Episode 12



[She's wants revenge ]

~Falling for her enemy's son ~


Neche Ibe Favour

Episode 12


Mara's pov's

"Answer me Mara" he said getting pissed already.

*Damn!! I asked for it" I said lowly in a sleepy tone.

You asked for it he half yelled and I chuckled inwardly.


Wait what!! He said looking astonished.

"You just asked him to sent a guy pictures to you"

"A random guy" he said emphasizing on the random

"How pathetic" he sighed looking angry and confused.

"Goodnight Mike" I said to him already tired of his nagging.

"Yeah goodnight" he rolled his eyes and left.

*The next morning*

I woke up due to the sun rays entering my room which affect my eyes.

I rolled on the bed countless time as I couldn't have my beauty sleep because of the sunlight.

F**k why didn't I shut my window last night I cussed and hit my fist hardly on the bed.

Ahhh I screamed loud using my pillows to cover my mouth, so that I wouldn't dustrub the others.

It still too early for the sun to shine so bright this morning I thought.

"Damn, I yanked the duvet of my body in frustration while I stood up to the window and closed it.

Why is it so bright??

What's the time I though again

I walked back to my bed and brought my phone from the drawer beside it.

I turn it on to see it's 11am in the morning, damn I can't believe I slept that much.

I yawned once more and stretch my body a little.

I went to my dressing table and looked at myself from the mirror.

"Ahhhh" I half yelled as I stare at my scattered hair from the mirror.

I touched the hair and look at it in an expression mixed with surprised and irritation.

I quickly took my brush and brush my teeth in a jiffy.

I took my bath also and bath very quickly so that I could go meet mavis and listen to what's his about to say.

*In Marcus room*

* Mavis pov's

I kept pacing in my room as I thought of the queen coming in anytime soon.

What would be my reply when she asked me about the proposal.

I signed as I used my hands to rub my forehead in frustration.

"Think Mavis, think" I said snapping myself lightly.

"Remember your doing this for your family" my subconscious reminded me.

"I know" I screamed at it holding my heads.

"Oh God" this is so difficult than I thought.

I sat on my bed and sighed heavily.

"I will just wait till she arrive here" I concluded in my thoughts.

I had the cracking sound of the door as I felt a presence come into my room.

I sighed dejectedly as I knew who it was.

I turn around to see her dressed elegantly and I began to ask myself why did I ever call her a "weakling".

She's the only Mafia Queen amongst all men and I did call her a weakling that's so stupid of me.

"Good morning" I greeted politely.

"That's new' she muttered as she walked in with the two boys I saw earlier.

"I hope you slept well Mr Mavis?" she asked as she sat on the couch crossing her legs.

"Yes I did" I replied sitting properly.

"Good and I hope you have thought about my proposal?" she asked smriking while I nodded my head positively.

"Very well then, what's your decision?" she asked now in a cold voice.

"Well, I would like to ask a question?" I said trying to sound bold but my voice fail me as I shuttered.

"Go on" she said gesturing with her hands

I raised my head to look at the two guys standing at her back.

Their faces were hard and scary this made me gulped and choked on my spit.

"I just wanted to know what excatly I would be doing for you?" I asked with my voice shaking..

"Well, I need an inside man in the Russians camp" she replied me.

"I want to be updated on every information and happenings in their territory" she added looking at me.

"But my family has been in their custody, what if I get caught?" I said while she laughed at me.

"Mr Mavis how sure are you that the Russians are treating you family well?" she asked staring at me.

"But... They promised to" I replied u said boldly refusing to believe she's right in any way.

"And you think the Russians are people who keep to their promise one of the man standing beside her?' said smriking.

"You all are lying" I said getting up from the bed looking at them furiously.

"Oh I see this is a way to lure me into agreeing to help you right" I said to them laughing out loud.

But they didn't even move an inch not laughed at what I said. They just kept their faces hard and emotionless.

"You think I have time for this trash Mr Mavis" she said and stood up moving close to me and the two guys behind her did the same.

"It not my family who is in the hands of Russians suffering and dieing because his serving his boss"She said smiling.

I know you have heard tales of me being extremely heartless.

"Well I want to let you know that those takes are true and I have been too lenient with you Mr Mavis"

"And I think is high time I use you to teach the Russians a lesson, so that they will think twice before imagining to attack the only female Mafia" she said taking pride in herself.

"Please don't kill me I knelt down in front of her and clasped my hands together pleading for my life.

"No , I won't kill you yet am giving you a chance to choose whose side you're on?"

Are you for the Russians or against them she asked and folded her hands waiting for my reply.

What do you think will be Mavis reply??