Present -"I don't know who might hear this....
But somebody has to know the truth. My truth, because when I go down in the books, and there telling my tales i don't need some fat bun face making me out to be something I'm not here I go ...
Let me start from the beginning. I was a young boy Flashback-I never seen much. we grow up in the fourth district
That's the last outer wall before you hit the there wasn't a lot to look forward too I had two siblings.My twin sister lychee and Little brother kiwi we were always together always competing always trying to see who could do the most for the family .as kids you don't understand much .especially where I come from . My parents weee vendors just like anybody else trying to make it .see the only thing that gets you paid around here is fruit "health is wealth" is the national modo
Not just the regular ones sure those help but the real exotics see investors pay a lot of money so they can get there hands on the best fruits to feed to there fights fighters are (high performing humans)
Who get sponsored not to die and stay as healthy as possible and they get all the fame and luxury
My pops use to gamble a lotto he would always bring me and lychee around try and teach us show us how to make some quick money he says .one day he leaves really excited and I'm dads a working man never gone to long but he was gone all day and when he came back he was in tears I'd never seen him cry he close the door and I didn't hear anything next thing you know moms crying and they both come out with duffle bags and a quick motions are instructing me to pack before I can even ask way the front door blows open with a huge explosion my parents grabs me and run into the room with my siblings they throw me in tell me to stay put and protect the family so I did I decide I'm a get my siblings out first kiwi I send I'm down the fire escape like we had down many times playing then lychee but she's hesitant she says "what about mom and dad "
There right behind us I tell her but the room door swings open and it's a man and a red suede suite and all black tie walks he's fit he looks like he could rip a truck in half before any fruit he's kind of short tho in a deep voice says grab her get rid of the boy
Instinctively lychee pushes me on to the fire escape and try's to follow but men in all black grabbed her before she could get out when I tried to climb back up to the window but it was closed and I was too late they had gone ....
"Log 3,111...after acquiring my last citrus fruit I think I've decided To up my diet and training regimen the competition is getting intense and these regular fruits aren't cutting it if i want to make it to the third district alive I'm gonna need some help
I collected the last seed that I can hold in this tiny shack to give a little context I live in a world where the rich enjoy entertainment the strong fight the weak grovel the smart survive there are bajillion different fruits and types with different properties and effects some permit some temporary if your strong enough you can fight in rings all over make some money win some fruit every district fights there are 4 the lower the number the better the fruit the better the coin the better the fighter but somebody like me can't even think about think of district one riches I wanna take my family there one day if I had one to take maybe I'll start my own and take em there but for now I need to work on staying alive ....