Dark Qi Katana

Fuji remembered the words of Cai Huian and the event leading to a reward as an artifact.

„Sure, but you won't send me back in another trial, right?"


„..Of course, not..haha..!"


The silence arose between them and the white space's gravity force didn't hold Fuji anymore, resulting of him levitating.


Fuji discerned the pressure on his body, like claws crawling around his arm and legs. They pulled with mighty force, that didn't make any sense for Fuji and he roared, „Fuck youu, I'm sick of your trials!!"

The treasure spirit smiled and without a blink, the ancient voice of him trailed after Fuji, „Good luck for the reward."



~Can you pipe down?~

'Shut up, you old hag!'

~Excuse me?! So, you want me to start the self-detonator, perhaps?~

'Okey, let's calm down and concentrate on the present situation.'

After the mindless arguing, they both came to a consent of maintaining a rather peaceful and hopeful harmony towards the other party.


A string consisting of an emanation of immense heat and coldness, shot into the direction of Fuji and the speed transcended everything he has seen so far.


With all of his strength, he managed to evade by jumping to the left side and the string shoveled into the earth for a bit, until red light brightened the area up.


As if a dragon escaped out of a cage, dark-red flame clouds arose and the immense heat from earlier, could now not even fathom the killing warmth, that Fuji felt.

Although the distance was far, his blood boiled and his breath had tiny sparkles of fire. Sweat formed everywhere on his body and the blast hurled Fuji backwards.


Suddenly, the heat subsided and silence filled the white space, causing Fuji to recollect himself.

„Why are there so many trials?!"


„Who conjured me again?!"

A gigantic dragon head in the size of the sun appeared and the white scenery changed to a heaven-defying creature, occupying the whole sky.

Only now did Fuji observe in the white eye features, such as the iris form of an oval or little red points circling around the iris.

„Sigh..I can't take a break these days.."

Fuji stared at the gigantic white dragon and wondered, how he managed to fit in here.

As if the gigantic white dragon noticed the stare, he glared at Fuji and spoke in his ancient voice, „Firstly, I can warp if you have noticed and secondly, this environment is for the weapon reward, so let's accomplish this."

Raijin raised his long white arm and rotated the backside of the hand towards the ground.

Abruptly, 50 white flames conjured in his hand and they each had their own appeal.

„Thy time to shine came!"

„Sorry to disappoint you, but I prefer reliable weapons and not one based by optics."

Each flame turned into a color and they started to shape into several weapons.

Reijin lowered his palm to Fuji in order for him to decide a weapon.

„Well, choose one."

Fuji walked onto the palm and glanced at each flame with every step taken.

Every flame transformed into a shape of unfamiliar weapons, but the use was by their features understandable.

There was one green flame, that had the shape of a dagger and one blue flame had the shape of a steel ball with a chain attached.

They glistened in their own flame color brightly and the tip promised of the sharpness.

However, there was one black flame and Fuji headed to it. In reaction to it, it transformed into a sharp katana with a red handle and the blade was surrounded by the black flame.

~Oh, that one is perfect! It can handle and use Dark Qi!~


Fuji stretched his arm and gripped onto the handle, but once he clung it, immense feelings of hatred and revenge filled his mind.


Reijin observed from above and his surprise was hidden inwardly. He wasn't very fond of humans, but watching the person die in front of him isn't to his taste.

„You idiot, let go, it has a too high concentration of Dark Qi!"

The scream thundered into Fuji's ears and he would lie, if he would say, that this is comfortable, however, it wasn't unbearable.

„Ugh, you damn..sword..obey your..new master..!"

As if the sword refused to submit to him, the black flame broadened in width and increased in height simultaneously.

„If you can withstand one output of my attacks, I will submit!"

Fuji's eyes gleamed with a black intent and his irises color molded into dark raven-black with no remains of the previous cyan.

His devilish smile returned and his eyes widened, while his face displayed pure happiness and the black aura swirling around Fuji, accelerated with a unimaginable tempo.

„Let's see, what you can do!"

Fuji placed his hands on the red handle and every emotion excluding happiness left him, while killing occupied his mind.

„Hehe..you sure think of yourself highly, let's see if you can back it up!"

Suddenly, his vision cleared into a perfect picture and a dot visualized into his view.

With all of his might, he advanced forward and swung the blade with the strength from all of his muscles, but slashed forward with incredible speed.

The blade's raven-black flame increased in size and the horizontal slash was embraced by the black flames.

The slash continued onward without any signs of stopping and space couldn't sustain the slash.


„How was..huff..that..!"

The raven-black flame decreased to it's former size and a demonic voice replied, „Kuku..You did well and better than expected."

Fuji's suspicion remembered him from the promise of an artifact and he grinned, „From now on, I'm hereby your new master"

The annoyance mirrored itself in his words, „Tsk, fine."

„That was phenomenal! I'm happy you received an artifact, but you almost hit me with your slash, so cram your shit and leave!"

Fuji scratched the backside of his head and tried to calm him down, „It was not intended to harm you."

„Either way, go study your artifact and don't succumb to your newfound powers!"



„Ouch..That bastard did that purposely!"

Fuji fell on his waist and the pain aching annoyed him.

Nevertheless, he peeked around to only find a surprise.