The next time I opened my eyes was to the sight of Drake.
It was at the lake, in the church. We were sitting in the sun, surrounded by flowers, watching the water. This was the moment I fell in love with Drake, who was cold and cruel back then.
I can't say that he hated me, but we all know that it took him a long time to accept me, and even longer to remotely love me.
And he did in the end. He loved me more than I did him. And that fact makes me ashamed. Very ashamed. Because I loved him with my soul, with my very being.
...And suddenly my fourteen year old soul, and very being, is losing that love, slowly, surely. My wounds are healing, and I don't want them to. If being in pain means that I'll be surrounded by memories of Drake, and unchanged feelings for him, then bring it on. I'll take the pain.
...I let benedictis kiss me.
I could have stopped him, and I should have, but I didn't.
And now I feel like I've betrayed you, Drake. Your memory, your love, your sacrifice.
I don't even know Ben, and yet I let him partake in such an action, and even participated myself!
...I miss you, Drake.
But body is healing. My wounds aren't festering anymore, they're healing. That hole in my heart that was threatening to take my breath away is disappearing, slowly it's getting easier to breathe. I don't feel like breaking down every five seconds.
I'm healing..and It scares me, Drake.
I don't want to let you go.
I'd never let you go. Hell, I'd drag you back to me, kicking and screaming, if I could.
...maybe I should! I mean, sure the necromancy ritual was botched, but I'm sure Irene and I did it properly which means that there's a high chance that Sheri is now living again, and if she is, that means, that I can bring back Drake!
Or try.