Marry Me If You Can [2]

Later, Natalie is sitting down to eat. Mom calls. I wouldn't answer, not when I'm about to eat. Natalie, on the other hand, does. Even though she's not really dating Cairo. Again the rose 'Natalie' sound affect as Mom says her name. Mom takes Natalie out shopping for family gifts.

Basically the breakdown is this:

Groom Side:

Wedding Ceremony (50%), Honeymoon (50%), Apartment/Housing (100%), wedding gift for the bride.

Bride Side:

Wedding Ceremony (50%), Honeymoon (50%), Furnishings for Home (100%), wedding gift for the groom.

So the short of it, since Mom said that she would take care of everything, she's helping Natalie pick out the gifts for the groom's family. Way hinky, from everything I looked at, for Mom to be doing this. Even hinkier that Mom is letting it happen.

Natalie, of course, feels uncomfortable. Mom 'humbly' tells Natalie that she doesn't want a nice present, so long as the rest of the family gets something nice. Natalie hadn't even thought about this. Mom clarifies that Grandma is a given (in the gift department) but she hope that Natalie will take care of the aunts as well. The ones who so quickly trash talked her family? Sounds great. Or Aunt who constantly is spying on her and threatening her? Even better! Natalie pauses and then declares that she's sorry, but it's too much for her. She can't do it.

Oh, you knew this was Mom's plan all along… Mom leans in and sweetly asks Natalie if she means that she can't get married. She is so… aaah! Cairo so has her number! Natalie protests that she means that it's a wedding between the two of them. Mom cuts her off to add that it's for them. Mom asks if Natalie thinks that she can survive the Cairo's family with just their love for each other? And since Natalie knows what kind of life Mom has with the Cairo's family, so oi! Natalie swallows loudly. You would think that she's really getting married to Cairo with how she's acting. Hmmm.

Switch to Natalie on the toilet, trying to go. Guess the stress must be making her constipated (see: 'Flower Boy Ramen Shop'). Mom calls. Why Natalie answers now, especially because she doesn't *want* to answer… Mom sweetly says Natalie's name, with the echo effect again. Like a rose. Natalie tries to say that now is not a good time, but they end up television shopping, for a TV that costs 3,255,000 won. Natalie tries to mention how Mom keeps showing up when she's working, but Mom asks when Natalie's planning on quitting her job. Natalie's reaction is mine: what? excuse me? Mom tells Natalie that she wants her to quit right away. She has tons to teach her about cooking and housekeeping. Even though Cairo knows how to do all these things. Plus, she can learn them *after* the marriage, if she wants to… but Mom is determined. Natalie's face clearly looks freaked as Mom adds that she hopes that Natalie doesn't think that she'll have time to do things besides her duties as the Gongs' only grandson's wife. Wow, she's a secret EMIL. And just because she made that choice, as the Gongs' only son's wife, doesn't mean that Natalie has to make the same choices. Eagle screech.

Natalie is at a hospital, wondering why Mom asked her to come there? Mom says Natalie's name, with the echo effect again. Close up on Mom's lips as she says it. Natalie stops, as if frozen by the sound of her own name. Or at least how Mom says it. She slowly turns around to see a smiling Mom waving sweetly at her. Natalie thinks that before Mom called her name, she was nothing but a mere motion, barely a human gesture. The dreamy music plays again and Natalie smiles and waves. Slow motion of Mom waving and Natalie smiling, walking towards Mom. Natalie's voiceover says that when Mom called her name, she went to Mom and…

Switch to Natalie in stirrups at the OB-GYN. Natalie's voiceover declares that she got screwed! Natalie exits the exam room – still wearing the exam skirt rather than her cute shorts – to confront Mom, saying that she doesn't think what's going on is right. She's not a hen that lays eggs, nor a cow that births calves! Mom says that Natalie is someone who will give birth to a child. Isn't that why she needs to be more careful? Natalie protests that Mom is only thinking about this future baby instead of her, the one who has to sit there with her legs spread open! Natalie says that she feels like her personal privacy has been beaten into the ground!

Mom answers that OB-GYN checkups aren't that embarrassing. Hasn't Natalie ever gotten a check-up before? She's 30. Mom declares that Mom seems to be a bit careless concerning her daughter's health. Nice. Natalie can't believe that Mom's not getting it. She tries again, saying that the OB-GYN exam isn't the issue here. The issue is that she came there with Mom, when she doesn't even come there with Mom. And before the wedding at that!

Mom says that Natalie needs to get pregnant right after the wedding, plus second and third child, with 2 years apart, so that she can be done by thirty-five. What? Really? When did Cairo agree to that? Plus, Mom sure didn't keep up her end of the bargain with that one. (Or maybe it was Dad's fault…). Mom says that it's dangerous for the mother after that. They have to get checkups and surgeries because they can't get pregnant. Maybe when they're 50. Mom declares that there's no time to lose.

Natalie wants to know why she has to live by Mom's plans. Which is why you should talk to Cairo about this one. Natalie declares that her body is HERS. Mom replies that such an egotistical attitude cannot be accepted from someone about to enter her family where progeny is so precious. Natalie can't believe Mom's response. Mom gets up and leaves, letting a smile escape from her lips. She knows she's totally doing a number on Natalie. Natalie can only scramble her hair in frustration.

Rocco is at a restaurant, presumably waiting for Natalie. He puts off ordering and tries calling Natalie, but she's been dragged to an acupuncturist. As she goes to answer, the acupuncturist commands her to wait. She lacks energy and blood. Her garden is cold. Glancing over at Mom, Mom asks how Natalie feels now. Are her human rights recovered now?

Rocco's still waiting. Not ordering. Smiling at the waitress. Holding up the table, much to his embarrassment. Natalie starts to text him an apology and that she'll be late, but the acupuncturist tells her to put down her cell, so she has to just endure her 'treatment.'

Rocco's given up the table and is waiting outside the restaurant. So much for being a player, Cairo! It's sweet. Natalie finally arrives after the restaurant is closed. She's mortified that it's closed and that he had to wait. He initially looks hurt/upset, but as he stands up, he smiles and holds up a bag. He got it to go. Aw. Such a good guy. Natalie smiles with appreciation.

They go back to Cairo's apartment, where Natalie plops down the two boxes of herbal medicine that she's lugged from the acupuncturists, muttering that it makes the cold garden fertile or whatever. Cairo's looking at her, his mouth hanging open as he asks if she just accepted it. She glares at him with a face of disgust. She replies that it's actually the result of a compromise thanks to her arguing! Pointing he asks if those are the results of negotiation, too? Natalie looks at the wedding presents and groans.

Natalie declares that Mom has some weird supernatural powers. When she come to her senses, Mom's already got her! And doesn't Cairo know that one. Do a better job, Cairo, in helping Natalie out! Cairo sighs. Natalie remembers and pulls a receipt for the thermal bed (12,800,000 won) out of her purse, asking him to reimburse her. Cairo can't believe it. She points out that it's a wedding gift. He asks her if she's crazy. Natalie mumbles that Mom's supernatural powers got her. Cairo just stares at her. Because he *knows* what Mom's powers are like. This whole thing has made me understand him so much more and be so much more sympathetic regarding how he treats Mom.

Rocco can't help but overhear. He frowns but continues to unpack the to-go food. Not taking his gaze from Natalie, Cairo gets Rocco's attention and declares that Natalie must really want to marry him. Heh. Rocco stops what he's doing and looks in their direction. Natalie glances over at him and then whines as she tells Cairo that she'll take it back and get a refund. Rocco tells Natalie to come eat the pig's feet. He also invites Cairo. Because he's a great guy. Cairo looks over at Rocco and barks that he said no stinky smells! Natalie makes a face at him and walks over to the table, mutter that it's all because of him!

As Natalie sits down she rants about how Mom keeps popping up unexpectedly all week long, going "Natalie? Natalie?" She can't have a normal day, let alone a dating life! Rocco's just letting her rant as he goes about getting things out of the refrigerator. Natalie complains that she can't use the restroom properly. Cairo comes over to stand by the table with an indignant look on his face. Natalie says that this fake marriage is messing up her real life! She stuffs some food in her mouth.

Rocco's grabbed some beers and he starts to sit next to Natalie, but Cairo pushes him out of the way and takes the chair instead. Which I find really funny. Cairo asks who told her to get dragged around by Mom? As Rocco takes the seat across from Natalie, Cairo tells her that no one can win over her talent: throwing a fit and causing a ruckus! Natalie mutters something with her mouth full that is completely incomprehensible. Rocco passes her a beer. She takes a swig and declares that she's never going to be dragged around by Mom again. She's just going to plow right through Mom. Cairo nudges Natalie and says that she should have done that from the beginning. Rocco is not enjoying watching their conversation.

Natalie lists what she's going to say: "Cooking and housekeeping, I can't do crap like that! When I marry, I'm going to make Cairo do everything!" Cairo encourages her. "I won't even have kids because I'm too young for it." More Cairo enthusiasm. They clink beer cans, smiling. Rocco is not smiling. "Wedding gifts, my foot. I'll cut all ties with my in-laws!" Cairo is laughing, enjoying the idea of that scene. Everyone takes a swig of beer.

Natalie tells Cairo to eat the toes. He still thinks they're talking about sticking it to Mom, until he realizes what she said. He chokes on his beer and has to go grab a towel because he dribbled on his shirt. Natalie is making his wrap. Rocco quietly tells Natalie that she and Cairo look excited. It's making him jealous. Aw. Good man to be real. She tries to play it off like it's no big deal. Natalie waves Rocco in closer and softly says that the department store is closed tomorrow and she took the next day off after that. Rocco understands and suggests that they run away to somewhere far. Natalie nods in agreement. They share a smile.

Cairo returns and sees it. They pretend like nothing has happened. Cairo asks Natalie what they talked about. Natalie shrugs and shakes her head, saying that it was nothing. She stuffs her mouth full of a wrap so she can't talk. Rocco gives a big smile. Cairo knows he's missed something.

Rocco is at Bon Café, packing up the food for their get away. Chef arrives and demands to know what Rocco's doing. Rocco replies that he's not doing anything wrong – he probably brought all the food and prepared it there. Chef grumbles and Rocco tells him to go talk to Kelvin if he wants. This is nothing compared to the ingredient funds Chef took. Chef can't say a word, but yells at Rocco to stop. Rocco turns around with a smile and says that he's taking a couple days off. He wishes Chef good luck, with a wink.

Natalie arrives at Bon Café on her bike. Rocco greets her with a smile. Cairo walks up and demands to know what they're doing and where they're going. Not jealous at all. Natalie says that it's none of his business. Cairo replies that they shouldn't be seen together in broad daylight. She's a future bride. Natalie squints at him in irritation and declares that this stressed out bride-to-be needs some time off! Rocco ignores Cairo. He hands Natalie the picnic and goes to get his bike. Cairo can't help to notice what's in the bag.

Cairo looks at the smiling Natalie, annoyed. He glances to his left and acts shocked, calling Mom's name. He grabs the bike as he mutters, "In broad daylight! Mom!" Natalie starts to freak out. Cairo jumps on the bike and tells Natalie to hop on now! He shakes the bike for emphasis. He is not… So bad! Natalie is so flustered that she gets on as Cairo mutters about what Mom's problem is. They ride away just as Rocco arrives with his bike. He is not stealing Natalie. I am rolling.

Rocco is understandably annoyed. Even though he sees them ride away, he's too annoyed to follow them. Kelvin steps out of the café and gets Rocco's attention. He wants to talk. Which means that Rocco can't follow them even if he tried.

On the bike, arms wrapped around Cairo's waist, Natalie looks behind them and tells Cairo that he can stop now. No one's after them. He replies that they're still in the area. Natalie asks why they're still going. Cairo replies that she said that she was stressed. He tells her to hold on tight. He's going to go really fast. Natalie rolls her eyes and wonders why Cairo's being considerate of her for a change. She's loosened her grip, but he makes her hug him tightly again as they pedal. This whole scene is cracking me up. Props to Cairo for all the pedaling he had to do in this scene. He's really on a bike instead of looking like he's on a bike.

Natalie yells at Cairo to let her off. How far is he going? Rocco is waiting for her! Cairo doesn't like that, so he grits his teeth and pedals harder, all the while Natalie is protesting to be let off the bike. Soon he's panting furiously and has to stop because they hit a big hill. He so wants to keep going, but can't. Cairo acts like this is just where he intended to stop, announcing, "Okay, then." Did Natalie want to get off? Cairo is panting furiously. He pries her arms off his waist – even though he put them there – like they're an annoyance – which they weren't when he did it. Natalie hops off the bike. Cairo stumbles off the bike and tries to catch his breath. Natalie can't help but laugh at him. I can't either. As they finish their way up the hill, with Cairo pushing the bike, Natalie laughs and teases him, asking if it's heavy.

Back at Bon Café, Kelvin is looking at Rocco. Finally, he calls Rocco a jerk. He asks how long Rocco's going to continue to confuse Natalie. Rocco's surprised by the question and says that he's never confused her. Kelvin replies that Natalie is marrying Cairo. When is Rocco going to stop butting into their relationship? Rocco answers by asking Kelvin when he started being worried about them. Doesn't he still have feelings for Natalie? Kelvin sighs and says that he doesn't want to see her get married either, but what can he do. Cairo really likes her and he's Kelvin's best friend. So Kelvin isn't quite as shallow as he normally acts. He has some loyalty.

Rocco chuckles and remarks that that's a tear-worthy friendship. Kelvin snaps that if he's going to let go of Natalie, it will be to Cairo, so Rocco needs to butt out! Rocco chuckles again and asks what he should do. Kelvin's the only one out of the loop right now. Kelvin snaps back, asking what this dog poop sound is that he's hearing! That's so much more eloquent than "What kind of crap is this?!" Rocco smiles and tells him to ask his best friend. Kelvin leans forward and asks if getting in between Cairo and Natalie isn't enough. He's trying to drive a wedge between him and Cairo, too? Rocco has to laugh at that. Kelvin's insulted. He throws his keys at Rocco and tells Rocco to wash his car. Rocco needs to wash his mind, too!

Cairo is walking with the bike. And I'm wondering what's with the suit he's wearing. It's the first thing that I've seen him wear that I have scratched my head over. He's hot. You could take off your suit jacket. There is a basket to set it in. Plus, Natalie's had to carry the picnic lunch this whole time. Instead of putting it in the basket. Cairo stops and grabs the picnic sack, asking if she has anything to drink. Nothing to drink, just yummy food. Cairo starts to dig in. Natalie protests and he shoves a tomato in her mouth with a big grin on his face.

Natalie asks why he treats her like this! She's running all over, forsaking her work and love life! Why is he messing up her real love life?! Cairo picks up on the *real* love life comment and asks if Rocco's her real boyfriend? Like he's skeptical, or at least trying to make her skeptical. Natalie replies that of course Rocco is! Cairo doesn't like that answer. He taps Natalie and asks – with some vulnerability – if Rocco asked her to make it official. Natalie looks at him a minute and then laughs that he's so childish. Sarcastically she says, "We're lovers from today on. Ready, go!" Rolling her eyes, she tells him that love doesn't start that way.

Cairo scoffs at her and asks if they kissed. Natalie doesn't answer but thinks of the make out session at Bon Café. Cairo doesn't believe it – or so he says. Cairo declares that guys like Rocco are all the same. They make it ambiguous to confuse her and it'll be over before she knows it. Natalie declares that they kissed. Cairo stops chewing the cherry tomato in his mouth. He definitely doesn't like the sound of that. He asks if they did. She says they did. He asks again, so Natalie yells at him that they did! Spring sound effect. Cairo spits the cherry tomato out of his mouth. He starts to yell at her about going so fast, being so easy! She tells him to stop calling her easy. She nods her head as she understands what he's thinking: because she's being patient, he thinks she's actually easy!

Natalie shoves him away from the picnic sack and stuffs it in the bike's basket. Then she tries to get on the bike. Cairo grabs the bike and asks where she's going. She yells that she's going to take things even faster! Cairo replies that Mom will still be there. She looks at him and then calls him on it: Mom isn't even there, is she? Cairo's face confirms the lie. She rides off, leaving him there. He's disgusted.

Natalie arrives back at Bon Café right as a smiling Mom gets out of a taxi. Natalie can't believe that Mom's really here. Natalie quickly asks what Mom's doing there. Mom says that the department store was closed today, so she had a feeling Natalie would be there. Mom asks where Cairo is. Natalie starts to try to think of something.

Cairo's now on the tread mill, running. And out of that crazy suit that he actually pulls off. Not sure about this yellow jacket, though. Natalie calls. She's calling from the bridal shop, where Mom and Natalie have gone. She doesn't get through. Looking at the dresses, Natalie is caught up in the moment.

Shop girl holds out a dress. Mom asks what Natalie thinks. In love, Natalie says that it's pretty. Mom is happy to hear that; she chose it. Natalie is stunned. Shop girl walks off with the dress and Mom tap/shoves Natalie in the direction of the dressing room. Natalie glares at Mom's back.

Natalie gets decked out in the dress, the veil. She is amazed at how she looks. Then suddenly, she realizes she needs to get a grip, even if the dress is pretty. She tells herself that it's time to plow through!

The shop girl announces that the bride is ready as Natalie gets her game face on. Back to the opening, with the curtains opening. Natalie smiles. Mom smiles and says that it's not bad. Natalie smiles and replies that she thinks it's bad. It's not her type of dress. It's a bit boring. Mom tightly smiles and asks what Natalie's type is. Natalie heads out to the salon to pick out something hideous: the shortest dress she can find.

All smiles, Natalie hurries back to show Mom, declaring that it's hot outside and the long dress is too much. The person looking at it would be hot, too! Mom is shocked that Natalie wants to show all the guests that much skin. The bride? Natalie asks what's so important about the guests? It's her wedding. On that day, she's going to stand there in her *favorite* style. Natalie giggles and, as she pulls up the skirt of the dress she's in, she declares that she loves her calves. And her thighs, from the skin she's showing.

Mom smiles and says that once she gets married, she can't just live any way she wants to. Natalie replies that that's exactly why she should wear the dress, as a farewell gift to the old her. Mom replies that if she must wear it, so it for the studio photo. It's not appropriate for the wedding. It looks cheap. Natalie firmly declares that No! She will get married in the short dress! Mom stops smiling and the slashing noise from horror movies is played. Stare off, with Natalie a little uncomfortable.

Back to Cairo at the gym. Isla walks up and asks why he's there alone. Where's Natalie? Without replying, he switches off the treadmill and starts to walk away. She follows him, saying that she's sorry. She said that she was wrong. She asks him to look at her. Without complying, he replies that even if he looks at her, he can't tell what her true feelings are. She replies that he does seem confused these days about who really loves him and who's beside him as a fake. That makes him look at her. Once he does, she declares that he's the one in her heart. He doesn't say anything.

Isla says that she wants to make up with Cairo. She wants to be on his side. Shouldn't have tried to blackmail him, then. How can she not get that? Her voice says that she's very serious and Cairo sighs, feeling bad. Isla asks him if he wants to take a trip with her. She suggests they go see the ocean. Still not looking in her direction, he replies that it's vacation time. She knows he hates places with lots of people. He walks away and she tries not to cry. He doesn't realize that he's left his phone.

Back at the bridal shop, Natalie's trying on the dress. Tying up the corset isn't comfortable, but Natalie tells herself that Mom won't want her looking like this. She'll want to drop it. She's smiling. She tells the shop girl to open the curtains and poses dramatically. The curtains open and Mom calls Natalie's name. And I involuntarily shrieked and scared my dog when I saw who was sitting next to Mom. Natalie is startled, too. Mom declares that Natalie is so pretty! Natalie asks what brought Mom there. Mom replies a taxi. She's late because of traffic. She is so Mrs. Bennett! Natalie protests, asking why Mom's there. Mom chimes in and says that, of course, Mom should be there.

Mom croons over how pretty Natalie is. Mom agrees. Just like Mom, Natalie is a natural beauty. Nice slam, Mom. Mom agrees. Mom adds that Natalie's something of an acquired taste... kitschy. Another nice slam, which Natalie definitely catches. Man, I'd hate to have a mother-in-law who can be mean like that. Mom not familiar with the word kitschy and asks Natalie if Mom means kitchen. Mom supposes that it's because Natalie hasn't experienced nice things. She doesn't appreciate really nice things. Mom doesn't miss that slam. Mom keeps going that Natalie will enjoy only nice things from now on, because Mom will give them to Natalie. Nice house, nice clothes, nice food. That's what becoming a part of her family means. Mom can only agree.

Mom says that since Natalie will be representing their family for the first time, Mom wants to give her the best name brand dress as a gift. Natalie starts to object, but Mom pipes up and says that the idea sounds good. Mom thanks Mom for her generosity. Mom sweetly asks Natalie to take off the kitschy dress. Natalie starts to argue when Mom chimes in that the dress she has on is too kitchenish… Like a kitchen maid. Natalie objects to Mom's request. Mom keeps going. She asks shop girl to bring on the dresses she chose, in order. Natalie protests but Mom's all for that. She shoves a protesting Natalie off to the dressing room. Mom loses the smile as soon as they are out of view.

Shop girl starts to get Natalie out of the dress, but she asks to make a phone call. And who does she call? Cairo, of course. But Cairo's left his phone. Isla answers the phone. Natalie asks Cairo where he is. Isla identifies herself. Natalie asks where Cairo is. Isla doesn't answer. Instead she says that she'll pass on the message. Natalie doesn't want to tell her, but because of her pickle… Natalie says that she's in an awkward situation and he need to come quickly. Isla presses and Natalie says that Mom is choosing wedding dresses for her. Isla's face is impassive as she says that she'll tell Cairo when he comes out. He went in to wash up. Natalie is a little stunned by what Isla's said as Isla hangs up. Isla realizes after she's hung up that Natalie must've misunderstood, but she's not going to call back to clear up the misunderstanding.

Natalie stands there, like she just found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her. Text arrives from Rocco, asking where she is. They were supposed to run away together. Rocco climbs in a car and checks out the app which allows him to see where Natalie is (just like Cairo has). He sees that she's at a bridal shop. Rocco sighs at how Natalie got sucked in again.

Cairo is back in the suit. He climbs in his car and Isla just hops right into the passenger seat. She hands him his phone as she says that Natalie's looking for him urgently. Isla says that she has an idea where Natalie is. She'll show him. He just looks at her. She tells him not to look at her with those eyes. She really wants to help him. She told him, she wants to be on his side. She holds up the compact flash card as proof.

Natalie has a traditional mermaid cut dress on. Mom sighs about what a killer body Natalie has. Mom tells Natalie that she's chubbier than she thought. Nice. Mom is a total mean girl! As Natalie puts her hands up protectively, Mom concludes that revealing dresses won't do. Mom immediately changes her tune. New dress. Mom sighs and says that it makes Natalie look old. Mom declares that it's the most expensive dress in the shop. Really. I guess money doesn't always buy the best. I don't like the dress. It's frumpy. Mom immediately changes her tune again. Mom declares that Natalie looks different. The dress suits her.

Another dress with a corset. Natalie sadly thinks that she had dreamt of her future wedding dress. She didn't dream of a lavish one like the ones from the movies. A simple dress would've been fine. She sighs. Another dress to display. She thinks that all she really wanted to do is stand in front of the person she loves. Mom looks and tells Natalie not to slouch… Pull in her chin… Watch her stomach. Mom, of course, agrees. Natalie sadly thinks that she just wanted someone to say that she's beautiful.

More from Mom: Natalie? You can only wear limited styles. Natalie fidgets. Natalie? Style isn't determined by the clothing, but by the attitude of the person wearing it. Natalie? What's more important than your size is your posture and your manner. Natalie wonders why, and for whom, is she standing there? Lots of Natalie criticisms that we don't hear, just Natalie's name said over and over, with Natalie getting more and more discouraged.

Natalie finally can't take it anymore. She screams, "Enough!" Mom smiles with satisfaction before acting concerned. Natalie apologizes. She runs out of the bridal shop. Cairo arrives and they come across each other. They look at each other. I can't tell at all what Cairo is thinking. He just stands there and looks at her. Isla gets out of the car and looks at Cairo looking at Natalie. I can tell by Natalie's face that she's hurt that he's with Isla.

Rocco drives up and says her name. Mom and Mom exit the bridal shop. Natalie just looks from one person to the next. And it looks like she might just hop in the car with Rocco and run off. Cairo suddenly tells her to wait a minute. He'll come to her. She looks back at him. Then she runs for the car and drives off with Rocco.

Cairo painfully watches Natalie go. Isla sees the look.

Natalie says nothing as Rocco drives. He looks at her and then tells her that she looks pretty. She starts to sob. Cairo can only watch her go. He doesn't like how this feels.