Chapter 58 : I thought this lake would be empty!!

So the lake wasn't three doors down. This infinite corridor that literally has no turns needs LABELS on the doors!! I'm serious here! I don't even know how, but we got lost.

Freaking lost. In a one-way corridor. Unbelievable.

I'm not mad. No, I'm worse. I'm tipsy, and walking is not helping me.

I want to puke.

I think I might puke on Benedictis. Might be fun.

"I hate you," I inform him. It's important information that my drunk mind wants him to know. Grow up.

"I see."

"Yes. I hate you. And I am very dizzy. I hate your ears, there too pointy." I'm lying. They are actually quite nice. Damnit. This dude could not be more perfect. Drake still has him beat. hehe.


"..Why was that a question? Do you not like your ears? They're fucking beautiful. Damnit. I didn't say that." I paused. "Shut up and go dig a hole," I added when he tried to speak.

"...Why?" He asked after a brief moment of silence.

I don't know when he started carrying me, but this horse is super bumpy. So uncomfortable. He just apologized to me so maybe I said that out loud. Oh, he's moving me. No, don't move me, horsey. I can't handle any type of motion right now.

I don't even want to open my mouth in fear of spewing death onto you, dark brown horsey...your fur is very soft. I might have kicked him. Horsey. I have no clue where Benedictis is. Just me and the horse here. It's an uncomfortable horse. It's on two feet for some reason. Oh well. It's not like he can have children. Or can he?

Well, I think at this point, I'm clearly past tipsy, and more towards blackout drunk.


"So I can bury you," I slurred.

Yeah, so drunk.




We found the lake!!!

It took like two hours, ("no, shut up Benedictis, it was more than twenty minutes,") but we finally found it and I gotta say, it's pretty dope for a lake inside a magical door.

Well, It's more like a lagoon.

So pretty.

I quickly throw off my clothes, returning to my caveman ancestors, and let out a primal scream before jumping off the cliff that suddenly appeared before me and into the deep blue water below.

The fact that I'm not questioning anything clearly means I'm past the point of return.

God, I'm drunk.

Is this the start of a teenage drug and alcohol addiction? MAYBE.

I'm also ignoring the thing on my ankle dragging me downwards.

It's all good.

I'm clearly drunk, so this is totally all in my head.

Or not.