Episode 9



[She's wants revenge ]

~Falling for her enemy's son ~


Neche Ibe Favour

Episode 9


Mara's pov's

I kept walking to the direction with them as they ran out.

"Hey" I called but I wasn't given any attention as they continue to move in search for someone I don't know.

I hope it not mavis they are searching for, but I heard a "she".

Who could it be then I thought as I look up to see stone coming my way.

I hope he answers me, cause it seems the whole boys attention are on something else.

"Stone" I yelled and he turn around searching for where he heard his name.

I continue to limb and his eyes landed on me.

"Boss" he muttered in a surprised tone.

'Oh my gosh you are injured" he exclaimed and came running to my direction as he gave me a helping hands.

"I found her" he yelled and everyone stopped moving abruptly.

"Huh" I exclaimed as I watched everyone stop to look for the direction the voice came from.

"Boss" they exclaimed as I moved with the help of stone but I kept my face bold to hide every pains I felt from the injury.

They bowed their head as I walked passed them and a waved of joy spread across my body.

"Were they really looking for me" I thought very surprised.

"You all are dismiss" Mike said to them and they all gave me one last glance before moving out.

"Mara" Mike called as he rushed to me.

"Hey" I replied him and chuckled but I guess he didn't find anything funny as he looked down at my injury.

"Get the first aid" he instructed stone and he left quickly to get it.

"Who did this to you?" he asked as he directed me to sit down on the couch.

"Can I get a glass of water?" I asked instead knowing fully well I wasn't thirsty.

He got up after giving me a look I ignored and left to get the glass of water.

I released the breathe I held as he left.

"I need to think of something to tell Mike, cause am very sure he wouldn't buy any excuses from me.

"Here you go" I heard his voice and I jolted me out of my thought.

"Thank you" I said to him as I took the water to my mouth drinking a good quantity.

I dropped the cup and breath out when I was done drinking from it.

'So what happened?" to you he asked again siting beside me on the couch.

"Well I was saying when I heard the footsteps of someone approaching us

I turn around to know who it was and fortunately for me it was stone coming along with the first aid box.

'Thank goodness' I mumbled to only my hearing.

"Boss who dare tried to injure you?" stone asked as his face turned red in anger.

"Am fine" I said to them in my bossy tone and they didn't utter a word again.

Mike became to clean the wound as stone helped him out.

All I did was to watched them till he was done.

"You are dismiss stone" I said to him and he bowed his head before leaving.

"Have you release Mavis" I asked stone with my face void of emotions.

"Yes" he said to me and bowed his head also.

"Good, inform me when you are done given him proper hospitality" I said walking out.

I was just informed by Mike that Mavis has gotten enough rest and I could see him now.

"Mike and stone come with me" I said as we moved to the room he was kept.

I saw the two boys motion to keep a eye on him and they bowed when they saw me.

"Give us privacy" I said to them and they bowed once more moving out.

"Stone" stepped forward and pushed the door open and I walked in to see him standing by the window and staring at the compound.

"Mavis" I called and he turned around to looked at me.

He looks better than before though his skin still had bruises on it.

But I bet with time it will heal up.

"I have a offer for you' I said to him and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"An offer" he asked confused.

"What are you talking about?" Mike bend his head and whispered to my ears but I used my hands to waved him off.

"Yes an offer" Mr Mavis I said to him.

What's the offer about he asked as he sat on the couch beside mine facing me with So much concentration.

"Good the offer goes like this" I said to him getting his full concentration.

"I want you to work for me" I said to him void of all emotions.

"What" I heard Mavis, Mike and stone yelled all in unison.

"What are you doing boss, stone said immediately.

"Can you let him reply" I half yelled at them.

"What makes you think I would work for you?" he said smirking while I chuckled.

"Lots of reasons" I said to him.

"Well I wouldn't work for a weakling like you" he scoffed and I could feel the rage burning from stone and Mike Bodies.

"You call me a weakling when you aren't any better yourself" I said to him in anger.

"What are men who can't protect his family called" I yelled at him and he looked at me wide eyes.

"Oh, you are surprised I said to him with a heavy smirk on my face.

"What are you talking about?" he asked feigning ignorance.

"Stop pretending you don't know what am taking about" I said to him as I folded my hands but he refused to reply.

"They killed joy right?" I said to him and he looked stunned at my question.

"Where did you get all this information" he said as tears came out of his eyes.

"Weakling" I huffed.

"Stop" he yelled as he cover he ears unable to accept the truth.

"Don't call me that" he added as he fell to the ground.

What can you say about Mara's offer to Mavis??