People Management [2]

Cairo and Natalie end up at a restaurant. Natalie glances behind her and Aunt ducks out of sight. She sighs and says that Aunt must be hungry. Cairo should ask Aunt to join them. Cairo raps the table indignantly and tells her not to turn away from him. Their eyes should be glued to each other, like they're the only people in the world. Natalie says, with a straight face, that he's saying such romantic words with such an unromantic expression. She adds that his family will catch on with that face. She declares that they should just drink wine.

The waitress is struggling trying to open the wine bottle. From how Natalie is chewing on her thumb, it must have been for a while. Natalie tells the girl that she'll do it. The girl protests but Natalie says that she likes the feeling of opening wine bottles. The waitress apologizes and leaves. Cairo watches Natalie open the wine bottle. Finally the cork comes off. Natalie smiles at Cairo. Cairo looks down at his pasta, frowning. Not looking up, he tells her that she has an obsession with being kind to others. She replies that it's just easier to do it herself.

Natalie smiles as they toast. Cairo's still frowning. He tells her that she wants others' acknowledgment and love. Natalie chugs her glass and nods with appreciation over the wine. She replies that it seems like people's acknowledgement and love means nothing to him. Some people live for that. But, those from loving families would never understand. He rips apart some bread as he responds that loving families have their issues too. She tells him that he's spoiled. Cairo ought to be grateful they care about him. And what does he mean that it's kindness for her? It's kindness of him. Being polite is good for both of them. She pours herself another glass as she declares that that's life.

Natalie picks up her glass and turns around to look at Aunt. Aunt starts trying to hide (and failing). Natalie lifts the glass and tells Aunt, "Cheers." Cairo looks at Natalie and tells her that she gets used by people a lot, right? Not acknowledgement and love… It's obvious. Natalie retorts that she's letting him take advantage of her since she has a goal now. Once she gets her revenge on Kelvin, it's over. She points her finger at him as she tells him that she hates his attitude and his way of thinking. He snaps back at her that she should never drink! She really shouldn't. He mutters to himself that he shouldn't have bought drinks. Natalie tells Cairo to be good to Mom. Mom wants love too.

Cairo drops Natalie off. They stand outside her house. He extends an invitation for a charity event for young cancer patients and tells her to make some time for him this weekend. Cairo says that his friend is the host. He wants rumours to spread about them, then Mom will believe them. Natalie chuckles ironically and says that it's funny. She thought she'd never be able to date again and this is how it's happening. She tells him thanks. He replies that she doesn't need to thank him. It's 100% for him. Wow, he can be really cold sometimes. She's thinking the same thing, too, because she makes a face at him.

Cairo leans in. From Aunt's angle, it looks like they're kissing good night. Cairo says through his teeth that Natalie should go in. Natalie starts laughing awkwardly and shakes Cairo's hand and gives him an arm hug. She tells him that she misses him already as she walks inside, waving at him. He watches her go and waves, too. Aunt calls Mom and tells her that she checked.

Kelvin gets out of his car and wonders why he came there. He decides, since he's here already…

Natalie is at work. Zoe approaches and tells Natalie that she has a visitor. It's Rocco. Nice fake out! He's there for that shopping she promised. She starts to fidget and he asks her if he came when she didn't mean it. Did he make her uncomfortable? She replies that she's working right now. She glances over Rocco's shoulder and sees Kelvin peeking around the corner looking at her. Really, dude? You dumped her, accused her of stalking, and now you're following her? Rocco tells her that he'll get going, but she stops him and asks Zoe to cover for her.

Natalie and Rocco start walking together, arm in arm, with Kelvin following them. Natalie smiles widely and says that she's glad he came. Kelvin can't believe it: Gong Cairo and Han Rocco? Zoe plops her hand on his shoulder, about giving him a heart attack.

Makeover montage! They settle on an all-black outfit. Rocco smiles and says that Natalie is working so hard for him. She remembers Cairo's advice that being polite is for her benefit, not others. She tells him that she had fun. It's like playing with dolls. Rocco smiles slightly and asks Natalie that since he was her doll, will she pay for him. Her eyes bulge in alarm as Cairo's voice tells her that people take advantage of her. Rocco laughs, because he was kidding. He pulls out his card and says that he'll pay in full.

Kelvin is walking with Zoe. He points to a purse and tells her that it would suit you. She giggles appropriately. He sees a wallet and likes it. He asks if he can get 20 of them. When Zoe asks about 20 of the same item, Kelvin says that a friend is having a charity event and he wants to donate them. He winks at her. Zoe declares that Kelvin is nicer than she thought. He's not sure what she means. She laughed and said that Natalie had her thinking that he was the worst kind of loser. Kelvin's smile gets less relaxed. Zoe supposes that it's because Natalie loved him so much and was really hurt.

Kelvin blinks at that comment. Zoe smiles and tells him that she can see why Natalie fell so hard for him. Really? You're going to start flirting with him? After how he dogged your friend? Kelvin squirms uncomfortably. Zoe says that she'll have his order sent by UPS. She walks off and Kelvin sighs, still uncomfortable. But it seems more about Natalie than getting hit on.

Isla is sitting at a restaurant, drinking a smoothie and reading a book. It's Kelvin's restaurant. Rocco arrives and hands her back her card. She asks if he bought something nice. He thanks her and asks why she did it. She replies that her party guests should look their best. Kelvin arrives and tells Rocco to scream. He sits at her table and says that he sees her often these days. Is she there to see him? Isla declares that she's leaving now. Burn! She turns to Rocco and tells him she'll see him this weekend. Kelvin tries to get her to stay for some dinner, but she doesn't even acknowledge him as she leaves.

Kelvin turns and looks at Rocco. She invited him, too? Rocco nods and says that she bought him an outfit too. How could he turn her down? Kelvin yells at Rocco that he was hitting on Natalie too, smiling with his tiny eyes! Rocco innocently asks, "Me?" Natalie was kind to him first. Kelvin snaps that Natalie's always kind to everyone. He sighs with frustration and says that that's her problem. Rocco looks at Kelvin and asks him, "But, didn't you two break up?" Kelvin replies that they did but… He realises what he's doing. He starts giving Rocco a hard time about how Rocco bussed the table. Rocco laughs, pats Kelvin on the shoulder and asks if he should ask Natalie to go to the party, too. Kelvin glares at him as he walks away.

Isla is driving in her convertible. She calls Cairo and declares that she needs him to go to a party with her. He wants to know why. She tells him that he'll see. She tells anti-social Gong Cairo that she'll take him there so he doesn't sleep all day. She says that she's almost there. Cairo tells her that he already has a date. Isla's not sure how to respond to that. Cairo tells her not to worry, he'll see her there. She hangs up and doesn't look happy about this development.

Those are HIGH heels. Really cute, though. Wow! Natalie looks great. I love the dress and it's a good colour for her, too. Natalie's walking. Kelvin leaves his restaurant, whistling. He looks nice too, although it's a casual dress. They run into each other. He takes off his sunglasses and they stand there, awkwardly. He asks her to talk for a moment. Indifferently, she asks what they need to talk about. Kelvin, looking serious, says that he wants to apologise. She looks at him and blinks. With no hint of flippancy, Kelvin tells her that he's sorry. Honestly.

Natalie's indifferent exterior is starting to crack. Kelvin declares that he wants her to go somewhere with him. A pause. Cairo walks up and says that he's sorry but they have plans. Kelvin looks at Natalie like he can't believe that she'd just go. Isla drives up in the distance in her convertible. Cairo's practice must be right by Kelvin's restaurant, because Cairo was just at his office and now he's there and she was coming to get him… Plus, earlier, when Cairo was drawing on Natalie's face, the shot prior to that had them arriving outside of the restaurant.

Cairo tells Natalie that they should go. He puts his arm around her and begins to walk her away. After about 10 feet Natalie stops and says that she wants to hear him out. She starts to go back, but he grabs her and walks her away. He puts her in the car and they drive away. Neither Isla nor Kelvin are happy. Isla gives Kelvin a ride.

In the car, Natalie mutters that Kelvin seemed to mean it. Cairo sighs and asks if she's going to fall for a simple sorry? Did she forget about people management? She sighs and says that it's not her thing. She's a one-man type of girl. Cairo sighs and tells her not to be hasty or she'll regret it. He could be managing people too. She needs to stay on your toes. Natalie shouldn't let Kelvin see through her. Natalie sighs.

Lots of girls in bikinis. Natalie and Cairo arrive. She feels awkward and he walks with his hands in his pockets as if he could care less. She wonders what kind of charity event this is. Isla walks up and declares that they should all have a good time. Kelvin walks up, wearing his sunglasses – at least he's outside this time. He looks ticked. Natalie looks at him awkwardly. Isla declares that those who are giving should have fun, too. Cairo remembers he needs to introduce Isla to Natalie. Natalie nicely bows when they're introduced.

Cairo starts to introduce Natalie when Isla cuts him off, saying that she already knows who Natalie is. Cairo's surprised, until she adds that it's because of Kelvin. Now Natalie feels really awkward. Which I think is exactly how Isla wanted it. Natalie thinks to herself that Kelvin wanted to bring her there? Cairo tells Kelvin that he didn't think Kelvin would be there. Kelvin replies that Isla wanted him to come. Kelvin hopes that Cairo doesn't feel uncomfortable about him being there with Isla, since Cairo doesn't hold on to the past.

Cairo replies that the past isn't important. He puts his arm around Natalie and pulls her close, declaring that the present is. Kelvin doesn't like that answer. Neither does Isla, but she puts on a smiling face and asks to borrow Cairo so they can greet Professor Park. That leaves Natalie alone with Kelvin, but Kelvin walks away, leaving Natalie by herself. One of the other guests marvels that when the daughter of Ganghan's chief director is hosting a party, all the doctors of Seoul show up. Natalie looks over at Cairo with Isla. Cairo is cordially bowing with Isla smiling at his side. They totally look like the perfect power couple. Korea's Beyonce and Jay-Z. Cairo laughs easily as Natalie watches.

Screaming Girls. I call them girls because no self-respecting woman screams like that when a cute guy shows up. Rocco has arrived, wearing the outfit that Natalie picked out for him. He's also wearing sunglasses. Natalie sees him and waves, smiling. Rocco smiles and waves back… and walks right past her to go talk to Isla. That's who he was waving at. Isla and Kelvin welcome him. Natalie mutters to herself that Rocco had another goal too. Way to really make her feel like crap, Cairo.

Kelvin gets a call. It's Zoe. She looks very cute. She claims that his order was delayed so she brought it there personally. Yeah, I'm sure that it was 'delayed' as in, you didn't bother trying to get in to the UPS guy… Kelvin thanks her for coming and she smiles broadly. He's sorry if it was any trouble. She tells him that she had skipped lunch so she's hungry. Now that's not fishing for a date at all… Kelvin asks her if she wants to grab something. Zoe's like, "Really?!" Ah! She's making me want to slap her! She only likes Kelvin because he's rich. He's clueless.

Kelvin walks up to Isla and says that he brought something for the auction. She asks him what's the deal with the wallets. Kelvin says that it's a charity auction, so he wanted to help. And he thinks he's being so smooth. Isla squints at him and says that it isn't that type of auction. The guys around her (including Cairo) chuckle at Kelvin for being an idiot. When Kelvin tries to ask, Isla smiles and tells him that he'll find out soon. She appreciates the thought. He awkwardly takes the wallets back.

Natalie is at the buffet table. She declares that she'll just eat. Food is best. As she tries to get some food, Rocco comes up and takes the tongs out of her hands and starts using them. She starts to make small talk. Rocco answers that he's heard that she's kind to anyone. Natalie tries again to get some food and Rocco stops her again. He says he thought she was interested in him. She replies that he wasn't interested in her either. Third try blocked. Rocco tells her she shouldn't judge others like that. They do a little sword fighting with the tongs before Natalie gives up.

Rocco tells Natalie that with all the chaos with the juice on Cairo… She puts her tongs down and asks him what he's trying to do. He reaches over and puts the plate that he's been filling up on top of hers. He looks at her and says that it's not nice to see her acting like Kelvin. That stings her. A drunk woman wanders up to Rocco and says that she saved him a seat. He walks off with her, leaving Natalie standing there.

The announcer declares that they're going to start the main event: the Male Auction! All the eligible men climb up on stage. Isla drags Cairo up to the stage. When he protests, she tells him that it's for a good cause. He tries to just give a donation, but he and Rocco end up on stage. Kelvin walks up the Isla and asks if she wants some help. He tells her that he would've dressed up if he'd known. All the guys look like a bunch of bugs. She tells him to go ahead.

The auction starts. Lots of bidding and men performing. Cairo's turn. He barely says that he's a plastic surgeon. Rocco introduces himself as a good cook. That gets the women's lather going. Lots of bidding. $300! $500! $700! Drunk lady bids $1,000! Natalie is laughing and clapping. Kelvin is annoyed that someone else is getting the hoopla. Emcee asks what Cairo is good at. All he can come up with is that he's good at eating. Women start bidding on Cairo. $300! $500! $700! $800! $900! A bidding war breaks out between some older women. Isla chuckles. Cairo looks at Natalie and she shrugs. He looks over at Isla and she shrugs with her eyes.

Emcee declares that now they're going to do a battle between Cairo and Rocco! Cairo tries to get out of it, so Rocco has to pick: dancing. Rocco starts dancing and the women go wild. $1,500! $2,000! $3,000! $3,500! $4,000! Drunk lady bids $5,000! Emcee declares that she's the winner. Emcee turns to Cairo. The cougars are ready to claim their prize. Cairo relulctantly says that he'll dance. He starts doing some Elvis moves. He mouths to Natalie to bid on him. $2000! Cougar bids $3500! Isla's trying hard not to laugh. $4,000! Cairo is killing himself dancing, trying not to be bought by the cougars. $4500! $5000! Natalie starts to feel really bad for Cairo. And then Isla bids $10,000. Her plan all along.

The bidding goes on until no one is left… except Kelvin. The Emcee forgot about him. He covers by saying that he saved the best for last. Kelvin declares that he owns a French restaurant and will feed the ladies pasta forever. No one bids. Isla chuckles. Natalie looks like she feels like crap. Finally someone bids. Natalie for $18. Subs say this is a curse word in Korean. There's a cuckoo sound effect which covers what she says. Before the Emcee can say sold, Kelvin says that he's still got to do his talent. Emcee asks Kelvin if he doesn't want to be won. Kelvin protests that he's never seen Natalie before. He declares that he used to want to be in an idol band. But his singing is bad. So is his dancing. Emcee proposes they throw Kelvin into the water. The crowd cheers that they'll pay for that. Natalie cringes because she knows this is humiliating for Kelvin.

Crowd chants for Kelvin to get dunked. Kelvin agrees, but says that he's doing it for *her.* She'll know who she is. Zoe smiles like he means her. Kelvin says that she'll know that she's his girl. Natalie looks like she's going to be sick. Rocco isn't smiling but looking uncomfortable. Cairo mutters that Kelvin wants everyone. Kelvin dramatically goes and does a belly flop into the pool. Ouch.

Everyone laughs and no one bids. Emcee declares that Kelvin is for free if any girl will go in too! Kelvin's standing in the water, shivering. Natalie slowly, with determination, walks into the pool. Cairo sighs with frustration. Zoe looks upset. Natalie walks over to Kelvin and tells him, "Let's go." She takes his arm and escorts him out of the pool, leaving one of her shoes behind. Dang! Those were nice shoes, too. Once they're out of the pool, Natalie and Kelvin look at each other. Cairo watches to see what's going to happen. She lets go of Kelvin's arm and they just look at each other.

Now Kelvin's shivering, sitting at a table under a tent. Natalie brought him a towel, which she threw onto his head. She sits. He thanks her. She asks if he meant it. He doesn't know what she's talking about. She says that he still doesn't feel any remorse, eh? Kelvin asks her if she was hoping they were going to start over? He almost looks hopeful. Indignant, she asks him if he's crazy. There's no way! He sighs and his face says that he was hoping she was going to say yes. Kelvin says that he thought they could be friends. Really? After how you treated her? She can't believe him, either.

Incredulous, Natalie can't believe he can be like that. Kelvin says that he thought he couldn't, but with her it seems possible. She seemed cool with things, since she was with Cairo and Rocco. Kelvin declares that it's not all about dating when thinking in terms of having a 'good relationship.' Why must couples who break up become enemies? They don't have to, unless one of them is a cowardly jerk who gets the other arrested for being a stalker! I'm sorry. I'm just not going to let that go. Kelvin says that they could encourage each other and just be friends. Because Kelvin does not live in reality. Natalie looks away.

Kelvin thanks her for what she did and starts to suggest something they should do, but she cuts him off and tells him that they shouldn't meet again. Kelvin's surprised. She clarifies: even as friends, they shouldn't meet. Kelvin doesn't understand why not. Stoically, Natalie declares that her feelings for him were real. She's still embarrassed by that. She gets up and walks away, leaving Kelvin thinking.

Natalie walks, one shoe missing. Cairo is waiting for her. He looks like he feels bad for her. She tells him that they should forget about her revenge. He says that he'll take her home. She replies that she's sorry but they need to forget about their deal, too. He tells her to just wait. He'll bring more towels. He leaves to get the towels and she starts walking again. She takes off the other shoe. Rocco calls her name. He has her other shoe and her purse. Aw. Rocco kneels down and Natalie has a Cinderella moment.

As Rocco puts her shoes on her, Natalie thinks that it didn't matter who benefited from Rocco's act of compassion, whether it was for people management or not. Cairo comes back and sees it. Natalie thinks that she was glad that someone was with her. Cairo looks at the towels he's holding. Natalie's stmomch growls. Rocco laughs and says they should eat. Now. Isla walks up to Cairo, who's still watching Natalie and Rocco. She asks when he wants to do their date. He starts to asks why she bid on him and she tells him that she did it for the children. That's all. He asks what he can do to be worth $10,000? She smiles and tells him to just buy her a meal. Now.

Zoe has found Kelvin, who's sitting with his head in his hand. She asks if he's okay. She asks him if he wants to go eat now? Natalie's voiceover declares that no one stooped low (was being a coward). Rocco puts his jacket on Natalie's shoulders and they start to leave together as she thinks that they all just wanted to be with someone. Her phone rings. Natalie's eyes bulge wide as she asks "Who came over?" She turns around to look at Cairo, who's also on the phone. Appalled, he asks the caller, "What! Where did she go?!"

Mom is on the phone. She asks Natalie how she could do it and declares that she was so surprised. She tells Natalie to come home now. Mom hangs up the phone and grabs the tray with the grapefruit juice. She brings it out to where Mom is and apologizes for this being all they have. Mom apologizes for the short notice.