Chapter 473: Taste is Different from Human

The remarks on the barrage express the complex moods of fans at the moment, some are envious, some are showing off, some are regretful, some are looking forward to, in short, there are all kinds of things.

It was the first time that Liu Xingye and the others saw these barrage on the spot, and they all thought it was very interesting, but their actions were not delayed. After all, they came to help.

Yu Jinli interacted with the fans for a while, and then focused on the upcoming teaching and baking. After all, it would be too late to start.

Yu Jinli guided the students in class F step by step, and slowly demonstrated to everyone, let everyone follow him, and even many fans in the live broadcast room also learned the appearance of Yu Jinli in reality. Follow along. If you don't have tools, write down all the steps and prepare to make a set of these tools at that time, and then bake them at home.

Yu Jinli first taught the simplest kind of biscuit. There were few special skills. The main thing was to see who would be more talented in this area.

In the process of making, everyone was a little rushed, and everyone's progress was different. Some people put too much flour, while some people put less, and some even regarded salt as sugar. It can be said on the spot. It's a mess.

Fans in the live broadcast room are used to seeing Yu Jinli methodically and able to make exquisite and delicious dishes. Suddenly seeing the crowd of people in a hurry, it is very interesting, and it is like watching a live reality show.

And many people have also found confidence. It turns out that it's not only themselves who are disabled. It turns out that there are others who are the same as them, and they immediately feel balanced.

After everyone's biscuits were out, Yu Jinli watched them next to each other. From the outside, there were ten people including Yang Feiyu, Jiang Meilin, Ge Yitian, Han Yinze, Shaoyang, Gao Ziqi, Du Jingxuan, Cao Quming, Yuan Hui, and You Chenrui. What they did was relatively good, especially Yang Feiyu, Jiang Meilin and Shao Yang, who did the most perfect.

The girls are more clever and learn faster. This was expected by Yu Jinli, but I didn't expect the violent Xiao Zhengtai in their class to be so talented in this aspect. This is definitely something Yu Jinli did not expect, of course. It's also something that other students didn't expect.

"I'm going, Ayang, are you hanging up?" Gao Ziqi squeezed a cookie from Shaoyang and put it into his mouth when he looked at the cookie with almost no flaws in its appearance. After chewing it, his eyes suddenly widened.

The eyeballs were all protruding, and his face rose a little purple, as if someone had caught his throat and was not breathing smoothly.

Upon seeing this, Liu Xingye slapped Gao Ziqi's back vigorously and forced him to spit out the biscuit in his mouth. Then his breathing became smoother.

"Ayang, did you put poison in the biscuit?" Gao Ziqi coughed a few times, and after coughing up all the crumbs of the biscuit, he said weakly.

Yu Jinli was also dumbfounded, and he didn't expect Shao Yang to make such perfect-shaped biscuits.

The lethality is so great? It looks delicious when it looks.

Yu Jinli was actually a little unbelieving. He picked up a biscuit made by Shaoyang and just wanted to put it in his mouth.

It was stopped by Liu Xingye.

"Don't, don't eat, haven't you seen what Archie has become?" Liu Xingye hurried to Yu Jin

The biscuits in Li's hand were snatched, for fear that he would eat them without paying attention.

Shao Yang was mad at the actions and words of Gao Ziqi and Liu Xingye, bulging his cheeks, and unconvincedly picked up one of his cookies and said, "You are too ignorant, and what I did is obviously perfect."

After speaking, Shao Yang ate the biscuits into his mouth, but the next moment he vomited all the biscuits, his face was ugly, and Liu Xingye and Gao Ziqi were no longer mentioned.

When other people saw it, they looked at the perfect biscuits made by Shao Yang, and when they looked at himself, they all avoided the biscuits, as if they were not biscuits, but like poison.

The netizens who have been watching the live broadcast are also confused by everyone's actions, and they all look at the really good-looking cookies. They originally planned to pick them up and taste them, but they saw their performance. , The outstretched hand froze in mid-air immediately, unable to fall.

[This cookie looks delicious, is it really that unpalatable? Your performance is too exaggerated, right? ]

[I also think it's delicious, but it doesn't look like a fake from everyone. Even the producer vomited it out. I, I really don't dare to eat it. ]

[I've seen it from the beginning to the end. Just now, Shaoyang did follow the steps taught by Koi. Even if it is not delicious, it shouldn't be so unpalatable. It must be deliberately played for us by everyone.

[I don't care, I will eat first as a respect. ]

With a few fans taking the lead, other people didn't believe that the cookies were very unpalatable and started to start. Of course, some picked them up with the thought of "want to see how unpalatable this cookie is". Biscuits.

Then, the sending speed of the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly slowed down and the number was much less. After about a minute or so, the barrage burst out suddenly.

[Liu Xingye and Gao Ziqi are really not exaggerating at all. I am really curious about what Shaoyang did to make such a strange and cute taste? Obviously, they are all made according to Koi's big steps. How can the taste be so different? Obviously it is a holographic mode, and obviously I can't swallow, but I still feel a sense of breath, which is terrible. ]

[Can I say that I didn't hold back my curiosity and took a bite? I swear this is definitely the most unpalatable one I've ever eaten. Hurry up and eat some hugely made biscuits. The taste is simply too horrible. I can do this. To such a degree, I have to say that Shaoyang is also a personal talent. ]

[In other words, the biscuits made by Yang Yang are really very good-looking. If I hadn't watched the performance of Meteor Field and Gao Ziqi in advance, I would definitely be tempted. If this was sent to the enemy to eat, we would definitely not fight. Wins. ]

Almost all on the barrage made fun of Shao Yang's biscuits, and looked at Shao Yang and couldn't help flushing.

Yu Jinli did not expect that the power of the biscuits made by Shaoyang should be so powerful. They clearly look delicious. He also thinks that Shaoyang is very talented. He didn't expect...not only people can't look good, but even biscuits can't look good.

"Maybe you are just not suitable for making biscuits. Next, let's learn to make red bean cake. The method is also very simple. We can definitely make better." Yu Jinli comforted Shaoyang.

Probably the different performances of class F students before made it very interesting to netizens who watched the live broadcast, and the number of people who watched the live broadcast was even greater.

Although the biscuits that Shaoyang made before can't be eaten, he himself found that these cakes and biscuits

It was quite interesting. The process of making was very interesting and it was fun to make. So when he was learning how to make cakes, he learned more attentively, and the finished products were quite beautiful.

But with the lessons learned from the biscuits, everyone is afraid of the cakes made by Shaoyang.

"Aqi, you go have a taste." Liu Xingye pushed Gao Ziqi and asked him to taste the red bean cake that Shaoyang had just made.

When Gao Ziqi saw Shaoyang, he remembered the horrible biscuit taste, and he was not sensitive to the red bean cake, even if the red bean cake did look very good.

"I don't want it, you go eat." Gao Ziqi immediately hid behind Liu Xingye, and pushed Liu Xingye a hand to let him eat.

Liu Xingye and Gao Ziqi pushed and shoved, and both wanted to let each other eat, but the other didn't.

In the end, Zhu Gangfeng couldn't stand it anymore, so he walked up to the red bean cake made by Shaoyang, picked up a very good-looking red bean cake, and said to everyone: "Obviously it smells delicious and looks delicious. ."

After speaking, Zhu Gangfeng ate the red bean cake into his mouth. Everyone, including the fans watching in the live broadcast room, focused their attention on Zhu Gangfeng, wanting to see how he reacted after eating it. How was it.

-Seconds, two seconds, three seconds... Ten seconds passed, Zhu Gangfeng chewed the red bean cake in his mouth and swallowed it, and there was no uncomfortable expression on his face.

"Ah, Afeng, do you... do you feel uncomfortable?" Gao Ziqi stammered.

"No." Zhu Gangfeng scratched his head. He didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he felt that the red bean cake was delicious, so he picked up another piece.

At this moment, everyone was taken aback. Liu Xingye asked in disbelief: "A Feng, how do you taste it?"

"It's delicious, Ayang is really talented." Zhu Gangfeng gave Shaoyang a thumbs up while eating, affirming his red bean cake.

"Could it be that Ayang just doesn't have any talent for biscuits, but the red bean cakes are actually delicious?" Meyu Hoshino whispered suspiciously.

There are also many netizens who have doubts about him, but Zhu Gangfeng doesn't look like a disguise. After all, the big guy has a very straightforward personality. If it is delicious, it is not delicious. Let him pretend to be. It's too difficult for him.

Everyone saw that Zhu Gangfeng was eating with gusto. After eating one piece, he took another piece, as if he was not eating enough. All the doubts in everyone's heart were also forgotten, and they rushed to the red bean cake made by Shaoyang. Everyone took a piece and wanted to taste how delicious it was.

Even the fans in the live broadcast room flocked to it, for fear that Liu Xingye would have no chance to taste it after they finished eating.

So, no matter in the live room or outside the live room, in the next moment everyone made the same action, the same expression, that is, running away and throwing up, and their faces are wrinkled together.

The expression is very bitter.

"Zhu Gangfeng, you have a black belly, you lie to us." Liu Xingye and others all looked at Zhu with a complicated expression.

Gangfeng, they didn't expect that Zhu Gangfeng would ate so many such unpalatable red bean cakes in order to cheat them. It was really... a big sacrifice.

But this can't make up for the fact that he deceived them. I didn't expect that the most straightforward silly big guy in the class would have learned to deceive. It's true that the world is getting worse and worse.

Not only Liu Xingye and the others are attacking Zhu Gangfeng, but the fans in the live broadcast room are also echoing the attack.

Zhu Gangfeng looked at Liu Xingye's expressions, and at the barrage sent by fans in the live broadcast room, his face couldn't help showing an aggrieved look.

"I really think it's delicious." After Zhu Gangfeng finished speaking, he took another sip of the red bean cake. After carefully tasting it, he did think it tasted pretty good, but why did everyone look like he lied to them, but he Really do not have.

Other students in Class F saw that Zhu Gangfeng's appearance did not look like a fake, and suddenly became suspicious of their previous guesses.

Could it be that Zhu Gangfeng didn't deceive them, it's just that he was lucky to choose something delicious?

Therefore, Liu Xingye and Gao Ziqi walked up to Zhu Gangfeng together, tore off his bite of red bean cake, and ate them into their mouths separately.

The next moment, the two of them joined hands again and returned to the team that had vomited before, their faces paler than before.

"I don't think A Feng cheated us, but his taste is different from ordinary people." In the end, Liu Xingye came to this conclusion, otherwise there is really no way to explain why Zhu Gangfeng eats so delicious, but they can hardly eat it. pharynx.