Chapter 517: Federation or Empire

Perhaps the masses on the Star Network wanted the Jiang family to overthrow the Federation and form an empire on a whim, but it is not unreasonable to think about it.

The current government has already rotted from the inside during the years of Yuan Qizhang's administration. If we want to remediate all government personnel, we must first start to dig out the rotted parts from the inside.

And those decaying parts have become the core of the government. If they are removed, the entire government may collapse. The newly promoted officials are not qualified enough to compete with the military.

If the Ministry contends, then it loses the significance of the Federation's initial establishment.

If by then the military is the dominant family, what is the difference between the Jiang family's establishment of a new empire and the establishment of the royal family?

If it is another family, it will definitely not directly establish a royal family, but will choose to suppress the government and the military is dominant, and then he will be the emperor behind the scenes. After all, if the Federation is directly overthrown to form an empire, it will be criticized and dissatisfied by the masses. of.

But the Jiang family is different. Now the Jiang family doesn't intend to establish an empire as the sole leader, but the people really hope that they can establish an empire.

Therefore, if the Jiang family establishes an empire and proclaims it emperor, it will only conform to the people's will and will not cause dissatisfaction among the masses.

However, despite this, Jiang Zhentao still did not think about overthrowing the Federation and establishing an empire.

Even if Jiang's family was expected to return, he had not thought about it.

"I'll talk about this later. The problem of zombies has not been resolved. The rest are waiting for zombies to be resolved, and human safety will not be threatened." Jiang Zhentao waved his hand and said, obviously not wanting to continue this topic.

The other generals had originally planned to persuade them. Seeing Jiang Zhentao's attitude, they had no choice but to swallow back what they were about to say.

Although the military generals and Tang Qixu stopped persuading Jiang Zhentao, there were no shortage of words on Star Network to support Jiang Zhentao to build a new empire, and many people even followed suit.

Whether it is a Federation or an empire has little impact on the masses of the people, but the Republic of Federation has stayed for a long time, and everyone has a certain degree of curiosity and yearning for the imperial system. It happened at this time that what the former president did was really impressive. Too disappointed and angry, everyone is worried that the next president will follow in the footsteps of the previous president, but the person they most trust and expect the most will not become the president.

If this is the case, it is better not to fight against the government and the military, but to merge the two into one, build a new empire, and let the people they trust and support the emperor directly lead their country. Isn't it better for them? Great?

In addition, the two neighbors of the Federation are both imperial systems. The status of the royal family in the empire is supreme, and the power is also very large. It is often said that there is no difference.

Such a dominance situation naturally has its drawbacks, but it also has benefits that the Federation cannot achieve. That is, if the person in power has the world in mind and is good to the country, then his decision is to serve the people. Made for the development of the country, as long as he believes that this matter is good for the country, then he can implement it, instead of having to negotiate with the government and the military to make a decision like now.

Chamber resistance can avoid intensification of decision-making, but because there are too many people who decide together, everyone's ideas are different. When the consensus is reached, you may not know how much time will be wasted, and you may even miss the best time. Even if the right decision is made, the best opportunity will be lost, and the result may not be so good.

What's more, not everyone is selfless. Selfish people will also make common decisions for themselves or their own forces. If these benefits have conflicting opinions with the general direction, then they will not only be against the Federation. It is beneficial, but it will be more harmful.

Everything is pros and cons. Now the masses believe that the Jiang family and their sons are sincerely good for the Federation. If they become emperors, at least during the period of Jiang Zhentao and Jiang Mosheng in power, their country will be able to develop very well. Even better than it is now. As for what will happen afterwards, they will no longer exist at that time anyway, and that is something that future generations should consider.

Therefore, so many people support Jiang Zhentao to establish an empire and directly proclaim the emperor.

The high-ranking government officials have naturally noticed these remarks on Starnet. They were originally very afraid that the Jiang family will become stronger and stronger. But now that they see these remarks and the support of the people for the Jiang family, they have deepened their fear. .

Before Yuan Qizhang was still there, they still had a backbone. Now that Yuan Qizhang has stepped down, the people who belonged to his faction panicked, fearing that the military department would take them to perform the operation and come to them to settle accounts. .

As Tang Qixu said, now the senior government leaders are almost rotten. Most of them were promoted when Yuan Qizhang was in power, and naturally they belonged to his faction.

Yuan Qizhang himself is impure and ambitious. The people he promoted are naturally not good people. He usually relies on his high position, corruption, bribery, and welfare for his family. These things are in the government circle. There is no secret.

Some members of the Qingliu government once sought help from the military department. Unfortunately, Yuan Qizhang was still in office at that time. Every time the military department talked to him, he promised well on the surface, but in the end he still did what he should do. , Did not repent at all, and even transferred those who reported the report to outsiders for various reasons, away from the most central power circle of Capital Star.

Although the military and the government are divided into courts, as long as it is not full of evidence and put on the surface of corruption, even the military has no right to intervene. The most is to chat with the president, remind him, and let him deal with it. Thing, but if the president himself is the leader of corruption, then the government is really ruined

The corruption of the government was finally exposed after Yuan Qizhang stepped down. It is not an easy task for such a government to return to the period of the initial establishment of the Federation.

Everyone knows that sometimes it is not as easy to renovate a very dilapidated building as it is to tear it down and rebuild it. The Federation government is like this now. Unless it is knocked down and rebuilt, it is really difficult to root out corruption. After all, it is already corrupt. To the bones.

It is no wonder that Tang Qixu would persuade Jiang Zhentao to follow the public opinion to establish an empire.

The masses and military personnel support Jiang Zhentao's establishment of the empire, but the government executives are the least willing to establish the empire. If the founder is Yuan Qizhang, they will naturally rejoice and celebrate. It is a pity that this person It's Jiang Zhentao from the military department, so it's completely different.

If Jiang Zhentao establishes an empire, there will never be people like them in the core circle of the empire. At that time, their clan may not even be a second-class clan, and they will lose power completely.

Therefore, they absolutely cannot allow Jiang Zhentao to build an empire smoothly.

"But President Yuan's situation is still unknown, and he has lost popular support. What can we do?" said an official who had no brains and only knew that he was in a position to depend on his relationship, with a sad face.

"Even if President Yuan is still here, he is not the president anymore, so can't we recommend another president from among us?" Another official said with firm eyes.

"Can this work? Now the masses don't want to elect Jiang Zhentao as president. He is already a marshal. If he becomes president again, then the entire Federation will not belong to the Jiang family? What is the difference between building an empire?"

"Hehe, when the Federation was established, the ancestors clearly stipulated that high-ranking officials of the military department were not allowed to serve as important government positions, otherwise it would violate the rules of the ancestors. Therefore, Jiang Zhentao will no matter what the people want, unless he really builds an empire. He will never be president. What's more, the president is an internal matter of our government. Who knows better than us who is more suitable to be president? Even if the military has the right to supervise nearby, the final decision is not our final decision. ?" The official who said that he would recommend the president from among them continued, his eyes flashing with ambition and hope.

Others were a little flustered and uneasy at first, but when he heard what he said, they all felt quite reasonable. The lack of a president in their government was naturally up to them. Why did a marshal intervene? At most, just watch it by the side.

"But the masses are all on Jiang Zhentao's side. If Jiang Zhentao really wants to build an empire, it will be useless even if we elect the president."

"Then let's not let him build an empire? A reckless man who only knows how to lead soldiers to fight, let him build an empire, and he knows how to govern a country.

Home? Doesn't this bring our country to destruction? The masses are all fooled by the Jiang family. We can't be fooled. We have to be responsible for the masses and wake them all up. "The ambitious official said maliciously.

"Yes, yes, Minister Li is right. We can't let the masses be blinded by the big bosses of the military. As the pillars of the Federation, we have the responsibility to protect the Federation from harm. Anyone who wants to establish an empire Those who want to hurt the Federation must never be forgiven!" Other people also reacted immediately, "righteous words" followed.

As a result, these people who thought they were righteous began to brainwash the ordinary people on the star network. It was not enough to brainwash the people themselves. They also continued to buy naval forces and follow the rhythm, constantly showing what the establishment of the empire will bring. Only the Federation can let the masses be the masters of the harmful and terrifying aspects of the situation.

This group of government officials knew that the military department had already divorced from the government, or it was divorced from them, so when they announced the harm of the establishment of the empire and the remarks of the ancestor's legacy on Star. In the army's confrontation, a loyal minister admonished that he was not afraid of death. It really captured a lot of people who couldn't distinguish right from wrong and had soft ears.

Since ancient times, civil servants and military generals have had three different views and different experiences. No one can look down on them. In the court, they often quarrel about one thing. Even in the interstellar age,

Many historical faults have appeared, but in some novels, TV series, and movies, there are still many such scenes.

Everyone grew up watching fictional TV dramas. Naturally, some situations above the court are also affected by fictional TV dramas. Now that government officials are clamoring with the military in person, there is a feeling that civil servants and military generals played against each other in ancient times. Let the people who eat melons watch with gusto, and even forget the sense of panic and anxiety caused by zombies.

Or everyone didn't really forget the existence of zombies, but wanted to divert their attention through some things, and not let themselves pay too much attention to zombies, maybe in this way zombies really didn't exist.

The ordinary people are very far away from the high-level military department and the high-level government. However, because the Internet in the interstellar era is very informatized, transparent, and the information is transmitted very quickly, it has shortened the distance between each other, and has also allowed the ordinary people to participate in both. Some business opportunities.

Therefore, when these government officials confronted the high-level military officials, many people stood on the side that they supported one after another, and began to accuse each other's behavior, especially when these high-level officials were actually fighting. It gave them courage.