Will sincerity be understood? [1]

Cairo chasing after Natalie somewhere outside. They're both dressed up, but I can't tell why. He calls her name and she stops. He wills her to turn around and she does. He stares at her, not knowing what to say.

They awkwardly try to start talking at the same time.

Awkward pause and they tell each other to go first. Come on, Cairo! Be the man!

Cairo winces and tells her to go first.

They just look at each other.

And Cairo's face looked like he was about to propose. For reals.

Hi guys! I'm jojo08 the Author of Anticipate Marriage. If you really love and admire my work, I kindly request you to join me in MangaToon to continue reading Anticipate Meaning without any pause. Hope, we will be connect there soon. Until then it's jojo08 signing out. Stay Tuned and Stay Safe.