Chapter 471: The Marshal's Candidate

Before Jian Kangtai came to the Yuan family, he didn't know what Yuan Qizhang was looking for, and he was very confused.

Although the Jian family has a high status in the business world, because the family's children are neither in politics nor in the military,

Therefore, it is weaker than other second-class families in terms of power.

Jian Kangtai is an ambitious person. He has always wanted the juniors in the family to enter the political and military circles and win a little bit of honor for the family.

It's a pity that the juniors of the Jian family are not up to date, and they are all mixed up in the business world. As a result, when they get to the political and military circles, they become more miserable.

Probably because there is no solid backing for them to rely on, it is not good for them to mix in the political and military circles.

In fact, the political circle is okay. With the status and money of the Jian family, you can still get a little bit of less important but not too low positions, but it is different in the military department. Those military ranks are all earned through military merit. , But you can't buy it with money.

The Jian family has always wanted to get on the thighs of important government officials. Unfortunately, the ancestors stipulated that government personnel should not be too close to business people, so as not to have too much ambition and give birth to undesirable thoughts. Therefore, even if government personnel watch Having achieved the position of the Jian family in the business world, if you want to associate with them, you can only do it in secret.

However, in the past, the most important government officials that Jian Kangtai made were ministers and the like. Certain business matters can be facilitated, but it is the first time to be summoned by the president. It is inevitable that there is a little nervousness and all kinds of speculation.

When Jian Kangtai heard from Yuan Qizhang about the election method for the position of marshal, she couldn't believe her ears, and she couldn't hide the shock on her face.

"President Yuan, what you said...really?" Jian Kangtai didn't know what words to use to describe her mood at the moment. It's probably as exciting as a pie in the sky.

Jian Kangtai originally just wanted his junior to have a more important position in the government or the military, so that the Jian family's position in the second-class family could be improved_, and it would be better to directly crush the opponent Shen family. Unexpectedly, the pie fell from the sky now, and it hit his head.

Marshal, that's the position of marshal in the military department. Even if it's just a name and has no real power, if it can really become a marshal, it will definitely be of great benefit to their Jian family.

Not only did the Jian family become a first-class family from then on, let alone suppress the Shen family, but all the second-class families were afraid to show their faces to the Jian family.

Moreover, with the position of Marshal, the Jian family can not only go further in the business world, but can also directly enter the upper-level circle of power. Since then, his Jian family has also become one of the top-level members of the Federation.

Not to mention just providing sufficient funds and materials to the military during the war. Even if they usually need some expenses, he is completely willing. Their Jian family is not much now, but there is more money. As long as the money can solve the problem, then It's nothing.

"Today I discussed with Marshal Tang. Marshal Tang seems to agree with this proposal. After all, the military requires a lot of money for each battle. They need financial support and should not reject this proposal. It is this Marshal. You may still need to consider the candidate of the business family. After all, the business family is not the only one of your Jian family." Yuan Qizhang said in a very plain tone, as if it was from the Jian family or not from the Jian family, they have nothing to do with him. The look of the relationship.

Jian Kangtai knew what Yuan Qizhang must have when he heard the words, and he was not afraid of Yuan Qizhang's request. After all, only the combination of interests is a truly stable relationship. As long as he can get the position of marshal, he will have any requirements. Able to agree.

"President Yuan, I know that your speech in the military is also very important. If this election for the position of Marshal, I can successfully take the post. From now on, the Jian family and President Yuan will be on the same line. I will definitely not forget. With the help of President Yuan, if the President has any needs, my Jian family will do my best." Jian Kangtai said hurriedly.

Yuan Qizhang saw that Jian Kangtai was so on the road, and was very satisfied. Then he smiled and continued: "Actually, I have recommended Jian Patriarch to Marshal Tang. After all, all of Jian's family are business elites and the richest man in the Federation. If it's true To choose the marshal candidate from among them, Patriarch Jane is naturally the most suitable one."

Jian Kangtai was even more overjoyed when he heard this. He felt that he was recommended and supported by the president, so he was more likely to become a marshal. After all, the president is the highest leader of the Federation, and even the military will follow one or two, even if they are. The news that the Jane's family is the richest man in the Federation is a bit watery, but it can definitely be ranked on the wealth list.

What's more, if he really becomes the Federation Marshal, then the Jane family's industry will definitely be higher in the future, and other business families will be left behind by them. By that time, their Jane family will be the veritable richest man in the Federation. Up.

"Thank you for the President's appreciation. If Jane Kangtai really becomes a marshal, I will definitely not forget the president's help. If the President has any needs, please say, as long as you can help, I will definitely not shirk it." Jane Kangtai looked excited. Said that the temptation of the marshal's position was too great for him, making it difficult for him to maintain his calm mood, which has always been calm.

"I just mentioned it casually. If Patriarch Jane really becomes a marshal by then, Patriarch Jane is naturally capable and suitable for the position of Marshal. Then I would also like to congratulate Patriarch Jane, but my term is about to come. I originally wanted to manage the Federation and protect the Federation with Patriarch Jian, but I am afraid... it will be difficult to achieve^" Yuan Qizhang couldn't help but sighed and said with great regret, as if Jian Kangtai was already a member of the Federation. The marshal seemed to be.

Jian Kangtai knew what the subtext in Yuan Qizhang's words meant when he heard it, but if he really became the marshal of the military, there must be the president's credit, and he and the president would be considered to have the same interests. Online, if the president cooperates with him, the two parties can be regarded as a double-lean situation. After all, whether it is in the military or political circles, it is better to have allies than to fight alone, and they will go further.

And if Yuan Qizhang is no longer the president, and it will do more harm than good to him, then he will naturally fully support him to continue to serve as the president of the Federation.

"The President can rest assured that you have done so many practical things for the country and the people during your reign. The masses will see that they will definitely support the president's renewal. Our Jian family will also fully support President Yuan." Jian Kangtai Hastily promised.

Here, Yuan Qizhang and Jian Kangtai had a very pleasant talk, and they reached an agreement, as if the matter had already been settled.

On the other hand, after Jiang Zhentao returned home from get off work in the military department, he also told Jiang Mosheng and Qiao Mulan about this matter, and wanted to hear their opinions.

"Use merchants as marshals? You are really bold enough." Qiao Mulan said with a little surprise, "Do you agree with the generals of the military department?"

After all, after the marshal is dismissed or retired, he is usually succeeded by the heirs of his admiral.

, Yu Hongrui was dismissed for the crime of treason. The people of his _ faction were more or less affected. Even if he chose _ a marshal, he would not consider the general over there, so the available candidates for the position of marshal It's more. In this way, those people will agree to give up such a good opportunity?

"All agreed. In the future, the military will make major decisions by the Marshal and the general through consultation and decision." Jiang Zhentao said.

After all, compared with so many people vying for the position of a marshal, I don't know if I can be promoted. Naturally, I have more power to participate in the decision-making of major events in the military. Everyone is not a fool. I naturally know how to choose to treat myself. More favorable.

"If someone from the business world becomes a marshal, I think Liujia is a good choice."

Jiang Mosheng proposed.

"Liujia? Do you mean the Liujia of Meteor Group?" Jiang Zhentao doesn't know much about the business world, but some well-known enterprise groups still know it. After all, these enterprise groups are well-known.

"En, the Liu family is also a second-class family. The status is not low, and the status in the business world is higher, and the reputation is also high. The most important thing is that the owner of the Liu family is very good and will do some charity activities every year." Jiang Mosheng It's rare to say so many things at once, and it's even more rare to say good things for one person

Liu's current home mainstream Yiqin is indeed a rare philanthropist, and it is not the kind that must be reported by reporters after doing charity or donating money.

He has funded many students to complete university studies and provided many jobs for the unemployed. Moreover, after the outbreak of the war with Mei Empire, he directly donated a lot of money and supplies to the frontline fighters. This is not the case in the Jian family. do.

In this way, Liu's family is indeed pretty good.

"You can't fully understand the true character and situation of those people when you discuss here. A lot of information is also reported by the outside world, and it may not necessarily be their true information." Qiao Mulan reminded the father and son next to him. Tao.

Jiang Zhentao and Jiang Mosheng didn't refute it because they were indeed the case.

"If you want me to say, you just gather all the suitable candidates together, and let Little Chestnut secretly observe their luck, and find someone with money and luck to be the marshal, maybe you can even give it to the army. The ministry has brought some good luck." Qiao Mulan suggested with a smile.

Now they all know the true identity of Yu Jinli, and they also know that he is a Koi transporter. They can see through the personal fortune, and can roughly tell whether this person is true or hypocritical. Didn't Little Chestnut rely on this to see back then? Did they fall into their family and the eldest son? This saved the eldest son and husband.

Therefore, no matter how much information is collected, it is better to let Little Chestnut take a look at it and make the check more direct and truthful.

Jiang Zhentao listened to Qiao Mulan's suggestion, patted his head and said, "Yes, how could I forget the ability of Little Chestnut? As long as Little Chestnut looks at it, it's true or false, and it's comparable to a polygraph. It's still easy to use."

Therefore, Yu Jinli was inexplicably expropriated by Jiang Zhentao.

It just so happened that Little XiXi, the youngest son of the Jiang family, was about to be one year old. Jiang Zhentao decided to hold a banquet in the name of his first birthday banquet, inviting people from all major families to attend.

In this way, the purpose is not so obvious, and you can also take a look at the heads and children of these families, who can be hired, and who are not. It's just killing two birds with one stone.