
After the talks amongst themselves, they came into conclusion that they would send the captured Russian soldiers as bait and, they would send their five medium units to Gomel and Rečyca.

"So let's start the plan and take away all the communication devices from them."

After the decision, they started working on their plan and started moving prisoners towards the north. As they were going according to their plans, suddenly news came that all the prisoners were to settled near Berezna Volya.

As the Ukrainian forces were doing as planned, the Russians were preparing to bomb the convoy that was going to Brest.

"Prepare to fly in Ukrainian land to airstrike them as they are going towards Brest to capture the city."

"Sir, when is the operation going to start?"

"At 1700 hours tomorrow. Any other questions?"

"Yes, sir do we have to fly low, or we are going fly high?"

"You will have to fly as low as possible when entering the Ukrainian land."

"Yes, sir."

"Do you guys have other questions?"

"No, sir."

"We will send three Su-57 Checkmate with six Su-34 bomber."

"Okay, sir."

"Who will pilot them are Lt. Alexi, Lt. Dinila and Lt. Igor will fly Su-57 and third platoon will accompany you. Is everything understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay, take a rest, as you will be needing it."

As this was happening the Ukrainian forces has sent approx. all the Russian prisoner to Berezna Volya Camp where they will be kept until all the Russian forces have retreated back.

At 1700 inside Berezna Volya Prison Camp.

"So, what do you think will happen to us?"

"I don't know. But I heard that they will send us back after the war, I have listened from the Ukrainian soldiers."

"We will have to see about it."

As they were talking, suddenly a siren broke out and all the prisoners were told to go into their cell. And a fighter bomb flew above them and a huge blast occur from which the remaining prisoners were sent here to keep. Seeing this, they were angry and sad from their government who had done this as they have seen the fighter jet.

"Who were coming from the convoy their?"

"I.. It was our convoy containing our remaining brothers. Our government have killed our own brothers?"

"No NO it was not our country it must be Ukrainian's government who should have done it. So we can fight against our country."

"No it was our country because I have seen that jet which is Su-57 who we repair as an technician at Shaykovka Airbase."

"WHAT so that was our country?"

"Yep but I think there must have been some mistake from them? I think."

"Yeah, it must be."

"Yeah, it must be."


"Yeah, it must be."

"Yeah, it must be."

As this was happening the technician was talking with someone.

"Sir, we have done what you have told us to do. Now can you relive us from here, please."

"Okay, you have done splendidly. You will be sent out from here after two days."

"Okay sir."

After talking with them, he went into his room and met with his roomates who were also working with them.

"What have sir told you? Speak fast please?"

"They told us that we will be sent out day after tomorrow."