Episode 16



[She's wants revenge ]

~Falling for her enemy's son ~


Neche Ibe Favour

Episode 16


Mike's pov's

"Please make a research on this photo" so that I can know what triggered her anger...

"Alright I will" he said and

staring at the image once more.

I walked to the bar area with her phone in my pocket as the thought of the picture on Mara's phone.

I took a bottle of red wine and open it up.

I looked at the bottle and took a sip of the drink directly from the bottle without pouring the content on a glass cup.

I thought of Mara and I decided to go check up on her.

I stood up and took one more sip from my drink before walking out of the bar..

Mara's pov's

I wake up having an hungover as I struggle to open my eyes.

"Hmm" I hummed to myself as I held my head tightly rolling from one side to the other side of the bed as I kept feeling the pains on my head.

S**t I cussed as the pain increase and I continued struggling to open my eyes.

Finally my eyes open and I stare at the unfamiliar place I found myself.

This isn't my room I thought as I kept looking around the place for some while.

"Ahh" I said lowly as the pain came back poundering like before.

I need to take my pills I thought to myself as I manage to get up.

I did get up and I was able to locate the room switch so I switch on the light.

I stare at the room and realization hits me.

Am still in the mansion but this isn't my room I said to myself.

Whose person room is this I asked no one in particular as I continued to look at it.

It smells manly and fragrance her scent farmilar and I can't recall who has such fragrance.

I got to the bed and sat down trying to remember what happened and how I got here.

I sighed deeply when I couldn't remember anything and when I force myself to think I feel this pang if pain on my head.

I took the pillow on the bed and stare at it like there's was anything there that's going to help me remember.

I looked up to the ceiling for a while and I felt another pang of pains on my head which made me hold my head as everything that happened a while ago came flashing back into my head.

From the email, to the pictures and till where I fell on Mike's arms.

"Mike" I muttered inaudibly.

I guess he brought me here and I smiled as I remember all the encouraging words he said to me and this form a wide smile on my face.

I began to search for my phone but I couldn't find it.

My stomach grumbled and I knew immediately that I was hungry.

The door made a cracking sound and I turn to know who it was.

I saw a male figure walked in and when I looked closer I recognize the person to be Mike.

"You are awake" he said and blech.

Ewww I said and covered my nose from inhaling the smell of alcohol.

Damn!! What could have made him take alcohol I thought looking at him as he smiled and walked closer to me.

"Hey" I said to him as I brushed my ears backwards.

How do you feel now he said sitting on the bed and touching my forehead to know my body's temperature.

"I feel much better" I said to him him.

"What happened Mara?" he asked rubbing my palms softly.

"Am fine Mike" I said to him as my stomach made a grumbling sound again.

"I guessed someone is hungry" he said and Chuckled.

"Am starving" I said stressing the word starving and we both busted into laughter.

"I will ask the maid to heat up your food before serving it to you" he said getting up from the bed.

I would go with you I said to him also getting up from the bed with him.

"Alright let go have our dinner" he said and stretch his hands while I laughed.

We got to the dinning and he instructed the maid to warm up the meal.

I went to the sitting room where I was before the whole incident happened and scratched for my phone.

"Where in God's name did l keep my phone I asked Searching for it very carefully.

"Hey what are you looking for?" Mike voice interrupted me and I refrain from what I was doing to answer him.

"My phone" I said inaudibly still using my eyes to scan the sitting room.

"Have you by any chance seen my phone?" I asked looking at him fully.

"Your phone?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah I left it here before the incident" I replied him quickly as I moved about also checking the couch.

"I see" he said like he was in deep thought.

"Ma'am your dinner is ready" the maid yelled from the kitchen reminding me of how hungry I was few minutes ago.

"Alright , will be there in a jiffy" I replied back walking back to the kitchen.

Mike's pov's

I watched her as she searched for something in the sitting room and I knew immediately that it was her phone she was looking for.

I pretended not to know what she was searching for cause I needed to be sure of something before handling back her phone to her.

I know if I should asked her she wouldn't give me an answer, rather she will deviate from the subject matter into something else.


"Hey what you looking for" I asked her.

"My phone" she said and I repeated her statement again.

"Yeah I left it here before the incident" she replied me and continued her search.

That it , that all I needed to be sure of.

"That's means that picture must have been what triggered the anger incident" I concluded in my thoughts.

Mike is smart?