Chapter 453: Aquarium meal

"Ahem..." She Luoyu coughed slightly to cover up his embarrassment.

However, Yu Jinli thought his throat was uncomfortable, and said concerned: "Is my younger brother uncomfortable?

? "

"No no." She Luoyu hurriedly waved his hand again and again.

"Little Jin'er, can you tell me where this is?" Jiang Mosheng asked, interrupting the conversation between Yu Jinli and She Luoyu. He didn't want his little guy's attention on others for so long and ignored Lost myself.

Moreover, from the dialogue between Yu Jinli's expression and She Luoyu just now, it seems that this place seems to be special to the little guy.

But he also remembers that the little guy has been in his own home since he came to StarCraft, and he has been here since.

Why is this place special for the little guy?

It seems that everyone knows about this, but he doesn't know, this feeling of ignorance is really terrible.

Yu Jinli originally wanted to share this incident with Jiang Mosheng. Now that he heard Ah Mo ask, he naturally left behind the conversation with the brother, and excitedly explained to Jiang Mosheng: "Ah Mo,

You see here, this place is exactly the same as the place where I lived on the earth in my previous life. Master and brother have restored all the places we lived before. It looks so kind. "

Yu Jinli took Jiang Mosheng along the street and introduced him next to him.

"This is the place where I used to live with Master and Brother. This place was originally owned by Master and Brother. Actually, I rarely came here before I was transformed, but after I was transformed, I _ lived here. This is a breakfast shop. , The breakfast is made by the boss himself. The breakfast he made is delicious, but he shouldn't be able to eat such an authentic breakfast now, and here..." Yu Jinli pulled Jiang Mosheng, every time he went to _ place He would talk to him about everything here.

Jiang Mosheng originally regretted not being able to participate in Yu Jinli's past life. Now he can go to the place where the little guy lived. Even if it's just an imitation, he seems to have seen the little guy once in the little guy's introduction. The scenes and pictures of life here give him the illusion of being involved in the little guy's past.

Yu Jinli now introduces these to Jiang Mosheng. On the one hand, he hopes Ah Mo can share his previous happiness with him. On the other hand, it is also the nostalgia for these places and things.

Long Suyi and She Luoyu followed Yu Jinli silently, listening to his babbling introduction of everything, without interrupting him.

Compared to all of them coming all the way from the ancient earth period, life has not changed much for them, but Yu Jinli is different.

He suddenly jumped for thousands of years and went directly from the ancient earth period to the interstellar era. These are two completely different eras, and there must be a gap and discomfort psychologically.

At the beginning, Long Sujian and She Luoyu built this city to minimize Yu Jinli's discomfort, so that he can adapt to the world as soon as possible, but I didn't expect that they were still two full years late.

Fortunately, in the past two years, there was a person who really loved and loved the little guy. Otherwise, I still don't know what life the little guy will lead.

Jiang Mosheng accompanied Yu Jinli on a street completely different from Capital Star. The buildings here are not particularly tall, most of them are dozens of stories, and there are even low- to two- or three-story buildings. The architectural style is also It is completely different from Capital Star, but it makes people feel very comfortable.

So these are the buildings on the ancient earth?

It turns out that this is where Little Jin'er once lived.

There are no people on the street except Yu Jinli and others. In fact, it is still very lively, but now the people living here are all fairies, and there are no more humans.

Although there are no more familiar people in the shops that I used to be familiar with, Yu Jinli is still very happy to shop.

"Ah Mo, do you want to go in for a bite?" Yu Jinli asked, pointing to a restaurant.

Although the boss and the proprietress have changed people, after all, it has been so long. The city can be copied, but people cannot.

Although the fairies living here can also be transformed into the former bosses and wife bosses, neither Long Suzhen nor She Luoyu let them do this.

The copying of this city is to allow Yu Jinli to adapt, but also to leave a thought for everyone, but it is not to restore it, so that it will lose its original intention.

"Okay." Jiang Mosheng responded with a smile, and then the two walked into the shop arm in arm.

"Welcome." The small object hanging at the door automatically called "Welcome Light" after someone came in.


Seeing someone coming in, the service staff hurried over with the menu and asked with a smile, "This is our menu. How many would you like to order?"

Yu Jinli excitedly took the menu, and then handed another copy to Master Jiang Mosheng and his brother, and then he focused on the menu in front of him.

However, the dishes on the menu look very unfamiliar, completely different from what you saw before going out for dinner.

In the past, the restaurant menus were basically sweet and sour pork ribs, braised fish, boiled meat, bloody blood, etc., but this restaurant's menu was braised scorpions, fried grasshoppers, centipede legs, and water. It looks weird to cook insect meat and the like.

"What is this braised scorpion?" Yu Jinli asked, pointing to the name of the dish without pictures.

"It is to burn the scorpions red, it tastes crunchy, especially fragrant." The service staff introduced enthusiastically.

"What about this one?" Yu Jinli asked again, pointing to the boiled insect meat. Maybe this store just wrote _ words carelessly, but in fact this should be boiled meat.

But the waiter's next words made Yu Jinli no longer dare to have a fluke.

"This, ah, this is made with white worms. The white worms are tender and plump. They are especially delicious. It is a very popular dish in our shop. And this, this, is the signature dish, you all ?

"The waiter asked enthusiastically.

Hearing this, Yu Jinli has completely lost the desire to eat here. These are not what he likes to eat at all. Whether he is a human or Koi, these dishes are not to his appetite. "Thank you, no, let's take a look, you can go ahead and work." Yu Jinli reluctantly smiled and said. The waiter didn't think there was anything, but still smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll go ahead and call me for anything."

After speaking, the waiter turned around and left, and just after he turned around, a colorful feathered tail came out and stuck to the other party's ass, looking extraordinarily coquettish.

"Oh, why did you come out again?" The waiter seemed to be distressed. Then he pressed the tail with both hands and patted the buttocks. He took the colorful tail back.

Jiang Mosheng:...

So all fairies are like this?

"It turns out to be a cock, no wonder he likes to eat insects and centipedes." She Haoyu put her cheek in one hand and said briskly.

"But I don't like it." Yu Jinli frowned and said.

The menu here is completely different from that of the human world. Obviously it is set up according to the tastes of fairies, and most of them are based on the tastes of land fairies. To him, this aquatic faire seems a little inappropriate

"If we don't like it, we will change one." Jiang Mosheng said connivingly.

"Let's go, brother will take you to a house, you can make sure you like it." She Luoyu said with a smile.

As a result, the group changed another store, and the name of this store was "Aquarium".

Don't get me wrong, this is not an ocean viewing pavilion in an amusement park, but an authentic restaurant, or a restaurant that specializes in providing aquatic food for aquatic goblins.

As soon as Yu Jinli walked into this restaurant, he was very surprised by the environment inside, because the moment he walked in, he felt like he was back in the water.

Seriously, if it wasn't for the brothers who said this is a place to eat, Yu Jinli would not really think that this is a restaurant, not a real aquarium.

Because the entire lobby of the hotel is full of water and various aquatic creatures playing in the water. The moment you walk in, it seems like you have come to an underwater world, and it is a real underwater world.

However, other than that, there was no wetness or drowning. Even if Jiang Mosheng was not an aquatic creature, there was no drowning at all, which made him feel very magical.

"The phantom used here." Yu Jinli explained to Jiang Mosheng in a low voice.

Even if it is not an aquatic goblin, there will be no drowning phenomenon, because the water here is actually an illusion, an underwater world simulated by spiritual power or spiritual weapons.

At this time, a little white fish swayed towards Yu Jinli, seeming to be very curious about Yu Jinli. Perhaps it was the aura on Yu Jinli that made it feel very close to him. It was not afraid of people at all, but got close. Yu Jinli's cheek rubbed against his cheek.

Yu Jinli's eyes widened due to the smooth and moist characteristic of the fish, and he couldn't help but reach out and touch the little white fish.

"Ah Mo, this is a real fish." Yu Jinli said in surprise.

At first, Yu Jinli thought that water was an illusion, and these cute little fishes were also illusions. It was only when the little white fish "kissed" him that he realized that the various aquatic creatures in it were all real. , This is incredible.

When the waiter saw a customer coming, he immediately greeted him. He happened to hear what Yu Jinli said and immediately explained: "All the aquatic creatures in our store are real, and they are non-toxic and edible. The guest officer likes anything. You can order."

"Little Chestnut, don't hesitate to eat whatever you want. Senior Brother treats you today." She Luoyu smiled and said to Yu Jinli 11:51 MD 3/4 89.0%

"You can eat all of these?" Yu Jinli asked, pointing to the various aquatic creatures swimming in the water. He also saw several kinds of foods that he liked to eat before.

"Of course, as long as the guest officer has a fancy, he can grab it and eat it immediately. Of course, if the guest officer likes to eat cooked dishes, they can also be made into dishes." The waiter said with a smile.

Sure enough, it was a magical aquarium. It was the first time Jiang Mosheng saw such a business model, and his interest was immediately provoked.

It is also the first time for Yu Jinli to eat in such a restaurant. Not only can he enjoy the experience as if he is in the underwater world, but he can also catch and eat his favorite aquatic creatures, and they are guaranteed to be the freshest. It's really novel.

Yu Jinli and others sat down under the arrangement of the waiter. Many aquatic creatures were playing around freely, without knowing that they might become someone else's mouthful next moment.

The environment and survival mode here are actually like the real underwater world.

In the underwater world, people don't know if they will be eaten by the creatures above their food chain in the next moment, and everyone will not be able to escape because they might be eaten. life.

The law of survival of the weak and strong has always been the law of the fairies, and it is also the law of nature. No one can resist. Therefore, the aquatic fairies who come here to eat will not feel so cruel or awkward. After all, this is the environment and rules of their previous lives. it's the same.

Yu Jinli hasn't returned to the underwater world to catch creatures for a long time, instead, he has re-experienced it here.

"Ah Mo, what do you like to eat, I'll catch it for you." Yu Jinli asked with a smile.

Jiang Mosheng originally wanted to take care of Yu Jinli, but seeing the bright smile on the little guy's face, thinking that this is his home court, he consciously suppressed his desire to do something.