Chapter 488: Gift for two

The discussion among netizens is still very enthusiastic. Regarding the occasional black or sour Yu Jinli's remarks, they were quickly slapped back by the majority of netizens until they no longer dare to appear, and then all the rest are right. The blessing of the wedding and the curiosity about the identity of Long Su'an and She Ningyu.

The wedding emcee was also very empathetic. Knowing that many people didn't know the identity of She Ningyu and Long Su'an, he took the initiative to help everyone inquire.

"Hello, I am Long Su'an, the master of Little Chestnut." Long Su'an's gentle voice is very nice, and it is transmitted to every corner through the microphone, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"I am the brother of Little Chestnut, She Ningyu. Today is our Little Chestnut's big wedding day. If anyone dares to make trouble..." She Ningyu's words afterwards were not completely spoken, but the threat was very strong. Let people subconsciously want to surrender, especially the netizens in front of the live broadcast room.

Because when She Ningyu said this, he said it directly to the live broadcast Little Bee, as if he was speaking to the netizens in front of the live broadcast room, so that those who planned to continue to be black or sour Yu Jinli suddenly gave up. With this idea, I always feel that once they send out these comments, something bad may happen.

After the parents of both parties finished their speeches on stage and gave the couple their blessings, there was only one item left, and that was the two couples exchanging their wedding gifts.

In fact, this exchange of gifts should have been in the part of exchanging wedding rings, because interstellar humans did not exchange wedding rings when they got married, only exchanging gifts, but the wedding ring is for Yu Jinli, the fairy who has traveled from the ancient earth. In other words, its meaning is more important than a wedding gift, so in the end, the link of exchanging wedding gifts is placed after the parents' speech.

All the guests set their sights on Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli, wanting to see what kind of gifts the two would give each other?

You know, the more expensive and powerful the wedding gifts given at the wedding, it means that their marriage can be smoother and longer.

In fact, this custom puts a lot of pressure on many ordinary people, because they have limited ability or limited money. In order to keep the marriage long, or to avoid losing face at the wedding, they usually put their teeth together to buy expensive wedding gifts for each other. , Resulting in less wealth for them, and later life may become a little harder.

This is also the main reason why the ring has become popular among ordinary people.

Because at the wedding, the couple exchange rings instead of exchanging wedding gifts, so that they have a lot less pressure, and wedding gifts don't have to be too expensive or even beyond their actual ability, which can save a lot of money. Let them live better in the future.

And this is one of the reasons Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli put the exchange of wedding gifts as the last link. They deliberately want to weaken the importance of this custom.

Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli can now be said to be the weather vane for young people in the Federation. The popularity of wedding rings was brought by them. Now they have weakened the importance of the custom of exchanging gifts. Presumably when other young people get married, they should not Will take this too seriously.

Of course, these are the state of marriage in the future. Now that the ring has just become popular, everyone still values ​​its value and actual use of the exchange of wedding gifts.

Especially this is the wedding of Young Master Jiang from the First Family of the Federation. Their wedding gifts are definitely better.

Shocking and bright, everyone is silently looking forward to it.

"Now the two newlyweds can exchange wedding gifts with each other." The emcee said with a smile while standing nearby.

Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli are still standing face to face. Both of them have prepared wedding gifts for each other in advance, but they don't know what the other party has prepared for themselves, so they have some expectations.

Jiang Mosheng first took out the wedding gift to Yu Jinli from his space button. It was a folder-like thing, not thick or big, and it looked a little shabby.

Whether it's the off-stage guests or the netizens in the live broadcast room, they were expecting Jiang Mosheng to come up with a cool wedding gift, but what was waiting for was this thin folder?

A little disappointed, this is the common aspiration of all people watching at this moment.

However, Jiang Mosheng did not pay attention to what other people thought. Instead, he looked straight at Yu Jinli, handed out the folder solemnly and seriously, and said: "Little Jin'er, I will regard myself as a wedding gift. I give it to you. From now on, my people and all of me belong to you, and you have complete control."

Jiang Mosheng's voice fell, and the audience suddenly made a burst of exclamation and inhalation.

Although the two married people will be a family from now on, they are the two closest people in the world, and each other's things will be yours, and yours will be the other's, but there is actually a difference between cognition and reality. .

Some people will do pre-marital property justice before marriage, and the property after marriage is also shared by the two people. However, as Jiang Mosheng said, giving himself to each other completely, which means that he will become Yu Jinli in the future. Yu Jinli has the right to control everything he has, even more power than him.

This kind of commitment and practice is not something everyone can do. Even many couples will say "I am your person, and everything is yours." But in fact, when contradictions arise, all these statements are not. It's just a mirage.

But everyone knows that Jiang Mosheng dared to make such a promise in front of so many people and in front of the entire Federation.

To give one person and everything he has to another, it takes what kind of deep feelings to be able to make such a promise in public.

_In an instant, all the viewers were silent, and even some emotional guests and netizens couldn't help crying.

[Oh my God, I'm so touched, "I will give you myself as a wedding gift", this is the most precious and touching one of all the wedding gifts I have ever seen. How much does the male god love Yu Jinli? Make such a decision? ]

[No more, I'm about to cry like a dog, but I still can't bear to close the live broadcast room, what should I do? How can a male god be so touching? It's like tears. ]

[Yu Jinli is really so happy. It is so happy to be able to marry a male god. Why is it not me who marries a male god? ]

Netizens sent barrage incoherently, expressing the shock they are receiving at the moment, but they still don't know that the shock is not just verbal.

Yu Jinli took the folder that Jiang Mosheng handed him and opened it. The wedding gifts exchanged at the wedding need to be opened on the spot. This is also for the guests to be their witness.

There are not many things in the folder, but it contains all of Jiang Mosheng.

All the property under his current name, his officer's certificate, all the honors he received, and his salary card, were all contained in the folder and handed over to Yu Jinli, just as he said." I will give myself to you".

"From now on, I will be a poor person. Little Jin'er wants to support me." Jiang Mosheng said to Yu Jinli in a low voice. The voice was only enough for two people to hear. The others only saw Jiang Mosheng's lips moving, but I can't hear what he is talking about.

"Okay, I will support you." Yu Jinli raised his head and smiled sweetly, and collected all the photos of Jiang Mosheng's wedding, without any kind of politeness.

But this kind of action will not arouse others' disgust, on the contrary, it makes people feel that the relationship between the two of them is extremely deep, so deep that they truly do not distinguish each other.

It took a long time for the emcee to find his own voice, barely calmed himself down, and continued to host: "Next, it is Mr. Yu Jinli's turn to give Mr. Jiang Mosheng a wedding gift."

With the shock of Jiang Mosheng's wedding gift, everyone felt that the new wedding gift given by Yu Jinli is definitely not worth seeing. Even if it is really expensive, can it be so valuable as to give yourself to your partner?

And if Yu Jinli's wedding gift is to give himself to his partner, then it is not too interesting. If it is sent around, isn't it all returned to the original owner?

Of course, Yu Jinli would naturally not give out the same wedding gift as Jiang Mosheng. His gift was prepared for a long, long time, and finally finished before their wedding.

Yu Jinli took out a very ordinary space button from the pocket of the dress and handed it to Jiang Mosheng, saying | "This is the wedding gift I gave you. I promised you before."

Jiang Mosheng took the space button from Yu Jinli's hand. Before he took it out, he already knew what was inside. The corners of his mouth became more and more curved, and then he released it directly in front of everyone.

"Wow!" This was the exclamation of the young man who couldn't control himself.

Everyone felt that the gift Yu Jinli brought out was definitely not as good as Jiang Mosheng's, but after seeing it, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed. It's really because the appearance of this gift is so beautiful and shocking.

In fact, this gift is not considered too valuable to many people, that is, it is just a mecha.

Although the federation's top-notch power mech is very expensive, it can be bought. The gift Jiang Mosheng just sent is hard to buy. In such a comparison, Yu Jinli's wedding gift is naturally one behind. The process is over.

However, the guests present and the netizens in the live broadcast room still had to sigh: This mech looks... so handsome! I don't know which company produced it, they have to buy one too.

"Mr. Yu, why do you want to send a mecha as a wedding gift?" The emcee can imagine what the guests and netizens think in the live broadcast room, so he deliberately gave Yu Jinli a step up and let him talk about this machine. The meaning of A, this can also alleviate other people's disappointment in Yu Jinli's wedding gift.

"When I first started contacting mecha manufacturing, I knew that the same type of mecha can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the ability, and Ah Mo's ability is quite special. There is no machine on the market that can truly fit Ah Mo. A, so, I thought about making him a unique mecha that belongs to Ah Mo himself in the world. Fortunately, it was completed before the wedding." Yu Jinli said honestly, with a look on his face.

A sweet smile, that is a smile of rejoicing, rather than showing off and proud.

The emcee obviously did not expect this to be the case. He was stunned for a second, but fortunately he reacted quickly, and then continued to ask | "Mr. Yu said... You made this mecha for Mr. Jiang yourself?"

_A mecha is composed of many mecha parts, even people who are not mecha fighters can imagine it.

And it's conceivable how much time and energy it would take to make the mecha entirely by _personal.

What's more, this is still a mecha with powers, or a mecha that fits Jiang Mosheng's powers. It takes so much effort, it is simply unimaginable.

"En, I made every part by myself. I said I would give Ah Mo a mecha that belongs to him. Now I have done it. Ah Mo, it belongs to you. Do you want to try it? Try?" Yu Jinli said cheerfully.

After this mecha was built, he hadn't seen its power yet. I don't know if it would be useful or not. Yu Jinli felt a little nervous.