Chapter 469: The Government's plan

The Minister of Education frowned, and said with some concern: "You said that they are holding the conference and the rank upgrading ceremony without telling us or inviting us. Then whether the selection of the marshal will be directly decided without notifying us. ?"

In fact, they didn't know that it would be nothing if they didn't participate in this conference and the military rank promotion ceremony, but the election of the marshal must not give all the decision-making power to the military headquarters, otherwise their government would be even more dangerous.

Both the President Yuan Qizhang and the other ministers were silent and thoughtful.

"That's not good. Election of the marshal is a national event. If they don't notify us about this, then their wolfish ambitions will be obvious^" the director of the Public Security Bureau frowned and said in a rather serious tone.

Among all government departments, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Military Affairs have some connections, especially the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Military Affairs have the closest and good relationship.

All the personnel of the Ministry of National Defense are soldiers. Even the Minister was a soldier before and has been in the military. After all, the Ministry of National Defense is related to the security of the entire country, and the purpose and responsibilities of the Ministry of Defense are the same.

The relationship between the Public Security Department is second, so when the ministers of the government attacked the military department this time, the minister of the Ministry of National Defense remained silent and listened quietly to other people's speeches.

In his opinion, the military department does not actually have the ambitions they think. Since the establishment of the Federation, the military department has been conscientiously protecting the Federation, protecting the people, and doing its responsibilities, but now it has to be suspected because of too much credit. And jealous, if this is to let the military know, I don't know how chilling it would be.

This is probably the reason that in ancient times the emperor sent generals to lead troops to fight. After winning the war, he was susceptible to these generals and tried his best to cut off their military power, worrying that their merits would be the same.

The minister of the Ministry of National Defense wanted to speak for the military personnel, but others were light-hearted, and if he said that, no one would listen to him. On the contrary, he would be jealous.

Alas...Obviously, they are all members of the Federation, and they are all for the development of the Federation. Why should the two forces that should get along well in the end end up like enemies?

Is it true that after the Federation has ended the external troubles, will it be ushered in internal troubles again?

In the end, it's not known how the government discussed it, but the next day, the military welcomed several important government officials, headed by President Yuan Qizhang. They were called to condolences the frontline fighters, but they actually wanted to inquire. Here is the military's view on the new marshal candidate.

Tang Qixu, as the logistics marshal, is also the representative of contact with the government. This time government officials came, and he was naturally hosted by him.

If it is from other government personnel, then send one or two subordinates to receive it, but because the president personally came this time, in order to show respect, Tang Qixu also personally received him and accompanied him throughout the process.

Tang Qixu led the president and they first went to the _th corps, the second corps and the third corps to give condolences.

Finally, I went to Jiang Mosheng's newly established and made great achievements in the army of beasts to give condolences.

"I heard that this army of sacred beasts was established by Jiang Mosheng. It has made great contributions in the front-line war. Mei Empire's ability to withdraw troops and ask for peace is also their credit. It is really scary for the future generations. This army has not been established for a long time, right?" Yuan Qizhang said with a smile, looking like an amiable long

The generation is average, but the words spoken are very ambiguous.

Yuan Qizhang took all the credit for the Mei Empire's surrender and the negotiation of the peace on the sacred beast army. If this kind of remark is heard by a relatively small-minded person, he will definitely be dissatisfied and afraid of the sacred beast army and Jiang Mosheng. It will cause the other legions and the mythical beast legions to fall apart, which is not a good thing for the military headquarters.

Moreover, even if everyone would not be distracted by the president's careful thoughts, the president did not even praise the old legions such as the First, Second, and Third Army, but he only praised the Mythical Beast Army. It will also make other people feel uncomfortable and unconvinced.

In short, the president is just looking for blockage for Jiang Mosheng.

Tang Qixu couldn't help but raise a sarcasm smile, but he soon returned to his normal smile, and said with a smile: "Yes, it has been established only _years ago. It is indeed very good."

"You have made such a great feat in just one year. You have to reward them, and Jiang Mosheng, I heard that he has been promoted to lieutenant general, right? He has protected the Federation people again and again. It should be rewarded a lot, otherwise, don't you want to chill the soldiers? Marshal Tang, are you right?" Yuan Qizhang smiled and looked at Tang Qixu, waiting for the other party's answer.

"Of course, the military will commend and reward the soldiers who have done meritorious service. However, when we go to the front line this time, the resources of the military are almost exhausted. Do you think President Yuan will give the military a subsidy? "Tang Qixu still had a smile on his face, neither humble nor overbearing, he changed the subject very cleverly, and took the initiative in his own hands.

Upon hearing this, Yuan Qizhang almost couldn't maintain the expression on his face.

"Marshal Tang, this time the battle with Mei Empire, the logistics department also sent a lot of supplies, and now the reserves are not enough, I'm afraid..."

Before the minister of the government's logistics department finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tang Qixu with a smile, and said, "Didn't the U.S. imperialism compensate a lot this time? We don't use too much. Energy cards, weapons, and mechas are returned to the military.

The rest will be given to your government. After all, the military has to go to the front line to fight. Weapons and equipment are not good enough. If the soldiers lose their lives, they will not be able to protect the people of the Federation. Minister Liu, do you think so? "Tang Qixu continued smiling.

Minister Liu is the Minister of the Logistics Department just now.

Regardless of what the other party said or did, Tang Qixu had a smile on his face, the so-called "reach out and don't hit the smiley person". Since the other party wants to provoke the internal relations of their military, then he doesn't have to be polite, let alone the compensation. It should belong to the military.

Yuan Qizhang and several important government officials who followed were almost yelled at him when he heard the words. Fortunately, he remembered his purpose for coming here, so he abruptly endured it.

As a result, the provocation did not succeed, but a lot of supplies were lost. If this was the case before, it would have been given. After all, as Tang Qixu said, the military must fight on the front line. These are all necessary.

But now the situation is special, and there is no battle to fight on the front line. All these are given to the military department, and the military department uses these to point the spear at them. Isn't it a loss not worth the gain?

I have to say that people like the government really thought too much. If Tang Qixu knew about these ideas, they would definitely give them five words: persecuted delusion.

Government officials and Tang Qixu went around and talked about a lot of irrelevant topics, and finally got to the business.

"Yu Hongrui's treason is something we didn't expect, and we are deeply saddened, but the military must not be without a marshal for a day. Marshal Tang and Marshal Jiang are so busy that they rarely return home.

It's time to promote another marshal to help you share the burden. "Yuan Qizhang said with emotion.

Tang Qixu felt like Ming Jing in his heart, and confirmed the purpose of these people's coming today.

In fact, they are not ignorant of the government personnel's fear of their military headquarters, they just pretend not to know.

They are all soldiers. They have relatively straightforward personalities. They don't like twists and turns. What they don't like most is dealing with politicians such as the government. One sentence can give you a twist and turns, but I can't say the point.

So every time they heard that a government official was coming to the military headquarters, other people avoided it as if they had seen the plague, and Tang Qixu was able to cope with such a scene.

In fact, these worries of government personnel are all groundless worries. With the straightforward and trouble-free character of the military, let them annex the government and dominate the government, and then take the place of the government to engage in some twists and turns of political affairs.

Forget it, let's just bypass them, and use their IQ and abilities to be completely incapable of the jobs of government officials, okay?

Therefore, in order for them to continue to live freely and freely, they still prefer the military environment.

For each country to develop, the military and government are indispensable, and the personalities of military and political personnel are also very clear. It does not mean that they can replace each other by embezzling each other.

The politicians relied on their heads and pens, and a group of gunners who were fighting at war were asked to pick up the pens, and they might be broken before they could write. This was simply embarrassing them.

And to let a group of politicians who have never been on the battlefield, pampered, and frail, go to the battlefield, it is better to give the country to the enemy directly.

Therefore, each force performs its own duties, and it is not so easy to be replaced, and the military has never thought of replacing the government.

Of course, if government personnel are too corrupt, the military will not just sit back and watch.

"What President Yuan said is, but the position of the Marshal is very important, and it needs to be selected slowly. Marshal Jiang and the officers and I are also selecting suitable candidates." Tang Qixu said with a smile.

He was right in saying this. During this period, apart from reorganizing the military headquarters and condoning the soldiers, he also secretly selected suitable candidates for the position of marshal.

"I have a good suggestion. I wonder if Marshal Tang is willing to listen?" Yuan Qizhang asked with a smile.

"I would like to hear the details." Tang Qixu replied.

"Now the military and the government are in charge of the military and politics of the Federation, but a country is not the only two that do. The economy is also very important. In the past, the military and the government were in order to prevent people from holding great power and capital abundance would lead to rebellion. Therefore, the children of important military and government officials are required not to engage in business. In fact, the economy is also the foundation of a country. If the economy fails to develop, then the country cannot be supported, whether it is development or war. After all, materials are one. The pen is very expensive^" Yuan Qizhang made a long discussion to pave the way for his ultimate goal.

Tang Qixu did not interrupt him either, but continued to listen patiently, thinking carefully in his mind, wanting to hear what Yuan Qizhang wanted to express.

Yuan Qizhang saw that Tang Qixu had listened, and continued: "For example, in this war, if there is no large amount of compensation from Mei Empire, then whether it is the government or the military, it will only be possible to delay this time for a long time. The loss is made up. If there is another war during this period, it is very likely that the supplies will not be able to keep up.

As a result, the soldiers on the front line could not fight normally, and even lost their lives and the territory of the Federation. "

"What President Yuan said is very reasonable. From the view of President Yuan, what is the relationship between this economy and the Marshal? Should we let the Tang family and Jiang family vigorously develop business? Or does President Yuan have good economic opportunities?" Tang Qixu Asked.

"Of course not. The rules laid down by our ancestors are unbreakable, but they can be flexible. We all hold important positions in our respective fields. Naturally, we can no longer develop the economy. But now there is a good opportunity. The position of marshal is not. Do you have one free? My suggestion is to auction off the position of Marshal. The higher the price is..."

Yuan Qizhang hadn't finished speaking. Tang Qixu couldn't help interrupting him when he said this, and said, "How can this be? The position of the marshal is related to the security of the military and the Federation. How can it be so trivial?"

Tang Qixu originally thought that Yuan Qizhang would think of a good way, but it turned out to be like this. He was immediately annoyed, but he couldn't express it directly, but his expression was not as friendly as before.