a bad expression, so scared that cold sweat broke out on the guard's forehead, but he did not dare to show it.

"Trash!" Andre whispered dissatisfiedly.

Several eyes around him shot towards Andre, and his expression immediately returned to normal. He tidyed up his clothes without wrinkles, sat calmly on the spot, and looked towards Yu JinLi from the corner of his eyes.

Yu JinLi returned to his seat with two blank energy cards, then handed the energy cards to Jiang MoSheng, and told the other party about the energy card.

"Ah Mo, there is something wrong with these two energy cards. The energy inside is very turbulent. If you don't pay attention, it will explode." Yu Jinli said seriously, the voice is not loud, but it is enough for Baihu and others to hear clearly. Chu.

Originally, Baihu and others suspected that there was a problem with Yu JinLi's energy card, but it turned out to be true. Someone dared to stumble under their noses and bully their sister-in-law. It's just too crooked .

"Fuck, I dared to bully my sister-in-law, boss, this matter is entrusted to me to investigate, I will definitely investigate this matter.

After all, I want to see who has the courage to make trouble in such a game. "Baihu said with indignation.

Although this competition is only a warm-up before the Three Nations Grand Tournament, it also represents the honor of the three countries, and there are people who dare to play tricks in the warm-up competition. When it comes to the Three Kingdoms Tournament, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing Bold?

He wanted to see if he was targeting his sister-in-law this time, whether they were from their federation or from the American Empire or European countries.

"Detected within a day." Jiang MoSheng said coldly.

The third day after the warm-up match was the day of the Three Kingdoms Tournament. Jiang MoSheng wanted to find the truth before the Three Kingdoms Tournament, and the Three Kingdoms Tournament was when he retaliated.

"Yes, I will find it out tomorrow." Bai Hu immediately responded, and he didn't watch the connected game, and was going to investigate this incident. Anyway, the final result of this game was that their sister-in-law won, and there was nothing at all. Is the suspense okay?

Many people noticed Baihu's departure, but many people only thought Jiang MoSheng had ordered him something, so they left early. Only Andre frowned for a moment, but he quickly smoothed it out. Up.

Even if Jiang MoSheng found out that there was a problem in the game this time, and someone tripped his little lover, it would only find out their federate. He has nothing to do with him. He is not afraid of the other party's investigation, even the other party The more you investigate, the happier he will be. He is looking forward to infighting.

With the passage of time, the game of the card maker group finally ended. Yu JinLi became the well-deserved first place in the card maker group, and pulled the second place very far away, which shocked all viewers. Endless, even the federal masses who knew that Yu JinLi was a c-level card maker before were shocked by his talent.

And Lilian, who wanted to be popular, didn't know if she was hit by her failure to draw the first energy card. The next second and third cards all exploded, and even caused a lot of people around. people.

At the end of the game, Lilian was at the bottom because she did not have a successfully drawn energy card. This result almost drove her crazy.