the effect

Camp was under a dark cloud. None of the normal activities were happening, no matter how much Chiron was pushing for the campers to try. Even the old centaur seemed tired. And even though the weather was controlled by the dome, it was pouring rain all day. The sea was crashing against the shore in maverick-sized waves, as well, reflecting Poseidon's mood. It had been like this for almost two weeks, ever since Percy was brought back to camp.

As Annabeth made her way to the medbay, she almost wished she could stop it all. She knew that this was not what he would've wanted. He would've wanted them all to keep on moving, just like he always seemed to be able to do after devastating blows such as this.

But the camp wasn't him. The son of Posiedon was powerful and unique, and he was gone. The camp wouldn't see it any differently unless they saw a fully-recovered Perseus Jackson.

She didn't even glance at the other campers in the building as she made her way to her destination: the back room. He had been kept there since they brought him back.

Opening the door, she was almost shocked onto her ass when she saw her boyfriend sitting up in bed. He was talking to Will, while the doctor took down notes on his clipboard.

At her entrance, he looked up and broke out into a tired, but bright, smile, "Hey, 'beth."

Storming up to him, she whacked the back of his head, and then followed it by doing the same to Will, "Neither of you could've sent word that he was awake?! And then all I get when I find out is a 'hey'?!"

Before Percy could respond, she dove into his arms in a hug, being careful not to hurt him. "Don't ever do that to me again, Perseus Jackson."

"I missed you too, Wise Girl," Percy whispered into her hair.

"I'll give you two a minute to catch up. I'll be back in a little while," Will said, exiting the room before he could wait for a response.

"I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you," Annabeth whispered, pulling back to give Percy a passionate kiss, "Don't ever do that again."

"I wasn't planning on it," Percy chuckled, then winced when his stitches pulled.

Will had been able to heal most of the internal damage, but he still had a nasty cut on his back and stomach, both having to heal naturally. It would scar, but it wouldn't be the first time for him.

As Annabeth pulled herself up next to him, she took his hand in both of hers, trying to ground herself. She had thought, for a minute there, that she would lose him. This like this had happened too many times for her to count, but it never got any easier.

"Well, you heard the doc. Catch me up on what's been going on. Will said I've been in a coma for two weeks?" Percy said.

Annabeth laughed, and then wiped her eyes, "Yeah, you have. It was horrible, Perce. There was so much blood. Luckily, Nico was able to shadow-travel Will to the tower, where he got you stable enough to be brought back to camp. There's more tools for Will to heal a demigod here."

Percy nodded, waiting for her to continue. He knew how overwhelming this was. Hades, he had been just like her when he first woke up to Will leaning over him.

Slowly, she started telling him everything that had been going on since his stabbing. She told him about Hazel, at which he immediately asked if she was okay. Annabeth told him that she was fine now, but had been a bit shaken at first.

Then, when he asked about the Avengers, she told him about how they wanted to come along, but knew it was impossible. Fury had dealt with the body of the man who stabbed him, and then he told the team that Agent Coulsan's ashes were being spread in a couple of days, which distracted them. Percy had been confused at first, since he had seen Agent Coulsan not even a month ago, perfectly healthy. Annabeth had been shocked at the time, but then came up with the idea that his death must have been faked. It sounded horrible to him, but he couldn't really judge without knowing the full story. The pair agreed to keep it to themselves for now.

The Seven had been visiting him daily, so that's where the flowers and balloons must have come from. The Avengers managed to call them at the Big House, where they were reassured that Percy was healing, but had still not woken up. Annabeth said that they would contact them soon.

But for a little while, the two just wanted to bask in each others' presence.

No more chaos surrounding them.

Just them, together.

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