
Next morning a news was in whole Ukraine that a whole apartment was destroyed with most Russian spies captured or killed. Due to this many people were afraid that their will be Russian spies will be with them but a notice came from government to al the people that this was all pre planned to capture Russian spies.

After the notice all the panic subsidies and all the volunteers were told not to send information about the attack.

Third POV:

"So Mr. Alexander will the deal will still be made right." (President's Aide Antin)

"Of course the deal will still be made but I should say we should probably forgot about counter-attack and all the tension between us as only third party is getting profit from our fight." (Alex)

"We already know about it but we can do nothing about them." (President's Aide Antin)

"Okay, reinforcement is coming in about One hour and is already near Yacht Club Misto Chornomorsk and will already sending ground support with them with weapons, ammunitions, and equipment." (Alex)

"You can't just change the position on your own." (President's Aide Antin)

"Oh! I can as you can see I already did it because I already about that some one must have told about our deal within your department."(Alex)

"Okay I will see what to I can do." (Aide Antin)

After saying this he hung up and went to sleep.


After one hour at Yacht Club Misto Chornomorsk a huge ship came near and a lot of equipment and weapons were unloaded with soldiers and Vehicles and were sending them to the shore where they with help of militia were sending the reinforcement towards the Kyiv City to reinforce them.

Just in five hour they were outside the Kyiv City and setup the surface to air missiles and surface to surface missiles were et hidden and were only used when the planes near the city.

After this soldiers were send to mix with militia and some went towards Alexander and went to meet with President Zelenskyy for future talks.

"So what do want do after war I known people like would never go any chance to make money." (President Zelenskyy)

"Oh after war I will try to become an entrepreneur to make mobile phones and other devices or become a vehicle manufacturer. Only time will tell what we will do." (Alex)

"So you don't want to prolong the war?" (President Zelenskyy)

"Nah, I already have seen what prolonged war can do a country and I don't my to become like this." (Alex)

After meeting was over he and president talked about what to next after this war.

In battlefield another massacre was happening with ALex soldier killing incoming Russian troops with Ukrainian soldiers and militia they were also teaching them how to operate and use drones to kill trucks and tanks after finding their weak points.

Russian Troops POV:

"Who the fuck is helping them, I can already tell that they don't belong to Western Powers nor the middle easterns so the fuck is helping them." (Russian General)

"Sir we do not know about it but we have confirm that some arms dealer is helping them." (Lieutenant General)

"So what can we do and what options do we have?" (General)

"Sir we can airstrike them and their command post." (Lieutenant General)

"Are you dumb or what if don't know from where they came how can we know about their command center." (General)

"Sorry Sir!" (Lieutenant General)

"Now get lost and let me think about it." (Lieutenant General)