Introduction about some character not all of the characters who are going to be in the story.
Han, a bachelor of aged 27 who is soon going to be married due to his one mistake.
Yu Yan, of age 26 her name describes a lot about her personality.
The world can be more than a heaven when she smiles.
Min sheng, Han's best friend of aged 26 who works under him.
Sying, Yu Yan's senior of aged 27 who has crush on her and is a senior on the company where she works.
An, Yu Yan's best friend from during her middle school time so she knows her best friend every secrets.
Fen, of aged 28 who is the only daughter of a successful business man who is highly responsible for Han's life for ending his life as a bachelor.
Now let's move to the story,
"It was already half past 11'o clock when I saw my watch which I was wearing on my right hand.
At the moment I was on a date with a girl of aged 28 whom I'd met just few weeks back while hanging out with my some friends not in the same place where I'm having date with her but at the busy road, where the vehicles were running, I saw her standing near the zebra-crossing even though I don't know why is it called so.
She was like a disturbed soul in the crowd , which still somehow caught my attention as I'm that type of guy who only focus on only one thing at a time but she was successful to prove it wrong.
The traffic light went Red and all of the people in the crowd began to cross the road but she didn't even moved a bit as the crowd were trying to cross the road she was moved back by them as they were in hurry to cross the road.
The crowd crossed the road but she was still on the same side. At the time, I was drinking beers and red wine with my friends.
I'd only looked her from her back but still it was so mesmerizing to me as I felt familiarity with her. And I decided to went near to her to ask her if there is any problem or like if we'd meet somewhere before?
I said my friend I'm going outside to call my mom to tell her I'm coming home late today.
Then I went outside. My friend didn't make fun of me as they know how much I value my mom but they didn't know I was just telling them a lie and trying to know about the girl who looked disturbed soul and so familiar to me."
There was no crowd standing beside or near her.
" As soon as I came out of the restaurant, I saw some movement in her and I smiled back I was overthinking about her being a disturbed soul but just after thinking that I took a glaze at the traffic light, the light wasn't right according to her movement. The light had already became yellow. And I saw a sport car being ready to run which was at about 60 m away from her . As soon as I saw it I sprinted toward her"
"I was so scared that she will jumped toward the road when the sport car will be trying to pass through her. There was only about 4-5 second left to change the traffic light from yellow to green. Then the light changed to green from yellow then all of the vehicles started to move toward their destination and then as soon as the sport car came near toward her she jumped"
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