"Ahhh...darling, Antonio, how wonderful to see you!"
...I know that voice.
It's a lovely voice, dangerous and velvety.
and it came with a top hat.
Valorant? Victoria? Valerain? Whatever.
"Ahhh, Valorant, how lovely to see you as well! I trust you have been well, in all of your...lack of mouth, for eating, and just general, body...mass?"
"Valorant? Who in the name of the bloody goddess is Valorant, child? Did you forget my name, like a common lowborne?" Valerian asked, her voice practically a hiss of rage.
Oh My Goddess.
"Uhm..." Benedictis!
"It's so hard to remember ones own name these days. We were just testing you, Valerain, to see if you could remember your name." Benedictis says, attempting to come to my aide, only...well, I don't think that's her name either.
"Valerain...I wonder what you boys think of me, getting my name wrong seemingly on purpose. I'm quite mad gentleman." Valerian said.
VALERIAN. of course! Gosh, Benedictis, you were so, so close! Oh well.
"You deal with her," I whispered like the delicate, too young to die human flower that I am and shoved Benedictis towards the slowly raging woman, whose hair seems to glow red with her anger, and walk back towards the room I was hiding in two days ago.
Maybe the fridge has been refilled.
What I don't see as I walk away, towards that familiar...brown? Pink? Blue? The door that opens into a forest, is that the moment I leave the immediate area, Valerian disappears. She just vanished into thin air. Like she was never there. But I don't see that. Nor do I see the look Benedictis immediately dons. It's detached and bored and his eyes watch me like a cat watching a mouse that has hope of escaping its imminent doom.
Maybe I can drown in alcohol and try to forget about the second kiss I shared with Benny-ben-boo. It was out of necessity, but still. It was a kiss. And it was our second one, in a week. Oh, dear.
I'm just an innocent fourteen-year-old, Mother!
...I want my mommy, mommy.
I miss my mommies. And my siblings. And my obnoxious friends...that are weirdly all girls. I gotta get some guy friends when I get back home. Maybe a guard. Or I could take a vacation and go see the world, starting with my mom's people. Yeah. That sound's good. I want a break from my dramatic and trauma-inducing life. I mean, just this week I've been sexually harassed and molested by someone who could potentially be a friend! Someone akin to my friend...
I just want my bed.
I just want to go home already, goddess.