
The next day, I woke up quite late, courtesy to my still stinging ass. Freshening up, I go down to the living room to see Eren waiting for me by the hearth.

"Big bro, I was first today!" He said with an angelic smile. Just how did this sweet child end up like a dickbag in the franchise?

"Good Job." I patted his head as I sat by him. Enjoying the mellow warmth of the brightly lit fireplace, I noticed my parents' absence. Asking Eren about it,

"They said they were going on to the market to buy something. They wouldn't say what though." He said tilting his head to one side with a confused look. In the soft light of the hearth, he almost looked like a painting.

Oh lord, I might become a narcissist at this rate. I mean, we both have such beautiful grey eyes aligned with a slightly tan skin and black hair. We could be considered cute child models who are actually children of celebrities back on Earth.

Well, don't blame me for fawning over myself so much. I mean I was a pretty average guy in my last life, so I can't help being a bit narcissistic.

I'm just ecstatic that both of us are just destined to be lady-killers in the future. (Literally, no? Heh heh… I hate myself...)

And, no need to talk about the "Coat" scene, right?

Anyway, sometime later Carla and Grisha returned with a bunch of bags, even Hannes carrying something and some other acquaintances I didn't know.

Carla quickly set up the table, with mouth-watering food no doubt, while Grisha introduced me to some people. Nobody notable from the canon was present, so I just behaved respectfully. Eren was a bit shy though.

After that, Carla called us for the feast as we celebrated for the next few hours. Lots of cheers, ringing and pats to the head were exchanged, albeit uncomfortably.

Eren just stood with our parents as I talked around with the guests, meaning I was mostly questioned whether I could really recite the alphabet and numbers or if I had a dream job maybe.

I realized that no matter what world I am in, the neighborhood housewives (or as I like to them, "aunties") never change. First, they laugh it off. Next, they test me. And finally, they try to exaggerate their child's deeds as well.

But, only some of them also talked about their children, boasted mostly, but I couldn't care less. They were just brats anyway. Can't say I didn't enjoy seeing them trying to save face.

And finally, when the gifts arrived, I was genuinely surprised. Not because of the staggering amount we received, since we were twins, but Grisha actually gave us a few books and quills.

Any commodity related to wood cost quite a bit within the walls and a book certainly wasn't cheap either. It seems that he really cares a lot for us. I almost feel bad about taking the Attack Titan now.

Well 'almost', right?

Anyway, the party came to an end and the guests slowly started dispersing, meaning it was time for me to start my plans.

"Dad! Dad! I want to ask. Secret!" I called him trying my best to act like a child. He excused himself from guests and picked me off the ground. Seating myself on his arms, I smiled like a child would.

"Yes, Karl. What's the secret?" He smiled and asked in a fatherly tone. Boy, did he know the landmine I was gonna throw on him.

I leaned into his ears and spoke in a whisper, "Dad, what's a photograph?"

For a second, Grisha froze as he looked me in the eye. His eyes trembled as surprise and fear etched his face. Yet, he barely pulled himself together as he called for Carla.

"Carla, I'm just going to the terrace for a bit. I'll be taking Karl as well. Seems the celebrations tired him out." He spoke calmly as his eyes continued to tremble, ever so slightly.

"Okay, but we still have guests, so be quick." Carla just waved and continued chatting with the housewives.

With quick steps, Grisha took me to the terrace. He took a deep breath and calmed his trembling body. Slowly looking at me, he asked in a voice that was barely a whisper.

"Where did you hear that word, Karl?"

With my great acting skills, I looked at him innocently as I spoke, "Photograph? In a dream!"

By now, Grisha should have an idea of how the Attack Titan works. The sole reason that makes the Attack Titan unique is the fact that it can access memories of both the past and the future users, almost like a diviner.

And according to the original timeline, Grisha must be following Psycho Eren's orders to find the Reiss bloodline and the fact that my existence, which itself should be an anomaly, must've confused him, changing the future by a large extent.

Meaning that if I plant a seed of doubt in Grisha's mind about the future successor of the Attack Titan, I could have a change at inheriting it, along with the Founder as well.

And with a beep in my head, I was notified of my plan's success.


[Quest ;]

[Inherit the Titans]

[Type: Main]

[Summary: Convince Grisha Yeager that you should be the true successor to the Titans he has and shall acquire in the future, and consequently inherit them.]

[Progress: 4%]

[Reward: Founder Titan, Attack Titan, 3500 Gene Points.]

[Failure Penalty: None]


With my progress bar slightly increased, I turned to look at Grisha, still seated on his arms. He instead, was looking to the sky as if waiting for something.

'Is he trying to see the future?' I was genuinely curious of what he was doing.

If he really was using his titan powers, he was certainly not being discreet about it. And, before anyone asks why, looking at the subtle glow in his eyes, it wasn't that hard to guess.

Was it maybe me or Eren showing him future memories or is it something else entirely?

But deep down, I actually felt a little scared. Since, in the canon, Eren learned the future during the ceremony for retaking Wall Maria and realized that he would be unable to change it.

As a result, he slowly spiraled into depression, suffering from the fact that he would kill millions and that he had no choice but to.

Meaning, no matter what he did, the end result would still be the activation of rumbling. Only then, Paradis would be safe from extermination.

So, with my birth, the canon past has definitely changed, meaning the future can also be different. Therefore, I should have a decent chance at inheriting Grisha's titans.

And not to mention, with my knowledge of the future, I would be able to do things very much differently than Eren. Still, I was nervous as to what Grisha's reaction would be.

As if on cue, the slight tremble of his hands faded and he turned to look at me. He was back to his fatherly mode as he whispered.

"Karl, did you see anything else in that dream?" he asked with a little concern in his voice.

Whoa, what? I thought he'd be feeling desperate or confused, but he seems calmer than I expected? Was this the same weak-willed Grisha I know?

'Just what did he see?' I couldn't help but wonder.

I tapped my chin, acting as if I were thinking deeply, and then turned to him with a slightly dejected face.

"No…? I can't remember. Maybe?" Speaking like a child was almost a second nature to me now.

"Fine." He sighed lightly as he spoke.

"If you remember the dream one day, come tell me first. If you do that, then I will also tell you what a photograph means that day, okay?"

"Pinky promise?" I held out my little finger, as I looked at him with twinkling eyes, making sure he couldn't refuse.

"Pinky promise." Grisha did the same with a smile.

"Yay. Thanks dad."

"Now, let's go. Else your mother might scold us again."

"Go! Go!" I said as we headed back downstairs. As we made our way downstairs, I felt my stomach rumble. Well, I hadn't eaten anything because there were some traditions to be followed.

Like, the guests should eat first, and that the host should make sure of that before eating themselves and all that. This is one of the few reasons I dislike traditions.

Like we are expected to prepare the food and drinks and entertainment, but no matter how tired and hungry we are, we should always eat last. Bullshit, I say.

Anyway, after sending off all the guests, we rested for a while and had a hearty dinner. Considering my level of hunger and tiredness, the food tasted absolutely heavenly. Eren and I ate like rabid beasts, without a care for table manners and Carla just let it go.

Maybe she knew how fatigued we were, because she herself must be plenty tired. Anyway, after that we went up to our beds with a full stomach and a happy heart and fell asleep as soon as our heads touched the pillows.

It was, yet another peaceful and happy day in the Yeager household.

And to maintain this peace, I had to start working towards my personal goals from tomorrow onwards. Specifically, farming Gene points by finishing my Daily Quests.

This one in particular,


[Quests ;]


[Type: Daily]

[Summary: Push-Ups (0/10) , Sit-Ups (0/10) , Squats (0/10) , Running (0/1000 m)]

[Progress: 0%]

[Rewards: 4 Gene Points]

[Penalty: None]


If I diligently stick to this quest, I should get around 1500 Gene Points every year. Coupled with a few other random quests, I could get an extra 100 Gene Points or so.

Adding to the fact that my body is still developing, the earlier I invest my Gene Points, the more I will save, because with each increase in one stat, I would have to use 10 extra points to get it to the next number.

Also, I need to level up my skills, specifically my [Mental Defense] because it will be the most important skill I need in the future.

And, with my plans for the next few years ready, I began my training montage.

Time to get OP babeee!!