Nick’s POV

The way our lips unite is like a dance with an on the spot choreography. It is dancing on its own. Like a dancing duo feeling each other on what move they will make next.

He’s kissing me torridly like there will be no tomorrow but I like it. He forcedly open my lips by grabbing my chin and the second he opened my mouth, his tongue entered my mouth and memorized what is inside of it.

I wrapped my right arm to his neck while my left arm is grabbing his hair and pulled him towards me.

Even though I’m inexperienced, I still have the guts to do this kinky.

When I am about to ran out of breath, I pushed him lightly, light enough just to make his lips separated from mine. While I am catching my breath, he laid down his head next to my neck while he is still on top of me.

Next thing that got me tickled is that he sniffed my neck. As an inexperienced one, I got tickled as no one ever had the guts to sniff my neck except Stephen. He continued to sniff my neck even though I’m pushing him hard.

“Stop… HAHAHAHAHA” I laughed while he’s sniffing my neck.

I pushed him really hard when he was not sniffing anymore but he was kissing my neck. I know what he wants and I’m not going to give it unless I want to and most importantly is that he is my boss. I don’t want any issue going around us now that I’m about to leave the company.

“What was that for?” he asked with his brows furrowed.

“I’m sorry. This is wrong. You’re my boss and I’m just your secretary. Something like this shouldn’t happen between us. You should be with women not with me.” I explained while I was pulling the blanket to cover all of my body and to leave my head out.

“But there is nothing wrong between us.” He sat up and faced me.

“There is!” I tried hard not to raise my voice at him. So I said it with a small voice.

“Yes, I’ve been with many women before. But you turned me like this. And I don’t know what to do now. i know you’re scared and me too. But I want to do an experiment. You and me.”

“What do you mean? I don’t get it.” I answered confusedly.

“I’ve been showing you signs but you don’t get it? Really? With that smart ass of yours, you don’t get it?” he laughed and excitedly sit on to my legs.

“Excuse me ‘sir’, I finished accounting and not psychology.” I was not looking at him.

“As I was saying, I want to experiment. Me and you.”

“Still don’t get it.”

“I like you! Okay?”

My eyes widen after he said the three words love confession. I gulped really hard.

“Really? Me? You sure about that?”

“There is no one in this room besides us right?

“But why? I mean there’s a lot of sexy, beautiful, and are rich girls out there. That’s your type.”

“Yes, you’re right. That’s my type before. BEFORE. Not now. And yes they’re hot, gorgeous, and rich. But they’re not like you. They’re not cute like you. And there’s no one in them who can take care of me like you do. And there’s no one to nag me when I’m very lazy working. You’re the only one I allowed to shout at me except my parents.” He touched my red flushing cheeks.

“Your parents… your parents… what will your parents say if they found out about this?”

“I don’t care, I let them give me the responsibility to run their company but this time I’m not going to let them control with my decisions.”

“Let’s just have boss-secretary relationship until I’m sure of what I feel and until I’m not scared anymore.”

He got off my legs and immediately go to the bathroom.

I don’t know what I should feel right now but it scares me as I’ve never been in an relationship before especially with men. I’ve got no time because of Stephen, I want to secure his future first before I give in to anything else especially relationships. Since I was young, all of the things I think of is for Stephen first and no one else. No one is there for us to stand up as parents. As soon as I graduated at college, it was my responsibility to find wok for two and luckily I found Jay’s company and due toy hard work and goals in life I was able to make a living for almost 8 years now.

“If you’re going to wash yourself, wash now and I’m going to drive you home.” He said pulling me out of the thoughts I had in mind.

He’s different this time. He suddenly had a change of mood since he got off the bed and had shower.

‘Is he mad at me?’ I thought.

I got off from the bed and washed myself.

“Jay! I have no towel here, can you give me one?”

After a minute, he knocked on the door. “Can I enter?” he asked.

“Of course you have to.” my sarcasm.

He entered the bathroom while I was hiding on the blurred glass of the shower.

“Just put it on the sink and go out.” I still got no reply from him.

After he got out of the bathroom, I immediately go out of the shower because my body was now shivering from the cold.

While wiping the wet off my body, I suddenly thought of something that could make his madness go away.

‘Should I make him coffee? But it’s already noon and no one’s taking coffee in noon. Should I give him massage?’

After wiping my body, I got into my clothes and opened the door. But his tall muscular body was blocking my way out. And this time he’s shirtless. My eyes widened when he put his arms over the door and it looked like his muscles flexed without moving that much.

An the only thing that my mind is telling me is to kiss him. So I did it. He stood more than 180 cm while I an only standing 174 cm. and the only way for me to kiss him is to tiptoe.

He was shocked at first but he got the control over me. Later on, I just felt the back of my knees hit the bed…


Sorry to cut off the scene but when I was writing this chapter it was so late so sorry… just stay tuned and let the beast go out of the cage!!