I used to spend days searching the palace for Sheri and Irene, going through random doors and peeking around corners. Made quite a few women mad.
It was fun, and it left me with something to do on the days I had I was in the palace.
The infinite hall is a wonderful and unusual maze.
It's not a maze in the usual sense.
The colored door leading to impossible spaces and wonderful...magic? dimensions? alternate realities? Whatever. The pale doors, a light brown marble mix, led to mundane rooms. For instance, kitchens, dining rooms, parlors, libraries, bathrooms, bedrooms, closets, every room you could possibly want.
This hall really needs labels on the doors, as Valerian said.
Still, fun to explore, the surprise factor adding to the mystery of it all.
I finally found the bathroom, after two days.
I completely forgot the need to bathe at the glorious sight of that ballroom and the...escapade I had afterward. So two days here, and I am finally bathing.
In a...bathtub.
It's so...small.
Goddess, it's small.
I've been spoiled with my heaven-sent roman bath...pool.
I kinda miss it.
And I miss Benedicits not stalking me.
He's outside. Leaning on the door. Humming this...tune. I want it to be annoying but it's melting my ears. It's making me super relaxed.
Goddess, I hate him.
...I don't have any emotions for him, but I want to.
Not good emotions, of course! Negative ones. Like hatred. Or anger. Or...something.
I miss Sheri. And Irene. Juli. And the twins.
Goddess, I miss my family.
"...I want to go home," I murmured into my hands, hiding my tears with the water in my palms.
It's a nice bath, at least.
Warm. Hot, but not scalding. Just enough to send shivers down the spine and melt the brain. The bubbles are white and full. Nice. There's a nice scent, like roses and lavender. I enjoy this.
But I still want to go home.