Chapter 466: Going to welcome a new student

After the war between the Federation and Mei Empire was over, it was time for the first military academy to open. Yu Jinli came back from the border, just in time for the opening of the first military academy.

After the final exam of last semester, all the students in Class F took the skipping exam, and the exam results need to be available and inquired after the beginning of the semester.

Therefore, the first thing for class F students to start school is to check their skip test scores on the school's official website to see if they have passed the exam. The first thing other students do when they come to the school is to check the skip test on the school's official website. The results.

Of course, they did not check their scores because they took the skip test, but simply wanted to see the final test scores of class F, and to see how many of their classes passed the skip test.

The result of this investigation did not matter. After the results came out, everyone's jaws and eyeballs were directly shocked. Some students couldn't believe the results, and they refreshed it several times in a row. The results were the same, so I had to believe it^

Level skipping is not uncommon in the First Military Academy, but it is really rare for an entire class to skip a class collectively, and it is even rarer for all students in the entire class to skip successfully.

In less than a day, the teachers and students of the entire First Military Academy knew that all the old waste classes had successfully skipped grades and became juniors. They were originally in the same grade as them, and thought they were more talented than them, and they even laughed at it. The students in Class F have become their younger brothers. It feels... I have to say that they are aggrieved and sour.

Now, no one dares to look down on the students in Class F. After all, they have even done things like skipping grades. Who would dare to laugh at them as rubbish?

If Class F that has successfully skipped a grade is a waste, wouldn't they not be as good as those who didn't skip a grade?

At this moment, the students in Class F are also very happy, because all the students in their class have passed the skipping exam, which means that they are now junior students, and there is no need for anyone to leave this class because they have not passed the skipping exam. , They can continue to be in the same class in the future.

"Great, I also passed the exam. I thought I didn't pass the exam and I was about to leave here?" Yang Zhehao said with joy, patted his chest.

Because each class in the Card Master Academy has a separate teaching building and yard, after being promoted to the sophomore year, the class will be re-arranged according to the students' grades, but Class F does not participate in the ranking of those people, and is unwilling to leave F class.

So even if they are all promoted to junior year, they will still stay in this yard, in this teaching building, there is no difference from the past, and the same classmates are still the same.

—At first, the teachers were opposed to the fact that Class F did not participate in the ranking. After all, the students in Class F are now vying for the sweet and pastry, which is completely opposite to the situation when they first entered the First Military Academy. .

However, nowadays, everyone does not have any requirements on who can teach them. The only requirement is not to be divided into classes and not to be separated from the students.

How many people there were in Class F before, and how many people there are now, they will not be separated, and they will not let others in.

The students in Class F were very insistent on this, and later the school followed their opinions. After all, in terms of the current grades of Class F, the school can still meet some small requirements.

For the first time, class F students deeply felt the privileges that top students can enjoy. It's... so cool!

"Haha, I am also a top student now, and finally enjoy the treatment of a top student." Gao Ziqi smiled proudly with his arms akimbo.

In the past, they asked the principals and teachers to promise that they depended on the family power behind them, and they relied on their arrogance, but now they relied on themselves for the first time, and they relied on their own grades. This feeling is really very impressive. Have a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

"Come on, if it weren't for Little Chestnut, where would you go to enjoy the treatment of top students?" Du Jingxuan said rudely.

"That's our own hard work, of course, the main contribution is Little Chestnut." Gao Ziqi said with a smile.

"I didn't do anything. I can get the current results. It is all the result of everyone's own hard work." Yu Jinli smiled shyly and said to everyone.

"Little Chestnut, you don't have to be so humble. If we weren't there for you, we would definitely still be in school, let alone the third year, maybe not even the sophomore." Liu Xingye was sincere to Yu Jinli. Said.

Although the others did not speak, they all agreed with what Liu Xingye said. If there was no Yu Jinli,

They will certainly not work as hard as they do now, so they will not have the results they are now, and they may still live the life that was looked down on before and they also abandoned themselves.

It can be said that their current lives have undergone earth-shaking changes from the past, not only in the First Military Academy, but also in their respective families. Of course, these changes are developing in a good direction. .

Yu Jinli was even more embarrassed by everyone's grateful words and eyes. He didn't think he had done anything, but because of everyone's gratitude, he was a little embarrassed to accept and just wanted to say something.

It was interrupted by monitor Yuan Hui.

Yuan Hui has been paying attention to Yu Jinli's expression, knowing that he was embarrassed by everyone's solemn gratitude. Although he is also very grateful to Yu Jinli, he does not need to say thank you for some things. It is better to use practical actions to thank you. .

Therefore, Yuan Hui directly changed the subject and said: "The freshman should also start school. As seniors, should we greet the freshmen?"

The practice of the First Military Academy is that the sophomore seniors and sisters will welcome new students, help the freshmen who have just entered the school to enter the school, lead them to the dormitory and introduce them to the First Military Academy.

Although many local freshmen know something about the First Military Academy, more freshmen are admitted from other planets, are not familiar with the First Military Academy, and are very curious. At this time, they need someone who is familiar to lead them. They understand the school.

Although the students in Class F are now juniors, they are directly promoted from freshman to junior, and they have not gone through the process of sophomore. According to normal circumstances, they should go to welcome freshmen now. .

If they were in the past, even if they were in their sophomore year, they would not be willing and not interested in welcoming new students, but now their mentality has changed and they are quite interested in welcoming new students.

"Okay, okay, I don't know if there are any beautiful girls in this class of freshmen, maybe I can get out of the list this year." Yang Zhehao said expectantly.

"If you have any beautiful sister paper, you can ask Ah Sheng." Ge Tiantian said.

"Yeah, Asheng, are there any beautiful girls in this year? Which college? When will I enroll?" Yang Zhehao _ a series of questions blurted out without getting stuck, and others couldn't help but throw them at him_ Shuangshuang White eyes.

"Is there a pretty girl? I don't know, but it is said that there is a handsome guy who is very talented and has an A+ mental power and is infinitely close to S grade." He Linsheng quietly told everyone what he knew.

"Mental power A+, infinitely close to S grade? Really?" Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

There are a few students in the first military academy with A-level mental ability each year, but even the first _ military academy has not seen one in decades, but there is still one among the freshmen of this class. Such a talented student.

"Of course it is true, and it is said that he participated in a virtual world card maker competition last year, and in the last game he also produced an elemental energy card." He Linsheng continued to throw a heavy bullet.

At this moment, everyone was not only shocked, but very shocked.

"I'll go, elemental energy card? A freshman, no, he was not a freshman last year, a card maker who is not a college student? He will also make elemental energy cards. After he enrolls, he will receive What kind of achievement? Maybe you can fight Little Chestnut." Han Yinze couldn't believe what he heard.

"Yeah, he should be less than eighteen years old last year. He became a card maker before he was eighteen. Is this the youngest card maker in the history of our Federation? Little Chestnut was the youngest before. "Zhu Gangfeng couldn't help but said.

Gao Zi was surprised to hear that, he couldn't help but curled his lips and said, "How do you compare with Little Chestnut? Little Chestnut can now make a B-level energy card, and it has only been two short years since Little Chestnut has been in contact with the energy card. Give him two years, he will not reach the level of Little Chestnut, not to mention that if Little Chestnut had contact with the energy card earlier, the smallest card maker would definitely not fall on him."

"Yes, Little Chestnut has such an enchanting talent, there is no one for thousands of years. If two really appear at once, it is estimated that the principal can be awakened by a smile when he falls asleep."

"You are all wrong. Although the freshman has just entered his freshman year this year, he is not 18 years old, but 20 years old. It is said that he has never thought about going to school before and decided to go to school temporarily, so Entrance is relatively late, and he has not formally taken the card maker grade certificate yet." He Linsheng continued.

"Twenty years old, he was a little older than Little Chestnut. It really is not as talented as Little Chestnut. It is really not that easy to appear for a wicked talent like Little Chestnut." Gao Ziqi's tone was quite different. There is a sense of pride in Rong Yan.

"I haven't taken the card maker level certificate yet. The youngest card maker is Little Chestnut." The others followed, with a sense of pride in the same tone.

In fact, if there was no Yu Jinli, then this student would definitely be the first _ Military Academy everyone knows and admires the envious figure, but with the existence of even more powerful and talented Yu Jinli, this student's brilliance appears. Weaker.

Thinking about it this way, I don't know if I should sympathize with this student for being out of time, or regret his late enrollment. If he was earlier, he would still be able to enjoy the glory of two years.

Yu Jinli is the youngest card maker officially recognized as the youngest card maker, the talented evildoer, and so on.

Don't care, what he is more curious about is this new student who can make elemental energy cards. He really wants to see this new student, especially when he heard the news that He Linsheng has inquired about. Suddenly there was a guess about his identity, but he was not sure, so I wanted to see it even more.

"Let's go to meet the new students." Yu Jinli said suddenly|