the end

The next day, Percy found that he and Annabeth had been left to sleep in. It was a rare occurrence that they got a completely peaceful sleep, but last night was one of those nights. He had felt at peace with himself and his powers, and his sleep reflected that. Luckily, Annabeth's mind seemed to have picked up on that as well.

When he had finally woken up, a glance at the clock on their bedside table revealed that it was about ten in the morning. That meant that they had gotten about eleven hours of sleep. He couldn't even remember a time when he had slept that long since he lost the Achilles curse. It was nice.

He could tell that his slight movements had stirred Annabeth, but she kept pretending she was asleep in his arms. Her golden hair was forming a halo around her head in the sunlight. It was beautiful. She was beautiful.

And Percy was a simp. Forgive him, teenage boys of the world.

"We should probably get up now, Wisegirl," he whispered.

She released some sort of cross between a growl and a groan in response.

He laughed, giving her a quick kiss on the head, "I can make blue pancakes..."

That got her up. She quite literally jumped out of his arms and started changing into the nearest clothes, only stopping to glance up and give him an unimpressed look.

"Hurry up! You've got pancakes to make!"

He bursted into laughter, relenting by slowly dragging himself out of bed. She grinned at him with a smile full of love.

It was good. This was good. They were becoming more and more okay every day.

Ω ♆ Ω

"They live!" Tony exclaimed, greeting the couple in typical Tony Stark fashion.

Entering the living area, Percy had his arm tossed around Annabeth's shoulders, silently grounding each other. They were better, but not perfect.

"We were starting to think you'd both slipped into a coma," Jason joked from his position on a couch with Piper and Leo.

"That would be just our luck, wouldn't it?" Annabeth said, slipping out from under Percy's arm and sitting down at the kitchen island.

Percy went to start the search for a pan to make the pancakes in after he turned on the burners.

"Pans?" he asked Tony.

"Top left cabinet," Natasha answered instead, "Tony doesn't know where his own sock drawer is, let alone where the pans are kept."

Pulling out an unnecessarily-expensive pan, Percy next asked, "Pancake ingredients and blue food dye?"

"Why do you need blue food dye?" Tony exclaimed.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you," Percy deadpanned.

It turned out that they didn't have enough ingredients to make pancake mix from scratch, so he would have to deal with box mix. It wasn't the first time his mother's recipe was done differently, so it should still taste good.

Moving almost on autopilot, Percy started making the pancakes while holding a steady conversation with Annabeth.

"I can't believe we're here," he said.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, we're sitting in a kitchen in Avengers Tower making blue pancakes for our teammates. Doesn't that shock you?" Percy responded, waving around the spatula in his hand.

Annabeth smiled, "Not really. At least, not anymore. I'm actually kinda shocked that it's surprising to you. You're the one who basically everything in the world that could happen, happened to."

Percy thought about that. It wasn't wrong. He had just been holding out false hope that he was done; that they were done.

"I guess you're right. I just hate that you are," he sighed.

"Are you guys talking about our terribly unlucky lives?!" Leo shouted from the living room.

"Yep!" Percy answered.

He turned back to Annabeth and spoke in Greek, "We need to talk about when we're leaving."

"I know. We can't stay here. Camp needs us now that the mortal problem is over," Annabeth nodded.

Percy flipped a pancake like normal, but he had adopted his 'serious war-face', as Leo liked to call it. Even if they wanted to, the Seven could not stay at Avengers tower. They were meant to protect the world from monsters, not aliens. This was not their job.

"How are we going to break it to the team?" Percy asked.

"I don't know. The Seven knows we have to leave soon. They're just waiting for us to talk about it," she responded.

He had been moving on autopilot, and upon looking down, Percy realized that he had finished making the pancakes in the span of their conversation. That tended to happen with ADHD.

"We should probably leave tomorrow morning. The sooner, the better. Camp hasn't heard from us in weeks," he said, passing her a plate with two pancakes, syrup, and a fork.

"Thank you," she whispered, "And I agree. We have duties back at camp."

"So tomorrow?" Percy asked.

"Tomorrow." Annabeth confirmed.

Tony LITERALLY strutted into the kitchen and asked, "What's tomorrow? Got a hot date?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "We're dating, Tony. Remember?"

"Yeah, but you never know peoples' preferences, right?" he shrugged.

Before his girlfriend could punch the billionaire, Percy stepped in, "We're leaving tomorrow morning."

He had meant to tell the rest of the Seven first, but minimizing an Annabeth Explosion was more important. It had been a trying couple of days, to say the least, and Tony was the type of person to set her off in an instant.

"Why? I thought you were joining the team," Tony asked.

Percy laughed, "Yeah, no. We have better things to do."

He didn't MEAN for it to come out that way. Well, actually he did. But that wasn't the point. The POINT was that Tony was an overly-sensitive, middle-aged man, and he couldn't take anything that even seemed like a hit to his ego. Especially if it had something to do with being a hero, apparently.

"What could those better things be? Do you trust us enough to tell us?" Tony asked, voice a deadly calm, shocking the demigods.

"What's this about leaving?" Steve asked, leading the group of heroes into the kitchen area interrupting whatever answer Tony was about to receive.

Annabeth sighed, looking at Piper for help. If anyone could help diffuse a situation, it was the daughter of Aphrodite.

"Let's just calm down, everyone. We need to hear what Annabeth and Percy have to say before we make any rash comments," Piper said, pouring just a little amount of her powers into it.

"Thank you, Pipes. Like I was saying before, we are leaving tomorrow morning. All of us," Percy said, glancing at the rest of the Seven at the end.

"Are you sure about this? Why do you have to go?" Natasha asked, giving them her signature cold spy stare.

"We have duties to the gods. Our job is to protect the world from divine threats. You guys protect the world from extraterrestrial threats. Your bad guys come every so often, ours are always here," Annabeth answered.

If she was being honest with herself, the daughter of Athena wanted to stay. And maybe they could work something out where they helped out whenever the Avengers really needed it, but the demigods also had many other responsibilities. And they were born with those. They couldn't abandon them.

"Plus, it's pretty dangerous for us to be here all in one group, surrounded by technology," Jason added.

Natasha seemed to have found a good enough answer in that, so she just nodded and backed down.

"I hope we get to work together again someday," she said.

"That...almost sounded...NICE?!" Leo exclaimed, always one to break the tension.

Natasha fell back into her glare, "Don't get used to it."

"Wouldn't dream of it," he said, smiling.

"But even if we never see each other again, I hope you know that you're always gonna be a part of this team. If you need our help, we'll be there," Steve said, gaze landing on Percy.

Even if he denied it, Percy was the leader of the group. He was the one making the final decisions.

"And I hope you know the same offer comes from us," he responded.

The room was silent for a couple seconds, but that never lasts long with as many ADHD demigods in one room. Surprisingly, Hazel was the one to break the silence.

"Oh for gosh sake! Let's just eat!" she shouted, pulling a laugh from everyone.

Annabeth's eyes met Percy's over everyone else, and they shared one of their secret moments. They knew that this would not be the last time that the two teams were together. It was one of those feelings they got; kinda like when they somehow knew that their first prophecy would not be the last. They just knew.

But, for the moment, they would enjoy what they could get. It might be years until they were one team again. Plus, Leo was trying to see how many pancakes he could stuff his face with, effectively ending the precious moment.

Ω ♆ Ω