Thanks for not being cool

Switch to the restaurant, with Zoe and Natalie happily greeting customers. They've got their department store pose on. It's Manager and the other girls from the department store. With a smile, Manager declares that they've made real trouble this time. Chef arrives. Rocco walks up and warmly greets him with a hug. He seats him across from Manager, saying that there aren't tables available. Would she mind sitting together? Introductions. And they are so wrong for playing match-maker! Especially because he thinks she's sure purty!

Cairo arrives with a flowered plant. Natalie runs out to meet him and Kelvin is shocked that the woman is Natalie. Cairo is smiling broadly. Natalie blanches when she sees him. Because of Zoe's secret. Cairo is a dork about them needing introductions. Kelvin laughs sarcastically and asks Cairo what the deal is. The woman is Natalie? She smiles as she tells Cairo he was supposed to keep it a secret. Why did he bring Lee Kelvin here? He's wearing that smile he gets when he's trying to look pleasant and go along with things but he's really upset.

Hi guys! I'm jojo08 the Author of Anticipate Marriage. If you really love and admire my work, I kindly request you to join me in MangaToon to continue reading Anticipate Meaning without any pause. Hope, we will be connect there soon. Until then it's jojo08 signing out. Stay Tuned and Stay Safe.