Chapter 25 : Here be DRAGONSSS part 3

"P-p-p-pregnant?!" Irene screeched.

She's very pale. Like too pale.

"Are you alright, mother?" I asked her, grabbing her arms.

"I-i'm fine, dearest." She murmured, a far-off look in her eyes.

"Well, I'm not!" Sheri cried. "Another baby!?"

Irene migrated over to Sheri and hugged her.

"It's okay, love, we'll get through this," She assured Sheri.

"But another baby? I had so much trouble birthing Antonio, and Juli wasn't any better even years later, and now another child?"

"A boy, actually," I informed my erratic mother.

"you're around three months, surprisingly, so I could tell the gender of the babe, mother," I said and cleared my throat.

How awkward. Sheri's having a breakdown, Irene is in shock, I'm...well, me, and Juli is over there dancing about being a big sister. how fun.

I quickly left the situation, because I am not adept at dealing with crying women and crazed children. Heading out of town, towards the very suspicious forest.

It's pretty though.

Very pretty.

The trees are black and the leaves are an almost neon vibrant green.

very lush and beautiful.

It's...nice. To be out, and not think.

I peace, I suppose. I can't remember the last time I was.

...I can remember, but I don't want to.

I just want to be in this forest, breathing this fresh air, and continue feeling this free.

Yes, this is a nice feeling.