Chapter 422: triggered by food

The contestants participating in the Three Nations Grand Tournament are equipped with an old smartphone, but they do not have a positioning function or a map function, so all the routes during the competition need to be developed and explored by themselves.

In the process of finding a suitable camping site, Jiang MoSheng's team was fortunate not to meet other teams. Of course, it can be said that the other team is lucky. After all, when the two meet, it is obvious who wins and who wins.

"Where are we going to camp, should we find a place with a source of water?" A younger teammate on the team couldn't help it.


"It's always right to follow my sister-in-law, we will be able to find the water source soon." Bai Hu said confidently.

They lived in the wild with Yu JinLi not once or twice. Every time the sister-in-law was able to find the water source very accurately, and found a very good place to sleep, it was better than these experienced and experienced soldiers. .

Although I don't know how I found my sister-in-law, the result is always good. Over time, Baihu and others have developed that as long as they live in the wild with the sister-in-law and need to find a place to sleep, they will obey the sister-in-law. Command, rely on my sister-in-law.

However, Baihu and others got used to it, but there were still people in the team who didn't know this. They were still very worried about handing over the task of finding a homeless spot to Yu JinLi, the youngest and most experienced person in the team.

"I like wild sports. I used to participate in wild expeditions. I am very experienced in surviving in the wild and looking for water sources. Or I will take you to find it?" An older team member said tentatively.

After all, Yu JinLi is Jiang MoSheng's fiancé, the highest status in the team except Jiang MoSheng. Even though they are now teammates of the same team, their status and status are still different after all.

As soon as Bai Hu wanted to say something, he was stopped by Yu JinLi's gesture of silence.

Yu JinLi stopped, listened carefully to the surrounding sounds, and then expanded the search range of the divine consciousness again. Sure enough, a small river was found in the southeast direction, and the open space beside it was not large, but it was enough for them. Thirty people rested, a small smile suddenly appeared on their faces, and they said to everyone, "I found a suitable place."

"Really? Where?" Bai Hu hurriedly asked.

Yu JinLi stretched his hand to the southeast and said, "It's five kilometers ahead."

The man who had previously proposed to lead everyone to find the water source felt a little uncomfortable when Yu JinLi ignored his words. He looked in the direction he was pointing, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curled up. He felt that Yu JinLi was still too young and thought he was casual. Can you find the water source with just one finger?

However, since everyone doesn't need to look for it on their own, he just watched it.

In fact, Yu JinLi really didn't mean to ignore him deliberately. It's because just now, all his attention was focused on releasing his spiritual consciousness to find the water source. Hearing was also used to find the sound of the water source, and he didn't notice other people for a while. What was said.

"Then let's go here." Bai Hu said decisively, and then looked at the other teammates.

Most people have no opinion, only a few people have a little dissatisfaction in their hearts, but they didn't say it, but moved forward with the big troops.

For a multi-player team, it is inevitable that there will be internal conflicts, especially if the younger people are not convinced, it is normal that each team will become more united and more powerful after many runs-in. powerful.

In fact, the current situation is much better than it was at the beginning. Baihu and others believe that as time goes by, as the game progresses, the younger sister-in-law will be able to conquer more and more people. They There is no need to worry about this at all.

My sister-in-law has such a charm!

Sure enough, following Yu JinLi, after walking for about half an hour, a small stream flows out in front of everyone, and there is not much difference between the direction Yu JinLi pointed before and the estimated time of arrival. This Many people looked at him with admiration again.

If you say that there may be a river in a certain position, then everyone will not be so surprised. After all, people who have experience of sleeping in the wild may know some, but the judgment is so accurate, it is like having been here before. This It's not something ordinary people can do.

However, Yu JinLi doesn't know how the skills he reveals will look like in the eyes of others, and what it will bring to others.

He just wanted to do something within his power for the team, he didn't think there was anything.

After finding the water source and sleeping spot, the sky gradually darkened, and the wild at night was the most dangerous, so Jiang MoSheng quickly and efficiently arranged the list of night rest and night watch. Even Yu JinLi was also on the list. Inside, this made the teammates more convinced of Jiang MoSheng.

Although most of the people in the team wanted to join the team at the beginning, they came for Jiang MoSheng, but their impression of Jiang MoSheng still rests on the information posted on the Internet. The real situation of him is actually a bit different. I don't know.

At the very beginning, everyone was worried that Jiang MoSheng would be difficult to get along with. Later, the facts showed is true. The other party's expressions will become softer and coquettish except when facing Yu JinLi, even his old member Baihu and others. , The treatment is the same.

At the beginning, many people were a little uncomfortable, but seeing that Baihu and others were treated the same as themselves, they felt a lot of balance. After all, Jiang MoSheng's original character was like this, and he didn't deliberately target anyone.

Although Jiang MoSheng is not easy to get along with, the other party is absolutely impartial in dealing with the world. Even in the face of his lover Yu JinLi, he will definitely not fool around by doing things for his own sake.

And Yu JinLi himself will be very active every time, even better than most of the people present. This makes many people have a very good impression of this young fiance, and it also gives them some of the first things they have. The scruples were slowly put down.

"Captain, the three card makers made a lot of energy cards today. They are very tired. Otherwise, don't arrange them for the night's vigil." A tough-looking and upright player suggested, and many people agreed.

It can be said that the three card makers who contributed the most today have been working almost since they first landed on this planet.

Although other people are also helpful, they only move their hands and feet when there are occasional beasts. In addition, the card maker is relatively weak. If you don't get enough rest, it is very likely that you will be physically weak.

"It's okay. Since everyone is a teammate, the vigil will naturally take turns." Xia Qiyuan said with a cheerful smile. There was no reason to ask for the privilege not to vigil because he was a B-level card maker.

Although Zou Xueli is a woman, she has a more cheerful personality. Otherwise, she would not be a happy enemy with Xia Qiyuan, and she insisted on keeping vigil.

Jiang MoSheng glanced at Xia Qiyuan and Zou Xueli, and said, "I didn't think about it well. The three of you don't need to watch the night to restore your mental energy. You will arrange it as usual tomorrow night."

When Xia Qiyuan and Zou Xueli heard that they wanted to say something, Yu JinLi smiled and said, "Brother Xia, Sister Zou, I won't

If there is any danger, we can just let it rest. If our mental strength does not recover well today, we won't be able to make cards for everyone tomorrow.


"Yes, you are the backbone of our team, and you can't be exhausted. Otherwise, who will provide my energy card?" everyone said jokingly.

Xia Qiyuan and Zou Xueli are no longer polite and accept this arrangement, and they are indeed a bit tired now. After all, the loss of mental power is much more serious than the physical loss.

Because this is the first day I came to the planet, I haven't gotten to know the surroundings, and it's too late now, it's easy to run into danger if I go to the forest to find food, so everyone drank some nutrients this evening. That's it.

"There is no good food for my sister-in-law, so happy."

"I miss my sister-in-law's food, let's tell you, my biggest expectation for this competition is to be able to eat the food that my sister-in-law made in the evening. Thinking about it, I feel that my saliva is going to drain." Someone imagined the last time. During the training camp, I ate the delicious food made by Yu JinLi, which produced liquid, and then took advantage of his appetite to increase, and hurriedly poured the nutrient in his hand. It looked a bit pitiful, but the teammates were not so much loved by their peers. Laughed.

Although many people did not speak, they actually thought about the same as the two of them. They missed the food made by Yu JinLi. They thought they were going to participate this time, at least Yu JinLi was in charge of the dinner. That was the biggest one of them this time. One of the motivations

But is it too miserable to drink the nutrient on the first day?

The live broadcast of Little Bee records the real lives of the contestants 24 hours a day, so all the performances of everyone just now were watched by the audience in front of the live broadcast room, especially the audience from the Federation, who was very unkind and laughed. stand up.

[Lian] It's no good, I'm going to laugh at me, my Koi big delicacy is really unstoppable. Do you remember the original purpose of your participation in the competition? You are here to win the championship, not on vacation!

[United] Can I say that I have all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred for them. I had known that I could eat great food with the big team. I should work harder and harder, and strive to join the male gods and the big ones. For the team, this kind of welfare is simply desired.

[Lian] Great, we haven't seen your live broadcast for a long time. When will you show us the live broadcast of the hologram? If you can't really eat it, it is good to have a taste under the hologram to relieve your hunger.

[Lian] Upstairs, looking forward to the live broadcast after the big game is over, I must have a big meal at that time, if I can open a physical food store, it would be better, I will definitely stay here, I will pay for it. All are ready to say.

[美] Haha, are you bragging too much? What kind of food can make people even change the purpose of the competition, bragging, even if it is natural food, you have eaten a lot of federation, Xiaoye, the taste is just average.

[US] This is the first time I have discovered that the federal people dare to say anything in order to gain eyeballs. Are they not afraid of being slapped in the face?

[Lian] You know what a fart! A group of Meidi, who have never eaten the food made by Little Chestnut, is definitely something you regret for life!

[美] Really? Then I really don't believe it.

[Link] Koi had a big live video address in the past, but the one upstairs won't thank you.

The live broadcast room routinely conducted international "friendly" exchanges. The people of the three countries did not accept anyone and no one backed down. However, after this situation lasted for more than an hour, the atmosphere of the barrage on the live room screen suddenly turned upside down. Variety.

[Beauty] Fuck, groove, groove, groove, groove, groove, groove, groove, groove! Who will tell me this is not true? These are all made with natural food? The original ingredients are not even at all, even if I don't understand the federal ingredients, I can't fool me like this.

[America] OMG, I feel like I have come to heaven. The things God made are so delicious, Ma Ma, I don't want to go back.

[Ou] I opened a video curiously, and was shocked. Whether it's the cooking method of the other party or the finished product, it is really exquisite like a handicraft. I don't want to eat it anymore. The anchor named Koi, do you have his specific information and contact information? I think I have found my muse, like an idiot. jpg

[Lian] Sorry, the one upstairs, Koi belongs to our male god, you have no chance.