During work hours nothing big happened after Fen left Han's side.
As usual all of the things were hapoe ing as schedule.
Han's prepared some design for the next project as he is the most important part of the company.
During lunch, whole on the way to caterine,
Min Sheng and his other colleagues starts to talk with him about Fen's matter
"hey,Han. What happened to both of you guys?" - Min sheng.
Han's stop and looks back at him with a cold face then they get scared.
Then Han initiates to amble towards them and take them back in his office,
"look I've something to co fess with you, guys."-Han.
All of them gets excited.(as boys do love to gossip if it's possible)
"then confess, fast I've to go for having lunch" -all at one voice.
"well, (hesitating..)
Oh okay,
Actually I got married yesterday." - Han
"what" - all of them in aloud with a shocking face
And the one who is in the most shocked is Min Sheng as he used to think he is the best friend of Han from during his high school time.
"shh...let me finish it first. Actually I'm not married" - Han
They look more confusing and surprised now.
He raise his hand straight to make them shut up.
"don't disturb me while I'm talking. Actually I'm married but I'm still not married yet . The phrase that I just used means I've perform a fake marriage." - Han with a smile in his face
"but why did you do that? And with whom?" - Han.
"You guys might know the name Guotin, right?" - Han.
"who?" - Ming Yen (one of his friends)
"oh I know him. He is the only son of the rival political party of ruling party.
And I know he is a very dangerous.
He's been Invilved in many bad deeds but because of his father no one wants to go against him, right?
but why does this Guotin have to do with you being a married man, now and so suddenly ? - Zhaolin.
"Fen is his wife" - Han *sigh*
"bro, you are in big trouble then.
Why do you have to end up your bachelor life because of him, huh?
You could have asked for your mom help to dissolve it as you belong from a high class family.
And your mom sure might know many high level people in this country which
Would have been easy for you to run away from their life? "Min sheng
" I don't want to be a bother for my mom. So I didnt ask for her help at that time. "-Han.
" okay I get it you didn't want to take your mom's help then who is thus lucky girl to marry suhh a smart man, huh? "-Min Sheng.
" don't talk non sense. I feel somehow pity for the girl who he has used as a scapegoat this time. *sigh*-Zhaolin.
"don't need to worry.
She doesn't feel like as you've just said
before marrying her I'd told her everything
And she just said she is willing.
So, I accept I'd use her as a scapegoat but the reason I made our marriage a secret is
I don't want the world to identify her as a
"deserted woman" after our divorce "-Han feels confident.
" but who is she? "-Ming Yen.