For five more years the situation was like this, avoiding consultations when Andrew began to have an anxiety attack at the age of ten, even so, he continued going to primary school without "any problem" if that meant being isolated from his classmates. school and that their knowledge is beyond the level of a small elementary school.

Now they are only lying on the legs of their little friend Azul who stroked his hair while he read a book of the many that he took from the library, while his eyes were passing over the written words he realized that a group of girls was screaming, encouraging one of them; And so it was ... The little chestnut armed with courage began to approach him while her friends encouraged her from afar, when he was in front of each other, Andrew decided to sit in a better position to see her somewhat surprised and shy

It was understandable, no girl had approached him before and that was new to the jet.

The girl was pretty, her hair was wavy and she was held by a cute butterfly clasp on both sides of her head.

-Hi… my name is Nicole, can I sit with you? -Andrew said nothing, he just looked at the blonde who was frowning and muttering things under his breath, the jet black sighed and pointed to the other side of her for the girl to sit down; she is she with a smile from ear to ear sat down adjusting her skirt so as not to wrinkle it

-My name is Andrew, a pleasure- that serious and serious tone that the opposite had made the little girl's heart start to beat very hard, and her cheeks were stained a somewhat strong crimson color

Andrew thought that was cute, it was the same color as Azul when he called him by cute nicknames

-I know, we are in the same class, but I think you are not very attentive when they pass the list

-I only hear my name, the others do not care much what we say- the minor agreed somewhat disappointed for not having been noticed by her partner, however she did not notice and change the subject that led both of them to a nice conversation until the end of their recess and their classes.

The same would have been said if Azul felt equally comfortable with the brunette's presence, but it wasn't like that ... Azul felt ignored, uneasy, and as soon as they got home from school, Azul disappeared without explanation.


When things progressed for Andrew, he felt the beautiful emptiness due to the absence of the blond, he had not appeared for about a week and during that week he had become very close to little Nicole.

They shared many things in common, such as the music and the books they read from the library ... the seat that Azul used to occupy to be in the classes with Andrew, now she used and they debated millions of topics during the classes

Although she was his only friend within his class and his school itself, he still felt an emptiness ... there were times when he was walking through the courtyard, but suddenly his chest was compressed and panic took hold of him and he wanted to run away from everyone to snuggle into your friend's arms

When he returned home and went up to his room, his friend was not there ... then he would lie on his bed and start crying calling for his friend, the pain in his body was horrible and his head killed with millions of voices that did not shut up

"You pushed him away"

"You pushed me away"

"You do not love me anymore"

"What a bad friend"


Not the sensation like Azul's voice, Azul's voice was melodious, slow, and light with her giggle that made the jet's heart calm

Now what is necessary

Where was her friend? Why didn't she save him from torture?