Chapter 456: Human Past

With Long Su's personal guidance, Yu Jinli has made even greater progress and has a deeper understanding of the production of energy cards. He has a feeling of "listening to the Lord's words is better than reading ten years of books".

Sure enough, learning from a master, it feels different, it is completely different from listening to a teacher in school.

Although the teachers recruited by the first military academy are all outstanding in the industry, they have lived for thousands of years and have thousands of years of experience in card making. Naturally, they are completely incomparable.

And this is one of the reasons that Long Jing was able to produce elemental energy cards at a young age, far surpassing his peers. After all, he has lived at a high level since he was a child, and his level will naturally not be low.

Yu Jinli has been learning with Long Su for a while, and he has become more proficient in the use of spiritual power, and even learned to use the spiritual sense to draw energy cards directly. Although it has not been very effective, it is finally no longer-direct energy cards. .

In the virtual world, after Yu Jinli used God's consciousness to draw the energy card for success, he has been thinking about drawing energy cards with God's consciousness in the real world.

Because he found that the power of the energy cards of the same level drawn with God's consciousness is far more powerful than those drawn with mental power. If he can also use God's consciousness to draw energy cards in reality, wouldn't his combat effectiveness also increase?

It is a pity that no matter how he tried to draw the energy card with the divine sense, it ended in failure, and he has not been able to study it until now.

Under the guidance and guidance of Master Long Su, Yu Jinli finally understood the reason for his previous failures, and was finally able to try to draw the energy card with the divine sense without exploding.

This is also a kind of progress and gain for him.

"Master, can the mental power of a human card maker be improved?" Yu Jinli asked.

In fact, he had never thought about this issue before. After all, his spiritual power was simulated by divine consciousness. With the improvement of divine consciousness and cultivation, the level of his simulated spiritual power naturally increased, so when he first entered school He didn't have the slightest worry when he was tested as a D-class mental power.

But his mental power is special after all. It is different from humans. He can be improved, but humans seem to be unable to improve. Otherwise, there will be no ranks and no sorting method.

If it were in the past, he would not care about such things at all, but the last time he was promoted to a C-level card maker, the class F classmates had a period of depression.

During this period of time, class F students were not talking about jealousy of Yu Jinli or something, but rather melancholy of their mental power level potential.

At the time of their entrance exams, their mental power level was C-level. This is the greatest potential they can tap. In other words, if there are no accidents, they can only become C-level card maker at the highest.

At that time, they will not move forward, but those card makers with more potential will slowly surpass them, even if they are now leading, they will not be able to make them happy.

It was also from that time that Yu Jinli really paid attention to the problem of human spiritual power, but he has not found a suitable method to improve their spiritual power.

Seeing Master now, for Yu Jinli, Master is omnipotent, so he has hope again.

"Yes." Long Su knowingly replied.

Upon hearing this, Yu Jinli jumped up happily, and hurriedly asked, "Master, what is the method?"

"Little Chestnut, what do you ask this for?" She Ningyu asked beside.

For humans, his impression is actually not very good, but his attitude is to let him develop.

In addition to wanting to leave a larger space for Yu Jinli to be reborn in the first place, he helped when the mankind was at the end of the day, and then he helped when it was difficult for mankind to survive in the universe. Extinction, the rest of the time is laissez-faire for human development, and no more help is provided.

Although in their eyes, helping humans is easy, why should they help humans for no reason? It's not good for them, and it will even cause disasters.

Moreover, the two help he provided to mankind has already had a huge impact on mankind. It can be said that mankind has been able to develop to the current scale and level, but it is all thanks to them.

But even so, human beings are still ungrateful. There have been too many things in history that humans have harmed the fairies, otherwise they would not have captured a planet alone and lived a life of seclusion.

"I have a group of classmates who study very hard, but their mental power potential is only C-level, so I want to help them." Yu Jinli told his master and brother about the situation in class F, hoping to be able to Know the way to improve mental power.

"No, all human beings are...most of them are ungrateful people. If you provide them with such a method, then they will look at you and ask you to provide such a method to all mankind, or hand the method to you. Going out, I even want to use you for research." She Ningyu said suddenly outrageously. He originally wanted to say "Humans are ungrateful people", but he glanced at Jiang Mosheng and Long Jing next to him and changed it. Became the "most".

However, She Ningyu's impression of humans is still not good. If it is not for looking for the younger brother, he is not willing to step into the human territory again.

"No, humans are still very good. Didn't the brother get along well with humans before?" Yu Jinli was puzzled by She Ningyu's words.

When they were living on earth, they still got along well with human beings.

When She Ningyu heard the words, a sarcastic smile appeared at the corners of her mouth, and said, "That's because humans don't know your identity or the abilities you possess. When they know, they will definitely try to You squeeze it dry and even dissect it."

She Ningyu seemed to think of something unpleasant, and the face that was always smiling was hazy.

Yu Jinli didn't dare to ask anything more when he saw this, lest he might cause bad memories from his brother. Although he didn't know what that memory was, but seeing his brother like this, that memory must be really hurtful and horrifying. People are angry.

But, what exactly did human beings do to make the brothers feel so sick of human beings?

"I won't let anyone hurt Little Jin'er." Jiang Mosheng's deep and powerful voice sounded, with firmness and commitment, making people unconsciously want to believe him.

"Only with you, how can you protect Little Chestnut? Although Little Chestnut is performing very well now, it is not too bizarre. Once Little Chestnut shows beyond the limits of what you humans can do, you humans Will start to make his idea, although you do have some ability and prestige among human beings

"Yes." Long Su knowingly replied.

Upon hearing this, Yu Jinli jumped up happily, and hurriedly asked, "Master, what is the method?"

"Little Chestnut, what do you ask this for?" She Ningyu asked beside.

For humans, his impression is actually not very good, but his attitude is to let him develop.

In addition to wanting to leave a larger space for Yu Jinli to be reborn in the first place, he helped when the mankind was at the end of the day, and then he helped when it was difficult for mankind to survive in the universe. Extinction, the rest of the time is laissez-faire for human development, and no more help is provided.

Although in their eyes, helping humans is easy, why should they help humans for no reason? It's not good for them, and it will even cause disasters.

Moreover, the two help he provided to mankind has already had a huge impact on mankind. It can be said that mankind has been able to develop to the current scale and level, but it is all thanks to them.

But even so, human beings are still ungrateful. There have been too many things in history that humans have harmed the fairies, otherwise they would not have captured a planet alone and lived a life of seclusion.

"I have a group of classmates who study very hard, but their mental power potential is only C-level, so I want to help them." Yu Jinli told his master and brother about the situation in class F, hoping to be able to Know the way to improve mental power.

"No, all human beings are... Most of them are ungrateful people. If you provide them with such a method, then they will look at you and ask you to provide such a method to all mankind, or hand the method to you. Going out, I even want to use you for research." She Ningyu said suddenly outrageously. He originally wanted to say "Humans are ungrateful people", but he glanced at Jiang Mosheng and Long Jing next to him and changed it. Became the "most".

However, She Ningyu's impression of humans is still not good. If it is not for looking for the younger brother, he is not willing to step into the human territory again.

"No, humans are still very good. Didn't the brother get along well with humans before?" Yu Jinli was puzzled by She Ningyu's words.

When they were living on earth, they still got along well with human beings.

When She Ningyu heard the words, a sarcastic smile appeared at the corners of her mouth, and said, "That's because humans don't know your identity or the abilities you possess. When they know, they will definitely try to You squeeze it dry and even dissect it."

She Ningyu seemed to think of something unpleasant, and the face that was always smiling was hazy.

Yu Jinli didn't dare to ask anything more when he saw this, lest he might cause bad memories from his brother. Although he didn't know what that memory was, but seeing his brother like this, that memory must be really hurtful and horrifying. People are angry.

But, what exactly did human beings do to make the brothers feel so sick of human beings?

"I won't let anyone hurt Little Jin'er." Jiang Mosheng's deep and powerful voice sounded, with firmness and commitment, making people unconsciously want to believe him.

"Only with you, how can you protect Little Chestnut? Although Little Chestnut is performing very well now, it is not too bizarre. Once Little Chestnut shows beyond the limits of what you humans can do, you humans Will start to make his idea, although you do have some ability and prestige among human beings

, But if the entire human race is going to hurt Little Chestnut, do you think you can protect him?

"She Ningyu sneered aggressively.

"I will work hard, even if I fight for my life, I will definitely protect him!" Jiang Mosheng said with firm eyes and a firm tone.

Since he knew the true identity of Yu Jinli, he has been racing against time to cultivate and strengthen his strength in order to be able to protect Little Jin'er.

If the whole world wants to hurt Little Jin'er, then what is his fear of being an enemy of the whole world!

Yu Jinli heard the words, but hurriedly stretched out a small hand to cover Jiang Mosheng's mouth, and groaned: "I don't want you to work hard, I can also protect myself. The big deal is that we will come here with our parents to live."

If human beings are really like what the brother said, then he will not continue to live among humans in the future. Then he will bring his parents and Little XiXi to live here. Anyway, the fairies here will also watch. It's easy to get along with, I believe Mom, Dad and Little XiXi will like it.

However, after that, Yu Jinli didn't mention the method of enhancing mental power, and the atmosphere returned to the original relaxed and happy atmosphere.

When it was time to go to bed at night, Yu Jinli quietly came to Grandpa Turtle's room, ready to inquire about what happened to Master and Brother in the next few years.

Because I was so excited to see Master and Brother suddenly, I just wanted to recognize them, but forgot to ask how they had come over the past few years.

Although Grandpa Gui hasn't lived with Master and Brother for thousands of years, he should still be together during the initial period, and he should have some understanding of their affairs.

Sure enough, after Grandpa Turtle's account, Yu Jinli finally understood why the brother was so angry during the day. If it were him, he would be angry too.

It turned out that the earth ushered in the end times that year, human beings were burnt, and countless deaths, and the remaining human beings are like walking corpses, with no hope for the future, and the whole world is dark.

Seeing that humans were about to become extinct, Master moved a heart of compassion, and after discussing with the brothers and other goblins, he decided to help humans eliminate the alien animals and zombies and restore the original light of the human world.

At this time, the upper classes of mankind and scientists are actively studying spacecraft, preparing to leave the earth and go to the universe to find a place to stay.

Upon hearing this news, the master and senior brothers helped them by giving them a cloud shuttle to help some humans fly to the universe and find a place suitable for human existence.

After several years of exploration, the humans who traveled on the cloud shuttle finally found a planet suitable for human life.

Originally, those people weren't going to return to Earth again, they were going to start again on those planets, but their numbers were scarce, but isn't the strongest human being's ability to reproduce? After a few decades, the number of humans will gradually increase.

It's just that there are indigenous beasts on these planets, and they need to be cleaned up before they can survive. People like them cannot do it.

So these humans thought of She Ningyu and Long Su, who were able to fight against zombies and gave them such a magical spacecraft.

These humans have returned to Earth again on the cloud shuttle and will find news about a habitable planet

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I told everyone that at this time, humans have also developed a spacecraft that can carry multiple people, which can transport more people to those habitable planets.

As a result, the remaining humans on the earth were transported away one after another, and finally humans no longer have to face the threat of death.

On the habitable planet, humans and indigenous beasts fought against each other. Since Long Suzhen and She Ningyu helped humans once, they helped a second time. In order to avoid endless, She Ningyu finally decided to get through _ part of the strangeness in the human body. Through the eight meridians, they have special abilities, so that even without their help, these humans themselves can fight against these beasts and have the ability to survive.

After multiplying from generation to generation, I believe that human beings will soon be able to regain their strength.

The special abilities displayed by Long Suzhen and She Ningyu shocked and magical human beings, and the emergence of human supernatural powers also made countless people be attracted to them, and they all wanted to become supernatural beings.

If they can possess the abilities of the fairies such as Long Su Jian and She Ningyu, wouldn't they be able to dominate the universe even more in the future?

Therefore, some people with bad intentions used the kindness of the fairies to plan a terrifying conspiracy, wanting to catch the fairies, and conduct research, study the reasons for their special abilities, and find the ones that can make all humans become supernatural beings. method.