I got out as the water started turning cold, toweling off my body and wrapping the towel around my head like a turban, and another one around my waist. I walked out of the bathroom, and into the bed area before heading to the wardrobe and opening it.
there wasn't much in here, a few outfits, a few pairs of shoes, some underwear, but it was enough.
I grabbed a pair of underwear and slipped them on, after making sure I was dry in the right places. I picked out some pale slacks and a dark green sweater. The fabric was soft, so very soft, and the tag said it was made from lambit fur.
Lambit is the result of the tower magicians trying to combine a lamb and a rabbit. the clothes made out of their fur is amazing and greedily aquired by the nobles of the holy continent. It's a sign of wealth, apparently.
Guess I'm wealthy now.
Well, I was the pope...am...I am the pope.
Once dressed, I stared at the door, contemplating.
I jiggled the doorknob. Locked.
Not that I expected it to be magically unlocked.
Okay I did, but wishful thinking is always going to be a thing.
"Cyan, what do you think?"
The baby dragon churped, not bothered with being trapped in this white room.
But then again, it's baby brain might not be smart enough to realize that we were trapped.
Hmmm...maybe the window?
I looked over at the window, that had a silk curtains was billowing with wind that smelled of sea salt and seaweed. I looked out the window to see...the sea?
It made sense, I suppose. It was dark when I arrived at the castle yesterday. Just after twilight.
I had arrived before the castle gates and I hadn't had much time to take in my surroundings.
I opened the window. The view was amazing, at least.
Blue, blue, waves, in a blue, blue ocean. Bright, blinding sand, and a clear sky. It made me want to swim. to feel that cool, salty water on my skin. to feel the burn of the sun on my cheeks, to be calmed by the sound of the waves.
Right, back to escaping.
I looked down at the raging waves and contemplated suicide.
"Do you think we'll die from this heigh?" I asked Cyanide.
He snored.
Good point.
How deep is it? I looked around the white room for something heavy and settle on a chair.
Alright. If it sinks, its deeper than four feet. If it breaks...well, were certainly not jumping, Cyan.
With a newly possessed supernatural strength, I hoisted the heavy metal laced wooden chair over my thin shoulder and pitched it out the window. I watched it fall down, down down...and crash into the rushing waves, rocks colliding with the chair and...that was not a flattering image.
Okay, so so not jumping then.
I looked around for another escape root.
Bathroom... nope..
Closet...I knocked on the back, hoping for there to be some creepy (and perverted) secret entrance, but no lunch.
I guess I'm hungry.
I meant no luck. Luck. Not lunch, stomach.
Goddess, I think I am hungry.
But not for food...