A Zombie...Or A Vampire?

Read up to 18 chapters ahead! Celestia TIER patreons also get to read the first few chapters of my new series:

MHA - Return By Death.

https://pa treon.com/StickSwinger

Chill with us!



"In any case, Rosaria is my drinking buddy, and one of my best friends. If I'm not with my girlfriend, I spend time with her and talk to her, of course, with my girlfriend's permission." Kaeya explained.

"You're not my friend. You're at most an obnoxious mosquito that doesn't shut up. Don't get too close," Rosaria added before going silent once more.

Kaeya laughed aloud at this retort. "I thought we were besties! What happened, Rose? Have you forgotten all the amazing stories I have ever told you? What about our time together?"

"Revolting. Just shut up already and die you insect. My stomach is churning," she replied coldly with a scowl.

Kaeya grinned back, "That's my lil Rose! So cold, yet so kind~" he chuckled in delight.

"Kaeya Alberich, call me Rose one more time, and I'll carve my name into your back with a wooden spoon so you wouldn't forget it.."

"Woah! Someone woke up today and chose violence. But I know you don't actually hate it, since you're not mad. I already know how your furious expression looks like thanks to my little bro here, and it's not showing on your face right now, you emotionless hag."He disregarded her threats while continuing to grin at her like a maniac.

"That doesn't mean I won't slap you if you continue."

"Well...That exchange was...pretty entertaining...but..."

Yomite sighed. Did these two have no shame? Or any self-awareness?

They were arguing right in the middle of city, where people were watching them as they walked by with curious gazes.

"Do you see her? That's the vampire...she doesn't usually go out at this hour..."

"She's so scary...her skin is completely gray...is she even human?"

"Let's not get too close...who knows what might happen..."

Yomite felt the strangers' gaze as if they were needles piercing his back as the voices of the people surrounding them echoed through the streets. The same was true in Liyue, where Hu Tao also drew stares. He didn't like this one bit.

Rosaria seemed to be aware of this as well, as she turned around to glare at them with a murderous glint in her eyes.

"Hiii!? Run! She's looking this way!"

"Zombie! She'll eat us!"

"Don't kill me!"

The people around them started running away from Rosaria like a pack of wild dogs as soon as they saw her pale face.

"Tch. This is why I don't show my face." Rosaria clicked her tongue and shook her head.

"You see how people treat you? I'm different! I ignore your faults and accept them! Come on, how am I not your friend! You're making me sad here!" Kaeya resumed his juvenile antics.

"I only have one person I could call a friend, and you're not the one."

"Interesting. Sister Rosaria, I didn't know you could actually socialize."

"I can't."

"Oh my...isn't that lonely? I can be your second friend~"

"I'm used to it, so piss off already," she said flatly.

The three made their way to the tavern and took a seat on the second floor near the balcony door so they wouldn't be disturbed by anyone.

The tavern was bustling with many drunken men enjoying themselves inside; each corner of the first floor had a couple or groups talking loudly and laughing heartily. Even from up above, Yomite could hear exactly what everyone was talking about.

The second floor was a bit empty compared to the first one, with the exception of them, and the wild owner Diluc, sitting in the corner while sipping a tea.

"Yo, good to see you."


"Heya. Diluc, what a surprise to see you here. Your two amazing brothers came to visit~"

Diluc ignored Kaeya before turning towards Yomite, "I didn't see you in quite a while, Yomite. I'm glad you seem fine. Welcome. You too, Sister Rosaria."

"Oi, did you just ignore me? I'm not going to buy you another vase in case that one breaks if you continue ignoring me you know?"

"Haah...If it isn't Kaeya...you sure know how to spoil my mood. I was just about to unwind with a cup of tea when you stepped into my tavern." Diluc sighed, seemingly fed-up with Kaeya's antics yet again and rose from his seat.

He took up his teacup and sat down next to Yomite, throwing a hand over his shoulder.

"Are you alright, little brother? Did Kaeya annoy you again? I'll deal with him swiftly if that's the case."

The fact that Diluc called Yomite his "little brother" indicated that he considered them to be close friends, which surprised Kaeya and Rosaria, given that Diluc was a loner by nature and disliked interacting with others.

Not many people knew that Yomite had gotten close to Diluc over the time, to the point he even received wine and weapons as gifts from him on multiple occasions.

But it wasn't something they talked about openly.

"Now...wait, wait, wait a second...Did you cast some magic spell on my grumpy brother to behave this way? What is going on? What is this sorcery?"

"Why is that? Is it weird for me to care about my younger brother?"

"Yes it is! It's weird no matter how you look at it! I was the one who adopted him, remember? You can't just steal him away. Besides, aren't I your younger brother as well? Do you not care about me?"

"Hmph. Obviously I do not."

The first time they met, Diluc threatened Yomite because he was convinced he was a Fatui spy, but he eventually warmed up to him once he realized that wasn't the case and they were now on very good terms.

"Yomite is a far nicer sibling to have around than an obnoxious brat like you," Diluc shot back bluntly. "Moreover, didn't we decide ages ago to part ways? We are no longer brothers, Kaeya."

"Oi oi, lil bro. Say something to Diluc. I might lose him at this rate."

Yomite stared blankly at the two of them before letting out a deep sigh. "...I'm not sure what to say, as I've never had a brother in the first place. Initially, I played along because I liked the running joke, but now it's...not a bad feeling. I'm sure Diluc cares about you in some way. You're just annoying him way too regularly."

"Hmph, no I don't." While Diluc acted distant, he couldn't keep his smile from forming.

Kaeya blinked in surprise after hearing what Yomite had said, and his eyes went wide, "Ha-ha! I know that very well! He loves me! He used to be such a cute young lad that would be happy to see me all day long! How nostalgic! But lil bro...are you sure you didn't give Diluc some magic powder? He is even smiling now, I am beginning to worry something is actually wrong with him. He never smiles."

"...Kaeya, shut up..." Diluc scolded him without even turning to face him, only keeping eye contact with Yomite with a soft expression on his face as if trying to keep his anger contained.

"Welp, since everyone apparently hates me, it's time to order some alcohol~" Kaeya announced suddenly while descending down the stairs towards the bar.