Do Not Rely on Anyone or Have Expectations [1]

Natalie furiously hitting Cairo over and over. It's a fight with finger waving and frustrated arm throwing. Cairo gives Natalie a hard head poke. She mouths a rebellious, "what?" and Cairo answers back. He walks toward her, messing with his collar, and shoves her shoulder hard. She takes off running and he sighs in frustration. He runs after her and catches her, yelling, "What!" More furious shouting by Cairo with Natalie looking afraid.

Hi guys! I'm jojo08 the Author of Anticipate Marriage. If you really love and admire my work, I kindly request you to join me in MangaToon to continue reading Anticipate Meaning without any pause. Hope, we will be connect there soon. Until then it's jojo08 signing out. Stay Tuned and Stay Safe.