Somehow they all got the thing they wanted, while losing everything else. They lost their families, their wealth, and freedom. The freedom they wanted, that forced them to leave. They had everything but they all yearned for something more. Nothing for anyone is ever enough until you've lost it. We all have stories, why we are how we are. Some of us are mean, others nice. Some will have turned to evil, some will see what the world is truly like. Everyone has different psychology, everyone has different childhoods to shape them. We are all sheltered in our own ways.
Melania grew up with two loving parents but their love faded, her mom left and they longed for love. They were cold and nasty never let anyone in. They vowed, love wasn't real, love was an illusion. While they hated love, they needed it, but no one knew that. They hated everyone and had a soft spot for no one.
Beth tried to be nice to everyone but she had her flaws, she was used to abuse and while always speaking her mind she never spoke her mind. She had moved around a lot in her younger life and when she came to the US her life did a 180. Everything she wanted she got, her credit card was an object, money as well, but she wanted more, she wanted a life outside of the city away from all the money. But she never saw the world, as she truly was.
Nathaniel was a criminal, a man who did anything and everything for himself, he had seen the bad side of mother earth early on, seen her take away a mans life. Earth was cruel despite him facing no wealth problems, he could have anything he desired, but he never felt full. Crime was an escape, a way he could feel free, somewhere where he didn't have to act, or seem happy for his parents.
Quinn was happy, her life was perfect. Like most of them they never had a problem with money. She had the best grades and was set to become a lawyer, but her life threw her curveball after curveball. So far nothing had gone wrong in her life. She had happiness. It was like a fairytale till it wasn't. Till the fairytale ended and the curtain dropped, the mask of earth fell.
Daniel was brought up in a household full of hate, he was brought up with strong religious beliefs, everything was wrong, LGBTQ+, a woman working, everything was bad but the good was good. The world was wrong in what they were doing, the men needed to take control again. He had his opinions, but his dad wouldn't take it. A word of equality for a new home on the streets or no food for a week.
Becca was a rebel, did drug after drug, took shot after shot. She partied her way through LA. Money wasn't a problem, it was an object to her. Her clothes are luxurious and her hair is always done, not because of her but because of her mother. It doesn't matter what's happening in her life may it be good or bad the conclusion is always getting wasted and high.
Sage was an angel sent down from heaven, her smile was infectious, her laugh makes peoples days. She could turn a dead flower alive. Her innocence is what makes her gullible, she believes in the good, she believes no one is evil, they are good people who have had bad things happen to them. She's seen no bad to make her see the world and even if she did she would see the good and follow it.