Chapter 462: Yu Jinli expresses prestige

Although the number of "Star Thieves" was much larger than the number of the escort team, the opponent's weapons were obviously not as sophisticated as theirs, which did not make the escort team feel much pressure.

However, these soldiers from Mei Empire seemed to have discovered this. They all drove the mecha out of the spacecraft one by one, and decided to use a more flexible mecha to fight. It just so happened that the mecha equipment was even better than that on the spacecraft. The weapons and equipment should be better.

The opponents are all out of mechas, and the Federation escort team is naturally unwilling to lag behind, and some mechas are also dispatched, but the main force is the escort ship. After all, it is a fool not to take advantage of the advantage.

The Mei Empire team received an order to snatch all the materials. If they can't snatch them, they will all be destroyed. They must not let this batch of materials get into the hands of Jiang Mosheng and others.

Therefore, the "Star Thieves" focused their main target on the spaceship containing the supplies, the "Star Thieves" spacecraft were used to attract the attack targets of the escort ships, and the "Star Thieves" piloted the mecha The spacecraft where the materials are located drove away, wanting to land on the spacecraft and control the spacecraft.

The escort team also saw the goal of these people, but couldn't get rid of the opponent's spacecraft for a while.

To rescue his own material spacecraft, the captain of the escort team suddenly became a little anxious.

Yu Jinli was riding on the spaceship full of supplies. Seeing the enemy's mechas were starting to drive towards their spaceship, he immediately stood up and prepared to fight, but was suddenly told by a crew member on the spaceship: "Master Yu The star thief's goal is the materials on our ship. They may attack our spacecraft. The captain asked me to take you out of the spacecraft in the safety cabin."

Because Star Pirate's target is the spacecraft where the supplies are located, this spacecraft can be said to be the most dangerous at the moment. However, there is also Jiang Mosheng's fiancé and the future major general's wife. The captain naturally cannot let the future major general's wife be injured. People take him out of the dangerous place first.

Yu Jinli knows that all the supplies on this ship are for the frontline fighters, not only energy cards, but also weapons supplements for warships and mechas, as well as nutrients for the fighters. If these materials If everything is lost, the soldiers on the front line will inevitably fight harder, even with a shortage of weapons, even food.

In short, in any case, this material cannot be lost.

"I won't leave. The supplies on this ship are very important to the soldiers on the front line and cannot be lost." Yu Jinli said firmly.

"We will protect the supplies on board, but it will be very dangerous after the war begins. Master Yu should leave with me first." The staff continued to persuade.

Although he said he would protect the supplies of the ship, the number of enemies is too many and they are coming so fiercely. There is no 100% certainty that they can really protect the supplies of the ship, but at least they must protect Yu Jin. Li Caixing.

However, Yu Jinli still shook his head and said, "I can't go."

The staff is also a little impatient at this time, very dissatisfied with Yu Jinli, now the situation is so critical, how can this young master not see the situation clearly, staying here will only hinder everyone and increase the trouble, even if it is willful, it depends on the situation. Isn't it?

But who made Yu Jinli the fiancé of Major General Jiang? If the other party insists on not leaving, he can't force him to take him away. He knew that he shouldn't have been brought with him. The staff thought hard in their hearts.

However, Yu Jinli's thoughts are quite different from him. He didn't want to leave here not for willfulness, but to protect the spaceship. As long as he was in the spaceship, he could support the spaceship.

Although it didn't take long for him to support such a large enchantment with his current cultivation base, if he could have a little more, he would have a little more chance.

"These are elemental energy cards. You drive the mechas and surround the spacecraft to prevent the enemy mechas from approaching. Remember not to leave the spacecraft for two meters, just stick to the spacecraft and prevent the enemy from approaching." Yu Jinli took out the elemental energy card and told the staff carefully.

The man saw that Yu Jinli took out so many elemental energy cards all at once, and his eyes changed, and he was shocked.

Yu Jinli didn't have time to observe the change in the staff's attitude. Instead, he looked out the window of the spacecraft. Seeing that the enemy's mecha was getting closer, but the staff had not left yet, Yu Jinli forbeared him. I couldn't help but urged: "Hurry up, the enemy is coming soon."

"Good, good." The staff member woke up like a dream, and hurriedly took the elemental energy card to find the captain.

The material spaceship also had a squad's escort. After getting the elemental energy card, they immediately drove the power mecha and flew out of the spaceship, preparing to prevent the enemy from approaching.

For some reason, they all subconsciously abide by Yu Jinli's request. They didn't leave the spaceship two meters away, but stood near the spaceship and started to release elemental energy cards against the enemy mechas to prevent those enemies from approaching the spaceship.

After the enemy found that the mecha couldn't get close to the spaceship, they immediately targeted their spaceship to the material spacecraft, wanting to completely destroy the ship's materials.

The captain opened the protective cover of the spacecraft when the enemy aimed the target at the material spacecraft. By the way, he also protected all the mechas near the spacecraft in the protective cover.

However, due to the limitations of the spacecraft, the protective shield carried can protect the spacecraft for up to half an hour. During this half an hour, the captain increased the speed of the spacecraft to the maximum, hoping to get rid of the enemy's attack and approach.

However, when the enemy found that the material spacecraft was ready to go off, they immediately followed, but most of them were entangled by the escort ship, and only a small part were still chasing the material spacecraft.

The enemy's attacks did not stop for a moment, even if these attacks were absorbed by the protective cover, they did not stop, because they knew that the energy of the protective cover was limited. The more attacks absorbed, the more consumed. The protective shield disappeared. They still have the final say on this spaceship?

The captain was anxious and was about to get angry, because the energy of the shield showed that there was not much left, and he could hold on for up to ten minutes. Unless the enemy was thrown or killed within ten minutes, they would be really in danger.

The mecha warriors guarding the spacecraft clearly knew this, and they didn't care about continuing to hide in the protective shield. They left the protective shield one after another, leaving the spacecraft within two meters, and launched a fierce attack on the enemy who was chasing.

-Time, gun smoke is everywhere, and mecha parts are flying wildly.

Ten minutes, nine minutes, eight minutes... The energy of the protective shield outside the spacecraft is getting weaker and weaker, while the enemy's attacks are getting more and more fierce, which is desperate.

Just when the protective shield could not withstand the enemy's attack, it was about to disappear, when the enemy thought that he could destroy the Federation material spacecraft immediately, and when the captain was about to despair, he found that the protective shield outside the spacecraft suddenly became strong again. And all the attacks that hit the protective cover were all bounced back.

It really bounced back, and all the attacks launched by the enemy finally returned to themselves. This feeling of letting the enemy eat its own evil and make it self-sufficient is really not too cool.

When the captain saw this, he was excited and at the same time unavoidably wondering when the protective shield on their spacecraft was so powerful. Not only did it take a long time to use, but it could even rebound the attack. It was simply an alternative attack, and it didn't consume their energy. Kind of.

Upon seeing this, the mecha fighters of the material spacecraft all returned to the vicinity of the spacecraft one after another to prevent them from accidentally injuring them when the protective cover rebounded, and at the same time, they were protected by the protective cover.

Yu Jinli expended spiritual energy to prop up the enchantment in the room, protecting the people and materials on the entire spaceship.

Although the enemy's attacks were all returned to the enemy, it didn't take long for him to hold up the enchantment. If this continues, sooner or later he will be attacked by the enemy. He must find a way to make the enemy retreat quickly, or Kill them directly.

Yu Jinli drew out the _silk mental power and summoned a few B-level Pokémon cards that I tried to make in the last two days, and all of them are flying Pokémon, because such Pokémon can fly in the universe. Will be subject to geographical restrictions.

"Bidiao, fire-breathing dragon...I beg you." Yu Jinli said to the summoned magical treasures.

"Bi Diao!" Bi Diao Yangtian yelled, and then flew out of Yu Jinli's room. He also frightened the staff who were working outside, almost thinking that the enemy had broken into the interior.

"Thank you, please help open the hatch and let them go out to fight." Yu Jinli barely supported the enchantment and walked out and said to several staff members.

Several people looked at Yu Jinli, then looked at the huge Bi Diao and some Pokémon behind them, and suddenly realized that these are all original energy cards made by Yu Jinli, and they are so powerful that they didn't dare to delay the slightest and hurried. The captain was informed of this, and the hatch was opened to allow the Pokémon to go out.

After the Pokémon went out, the rest of the people crowded around the window and looked out, all wanting to see how powerful these Pokémon were.

Soon, they discovered that these Pokémon were really amazing.

Bi Gong continued to instigate huge wings, and the wind abilities sent out would blow away all the mechas in front of it, and it was the one that disappeared from sight, enough to show how much Bi Gong's wind power was. Is stronger.

The fire-breathing dragon directly ejected flames, which looked quite magnificent. It immediately ignited the mecha and a spaceship that were close to it, and the flames spread rapidly.

The other Pokémon were also very powerful. In a short period of time, the enemy was beaten into an army, embarrassed, and fleeing everywhere.

Moreover, it is not only the Pokémon's attacks that shocked and embarrassed them, but the sudden appearance of the Pokémon has already made them very at a loss, and they can't care about continuing to attack the material spacecraft. It's better to keep their little ones. Fate matters.

When the spiritual power was about to run out and the barrier was about to disappear, the Pokémon finally drove all the enemies away, and bought time for everyone and Yu Jinli to catch their breath.

"Go ahead at full speed, be sure to deliver the supplies to the soldiers in the shortest time possible, and don't give up lightly no matter what you encounter!" The captain firmly issued an order.

The mecha fighters who fought outside also returned to the spacecraft, and they were familiar with the field they had seen before.

Jing, still very excited now, one after another discussing the performance of those Pokémon just now.

"Oh my God, this is the first time I have seen such a powerful animal. They should be all alien beasts just now? Although they are a little smaller, they are really powerful. The mecha is blown directly in front of it. There must be no shadow." A soldier said with emotion.

"Those strange beasts can even breathe fire. This is the first time I have seen a strange beast that can breathe fire with my own eyes. When is there such a strange beast?"

"Don't you know? These strange beasts that can breathe fire and water are all new types of strange beast energy cards. It is said that they are called Pokémon cards. These are all researched by the fiancé of Major General Jiang." Others heard Yan, his eyes widened immediately, and he was surprised to confirm again, "Really? The fiancé of Major General Jiang you mentioned is the one on our spacecraft?"

"Yes, it's the one on our spaceship." The man said quite proudly.