Dara walked aimlessly.
Bring back each element of life.
He didn’t know where to start. The door opened and he walked in not sure how he will do half of the task.
Make sure the elements don’t mix and make something new.
This was probably the lengthiest task he had been given.
The four elements of life. Air, Water, Earth and Fire.
Air. The easiest to obtain, in fact the casket was filled with air.
The casket was evenly divided in four parts. One for each element.
Dara knew air was already in there so it wasn’t an issue.
The land he was standing would fill a piece too so he wasn’t worried about that either.
What he was worried about was the fact that he was going to mix the elements inside the box.
The fire and water combination will ruin everything and he will have to prevent it in some way.
Fire will be very hard to contain and Dara was already dreading the outcome.