Chapter 6

Noah Pov

It has been two months since that wrenched woman messed up my suit. Does she even know how much it cost? I sighed as thoughts of that day flashed past my mind. Better yet, my mom would not stop setting me up with these irritating ass girls.

Every time I go out with one of them, I want to vomit, cry or bang my head against the table. They all smell like a makeup factory or a perfume company. Even more infuriating, these women only want to have sex with me.

Trying to withstand their tiring personalities made it more repulsing to be around. I do not know where my mom got these ladies. But she needs to stop because every single one of them is the same. Same caked face, prostitute style, botched body, and want to be a billionaire's wife. Ugh, it was depressing.

I took out my phone and called Liam.

Liam and I have been friends since high school. We graduated together; he wanted to become a lawyer while I wanted to own my own business. So for a couple of years, we were in different places while staying in touch.

He always had a way with women all through university. But that never hindered our success. Liam is one of the few people I trust. Frankly, besides my mom and dad, those were not many. Interestingly, we both agreed to remain bachelors to the end, now he is married with a newborn. Even after the third ring, this boy has not changed.

" My one true love has finally called to check up on me? " Liam answered in a high-pitched voice.

" Are you busy later? " Rolling my eyes to ignore his attempt at being a girl.

He was silent for a second before he spoke, " nope, I will be home, I think. "

“ You mean my house. You have a wife and your goddamn fridge, you know? ”

He has his own home but always seems to find a place to live in my fridge.

“Sharing is caring; Mi casa su casa”

To avoid this proud young man, I sighed, “ so, are we drinking or what? "

" Yeah man, I am down. "

" Meet you around 10? "

After a brief silence, he finally said, " Cool, see you later then. "

I know he was asking permission from Kelly, I could only shake my head in annoyance. Typical tied-down shit, I can't take. Wives should not question their husbands, just tend to his hand and foot.

" Sure, see you then. "

15 minutes later

Swamped in the paperwork on my desk. My ringing phone startled my focused thoughts. And for the tenth time today, it was my mother calling again. I reluctantly answered.

" Hello, mother, " I said dryly.

" Why did you not answer my calls, Noah? "

Her angry voice echoed through the phone.

" Because my dear mother, I am tired of hearing about you planning me another one of your dates. " I could hear her dramatic sigh. But I am the one going on these dates?

“ Hush hush, that is not why I called, so need to worry. ”

“ I am making your favorite for dinner tonight. I was hoping you would come over. ”

" Mom, I will try! " This woman just would not leave me alone. I have tons of work, no promises. "

“ I will remind you later because I want to see you. " Quickly ending the rant. I could help but smile, " Ugh, I never say no to you, can I? "

" You can not because you love me. "

" Haha, yes, I do. Bye mom "

Buzzing in my secretary. " Get me a black coffee with no sugar."

Lliyah POV

“ Damn men, they all irritate me. " I mumbled while swaying from side to side in my office chair.

It is beginning to annoy the fuck out of me every day I see them. I thought. As anger slowly increased, my finger could not help tapping on the keypad to the laptop. Rethinking about my encounter with that idiot and the one I ran into this morning. This meeting was taking longer than I would like. After talking for the last forty-five minutes, this girl still is not making any sense.

" M-ms. Price did you hear what I said? " My assistant cheerfully asked.

" Firstly, how does the company benefit from this project? " I could be doing something more beneficial to my company. I need to get the fu-

I could hear her moving from side to side like a nervous puppy.

" Umm…… well, "

" Truthfully, I am this close to firing you for such stupidity bu-"

"Please, Ms. Price, I can not lose this job,"

" Hehehe " I could not help giggle at her sudden outburst.

"Jessica, I am just messing with you. "

" I want to leave and find a coffee shop, " I say while laughing

My assistant wipes her teary eyes trying to laugh.

Glaring directly at her, with pursed lips and a raised eyebrow, " something funny? "

" U-uh, n-no Ms. Price. " She stutters.

"Good, because another stunt like this and you will be selling corn on the sidewalks. Got it?

"Yes ma'am "

" Get back to work! " I smirked as she scampered out the door.

I secretly admired her clumsiness because it reminded me of when I first started my career. Memories came floating into my mind as I walked towards the sea of skyscrapers outside my window.

" I have certainly come a long way from where I used to be," I whispered, turning to take in the sight of my office.

My blood, sweat, and tears are nestled in the walls of this office. My countless awards hanging on the walls are proof of my success. But I miss him the most. I smile while looking at the picture of dad and me. The buzzing of my intercom hauled me from remembering that night.

" M-ms. Price your mother is on line 4. " My secretary announced.

" Put her through, " I groaned.

Upon sitting back in my chair, I placed the call on speaker.

"Young lady, I have been trying to get through to you for days. What is the matter with you? I thought something happened to you?!" She screamed.

" Do you not love your mother, is that it??? " She faked sobbing.

" Been busy, sorry! " I said, rolling my eyes.

" Do I ever give a fuck? "

" You spend more time with that business than you do with your own mother. " She exploded.

Business comes first. I love my mother, yet she can be a real pain in the ass.

" Mom, what is the problem? " I can sense this hi and bye conversation will not end well for sure.

Silence filled the room. For a moment, I thought she hung up.

" Honey, I want you to settle down already. " She pleaded.

" Here we go again... "

" Is it so hard for you to accept that my life is complete without a man. "

"Well, I'm not giving you a choice. "

" Mom, we talked about this, and I said no, "

."And that means, what again?!" Brushing off my denial of her cupid services.

" I have picked out a few gentlemen I want you to meet," she continued.

I sat there for a couple of minutes before I understood what she just said.

" Again Maria, what the fuck?!! " I yelled.

" Maria!"

" Little girl, I am still your mother," she retorted.

" Why would you do something like that? "

"It is the unexpected things that bear the most fruits. " she respond.

" So you want me to sit through a random date with some dickhead, listening to him gloat about himself! " I

wonder if she knew I was secretly laughing. She must be joking or on drugs.

She laughed, " I set you up for two dates for this month." She said. My frown deepened as I opened my mouth to speak when I heard her sigh.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

" What kind of bullshit i-" I was cut off before I could finish.

" LANGUAGE!! I will not tolerate your BULLSHIT. "

" Listen, Lliyah, do it for me. I want to see you settle down. I want to see my grand babies ."

"Mom, your son has more than enough sperms to give you grandchildren."

She laughed softly. " Well, I want from you too."

“ Look, I will not. Just drop it, alright! ” I said, almost losing my cool.

“ Fine, what about the money I spent on these dates. I can not get it back. How about you just go and not waste the money ” Hopefully, assuming that I would go.

“ How much? ”

“ Does it matter honey, just go and use it up, ” She replied cheerfully.

I could hear her phone click in the background as we spoke.

" I just sent you 10 thousand dollars. Treat yourself to a spa day instead. ”

" I'll go now, let's talk later. Bye, mom." I quickly cut the call before she could utter another word.

The only good outcome of this is that she will stop sending guys to my office for a while.

A faint laugh escaped my throat as I remembered her fake sobs.


Looking at the incoming text

Mom: See you at 8pm for dinner, we have some important things to talk about so do not be late

Me: Automatic message " Ok "

I know her so well that ' OK ' always solves everything.

" Oh, shit! "

" Did I just agree to that? ” I whispered in disbelief. I forgot to change the automatic reply.

"UGH," I groaned.