Chapter 512: Going to Hell together

The military soldiers who came with the judicial personnel looked at each other. Obviously they didn't know where Yuan Qizhang learned about the zombies. After all, they had never made it public, even government officials did not know, so Yuan Qizhang was How did you know?

Moreover, it seemed that Yuan Qizhang was a little confused by his own fright.

However, no matter what, they can't let Yuan Qizhang go on talking nonsense like this. Wan_judicial staff perceives something wrong and then leaks the news, then their hard work to conceal it becomes meaningless.

"Take it away." The soldiers immediately stepped forward and grabbed Yuan Qizhang, and covered his mouth with his mouth to control his actions. In short, he couldn't let him say more.

Yuan Qizhang was taken away in such a situation where he was a little confused. He didn't even struggle much. He probably hadn't recovered from the news of the zombies.

Because the side effects of the power enhancement liquid have not yet been exposed, the only trial for Yuan Qizhang is that he buys murder.

However, this one alone cannot convict him of too great a crime. After all, Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli were not substantially harmed, and after Yuan Qizhang reacted, he pushed all the pots onto Jian Kangtai's body. Picking oneself clean will make it even more impossible to convict him.

However, people in the military know that Yuan Qizhang's crimes are more than that. The side effects of the power enhancement liquid alone are enough to sentence him to life imprisonment. Unfortunately, this crime cannot be made public for the time being.

Even if Yuan Qizhang had committed the assassination of Jiang Mosheng to Jian Kangtai, Jiang Zhentao did not intend to let him go. After all, he was also a person who had taken the power booster, and he also knew about the zombies. Go out, I don't know what will happen yet.

However, the more this happened, the more Yuan Qizhang struggled and noisy, especially before the news of the zombies, he became even more afraid, afraid that the military would take him as a zombie and take the opportunity to get rid of it.

He has to escape anyway. He is still the President of the Federation. He still wants to unify the Federation. He cannot be locked here, let alone die here!

The funeral must be the conspiracy of Jiang Zhentao and his son. They wanted to accuse him of unreasonable charges, then pull him down and remove him from the post of president. The two fathers and sons definitely want to rule the Federation by themselves, and he must expose them. The conspiracy will work.

"You let me out! I'm the president of the Federation. You committed a capital crime in imprisoning me like this.

I want to put you to death! "Yuan Qizhang yelled loudly in the room, trying to let the person watching him outside let him go.

It's a pity that all the people who watched Yuan Qizhang outside were sent by the military. Everyone knew his situation. Naturally, it was impossible to let him out and let him yell in the room or even smash things.

In fact, the military department did not abuse Yuan Qizhang. Both the room and the environment are very comfortable. For such a culprit, it is quite good to live in such an environment.

In the eyes of most people, Yuan Qizhang should be directly allowed to live in the pig shed and eat pig food. Even then, the crimes he committed cannot be eliminated.

It can be said that people in the entire military department hate Yuan Qizhang now. If he hadn't developed a power booster, there would not have been zombies, and humans would not face such a severe test. , Living in fear all day, it is more annoying and frightening than Mei Empire's invasion of the Federation.

After a few days of trouble, Yuan Qizhang probably knew that these people would not let himself go, so he planned how to escape. As long as he could escape, he could make these people in the military pay the price!

When he turned on his personal terminal, there was still no signal, let alone on the satellite network, and he couldn't even send text messages to others. The signal in the entire room was blocked, making him completely isolated from the outside world.

Yuan Qizhang suddenly thought of those noble children who had been quarantined before. He didn't understand why those people were quarantined before. Now that I think about it, I understand it a little bit. I'm afraid that those people have also taken power enhancement liquid before. People, worry that they will become zombies, so they will be isolated.

Yuan Qizhang felt more flustered the more he thought about it. He repeatedly warned himself that all this was a conspiracy by Jiang Zhentao father and son and the military, and they were all false, but he subconsciously believed in self-comfort and self-suggestion. This makes oneself more flustered and fearful.

Although Yuan Qizhang has not seen what a zombie looks like with his own eyes, but according to the news from his confidant, the zombie will bite and eat people, and even those who are scratched and injured by him will become zombies. Kind of terrible creature.

He didn't want to be like that at all!

The more feared Yuan Qizhang was, the more he wanted to escape from here as soon as possible, as if he would not become a zombie as long as he left here, and he would still be the president of the Federation.

At this moment, the outside world did not show anything unusual about the disappearance of Federation President Yuan Qizhang. Even the government officials learned that Yuan Qizhang was missing. At first they were panicked and even wanted to search through the military headquarters. After all, it was. The president of their Federation.

Even if the government and the military are at odds in private, the disappearance of the president is a major event. The military is obliged to help find them, but then it was revealed that Yuan Qizhang had bought murderers, and it was the pair of Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli who killed them. The Federation is a hero with a major contribution, and the evidence is conclusive. Even if he wanted to throw the pot, he was eventually accused by Jane Kangtai.

As soon as these evidences were published, they immediately aroused the anger of the broad masses of people.

Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli are now well-known heroes and idols in the Federation, and they are supported by most people. As a result, someone wanted to buy and murder them, and they were their presidents. This is definitely stepping on everyone's bottom line.

Everyone doesn't care whether the other party is the president or not, and dare to attack their heroes. Even the president will commit the same crime with the common people.

After all, compared to Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli's real contributions to the Federation, President Yuan Qizhang is more of a representative, with very few contributions except for the power enhancement fluid, and the power enhancement fluid is mainly aimed at The crowd is a supernatural person, and has no effect on ordinary people.

Most of the people in the Federation are ordinary people, so naturally everyone supports Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli.

What's more, in addition to this time Yuan Qizhang bought the murderer to kill Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli, and also planned to dump all the pot to Jian Kangtai as a scapegoat, some things he had previously conspired with Yu Hongrui were also announced. Came out.

At this moment, Yuan Qizhang simply stabbed the hornet's nest, and the masses almost sprayed Yuan Qizhang on his body, so he could not get on the star network without the signal, otherwise he would definitely be able to see how miserable he was being sprayed.

Needless to say, the next presidential election, Yuan Qizhang is determined to step down, and even now there are groups

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People are calling for him to step down quickly. Such a person does not deserve to be president.

[I really didn't expect Yuan Qizhang to look amiable and approachable on the surface, but did so many nasty things secretly, I was so disappointed, I really misunderstood him. ]

[My God, buy murder? It was our male god who killed it. Did Yuan Qizhang borrow the courage from the sky? How could such a person be our president? It's simply a shame to the Federation! ]

[Back when Mei Empire invaded our Federation, I thought it was Yu Hongrui's collaborating with the enemy and treason. I didn't expect Yuan Qizhang to be among them. What did he want to do? He, a President of the Federation, even united with the US Empire to invade our Federation. He Where do we Federation residents put us? Such a person does not deserve to be the president of our Federation, or even a member of the Federation. Yuan Qizhang stepped down! Step down! ]

[Yuan Qizhang steps down! Must be severely punished, let him go to the labor planet to accompany Yu Hongrui, isn't the two in a mess, then continue to work in partnership on the labor planet! ]

The masses on the star network are very angry. If they can crawl to Yuan Qizhang's face through the star network, it is estimated that _ren_kouxiaxingzi will be able to drown him.

How do such people deserve to be the president of their Federation!

Therefore, when Yuan Qizhang was still in the military "big prison", he was already forced to remove his position as president, but he didn't know it, and he was still clamoring that he was the president all day, and the guards had been listening. Look at him with caring eyes of ZZ.

Some high-level government officials had always been on the side of Yuan Qizhang, now Yuan Qizhang had such a big thing, they were also panicked for a while, lest their handle would be caught by the military. At that time, even they might end up together, especially now that the masses are very excited. If someone hits the gun at this time, they will definitely be shot into a sieve.

Therefore, for a time, everyone is in danger, where there is still the mind and energy to save some Yuan Qizhang, so he can only continue to stay "as a guest" in the military headquarters.

Yuan Qizhang was captured by the military, but his confidant escaped a disaster. According to Yuan Qizhang's previous instructions, he immediately went to the researchers who had studied the power enhancement liquid and asked them to develop Understand the medicine with the ability to enhance the efficacy of the liquid.

So now there are two groups of people working on antidote. It's just that the people at the research institute in Qizhang Yuan didn't know what the purpose of studying these things was, so they paid more attention to them when they studied.

And full of doubts.

"Why does the president want to study this kind of medicine again?" the head of the research institute asked quietly.

"Let you study, just study, ask so many why do you do?" said his confidant impatiently

Although the confidant knows the reason, he also knows that this reason cannot be said casually, otherwise it is easy to make people panic, and the efficiency of doing things will only be lower then.

Therefore, the researchers did not dare to ask any more questions even if they still had questions. Instead, they focused on researching new medicines, but when they learned that Yuan Qizhang had been arrested, the research on new medicines became a lot lazy. , And no longer follow the orders of his confidant.

In the past, because Yuan Qizhang was there, they were obstructed by the identity of the other party's president, and the other party provided them with funding, so they worked for Yuan Qizhang.

But now Yuan Qizhang can't protect himself, and naturally can't continue to support them, so why do they continue to work for Yuan Qizhang? Maybe they will be sold by Yuan Qizhang or be implicated at some point, so it's better to take the opportunity to sever.

Therefore, the confidant wanted these researchers to continue to study the medicine, but the other party did not cooperate with him at all.