
"Hello" I greeted them keeping my bag on the bench.

"Hi" said three girls in unison. I looked at the one who was sitting with me. She was fair with brown frizzy pony tail.

“Hi I am Saachi " she said excitedly.

"Kavya" i replied.

"I am Afreen" a girl sitting in front of me spoke. She was the same girl whom I talked to before entering the class.

"Stuthi" a small petite girl said shyly.

"Nice to meet you" I said formally. And Saachi frowned. She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her.

"Why did you come here? What’s the real reason?" She asked. I looked at her blankly. I don't like someone in my private space so soon. It makes me feel suffocated but she had her own vibe so I let her be.

"I already told on the stage. Faculty issues." I spoke and they nodded, all three of them waiting for me to continue. I cleared my throat and spoke

"I asked the professor few questions regarding her subject, she couldn't answer and got offended. She even tried to fail me." I spoke. This was not a complete story, I had a fight with few of my friends as they were using drugs, so they told the professor the complete opposite and professor thought I was on drugs.

"That’s bad" said Afreen pursing her lips.

"Okay ladies, shall we begin now?" Spoke sir looking at us and that’s when I realized we were talking loudly.

The lecture started. Sir started teaching about animal physiology. I was interested. I occasionally glanced around the class.

"What's his name?" I asked Saachi motioning my chin towards sir. Sir told me last week when I

met him first but it slipped out of my mind.

"Momin sir" she whispered. "He is HOD" she added.

"Okayyy." I replied.

"There is a story. He became our HOD this year only. The last HOD was removed from his position." Said Afreen.

"Yeah because there are rumors that he made out with a student on the tour." Said Saachi.

"Ohhh god " I frowned. "So they kicked him out?" I asked.

"No, he still teach us metabolism." Spoke Saachi rather too loud. Few students looked at our seat. We stayed in silence for remaining lecture.

As the lecture completed, most of the students got up and left. It was lunch break now. I didn't knew anyone here so decided to stay here. The trio, Saachi, Stuthi and Afreen stayed too.

"Hungry?" Asked Stuthi and I shook my head.

"The next lecture is in LR.19. and after that lab." Informed Saachi chewing her sandwich.

"Where is LR. 19? It took me so long to find this LR. And its not mentioned in time table here." I whined.

Afreen chuckled "Time table has been changed. Give me your number I will send you the new one. And also add you in college WhatsApp group ."she said softly.

My phone buzzed, papa texted me. I walked out of the class.

Papa- Hello. I want you to visit nearby bank while returning from college.

Me- yes! I am enjoying my first day. Thank you for asking.

Me- The college ends at 6pm and banks close at 5pm.

Papa- Okay then transfer ₹8500 to the bank account xxxxxxxx7856 urgently. Papa- you have my credit card with you right?

I looked inside my bag, I think I forgot to pick it up from the table. Nope, here it is. I did as papa told me.

Me- Done. Take care.

I turned around to see Trio standing behind me.

"Shall we go? Break is about to end." Asked Saachi. I nodded. I followed them through the crowded corridors.

The LR. 19 was on the first floor, on the extreme corner of the left wing of building. Our department was fan of extreme corner I thought. I entered the class and looked around. "Last class was better." I whispered.

"Indeed." Replied Saachi.

This Lr was dark with few windows. Only 3 fans which threatened to fall at any moment now and benches were old. I sighed.

I took a seat with trio in the middle row on second bench. First bench was empty. The bell rang and instantly professor came in. He was short and dark in his late forties. His eyes immediately met mine. He had an intense aura around him, his body language spoke AUTHORITY.

"He is the last year's HOD, isn't he?" I whispered looking at Saachi. She nodded

"Stay quiet." Whisper shouted Afreen who was sitting just behind me.

"So there are going to be some rules that you all are supposed to follow in my class. Do you want me to repeat them?" He spoke in his deep cold voice. Everybody shook their head.

"Only two students on a bench. New rule." He spoke looking at the three boys who were sitting on a single bench. Benches were long enough for 3 students to comfortably sit on.

"Welcome back to school?" I scoffed instantly earning a hard pinch on my elbow from Saachi.

He started drawing a figure on the board. I opened my book and started copying when Afreen spoke "Don't. Wait for his instruction." The lecture went on, I earned few pinches for speaking in lecture, I don't know why everyone was so stiff in his lecture, he was not a Dracula or something.

"Whose laboratory session is it today?" I asked to Saachi as lecture ended.

"Kay's" she replied. The same professor whose lecture I attended just now. I packed my bag and left the class.

"Kavyaaa" a voice came when I walked out. I turned back and saw a girl with curly black hairs and purple glasses holding my phone.

"Your phone, Kavya." She spoke again.

"Oh ,Thank you" I thanked taking my phone from her hands.

I entered the lab and saw trio seating on the table. I stood there thinking if I should join them or not.

"Come" said Saachi as she saw me. I smiled and sat with them

"Do you like it here?" She asked.

"Yeah its nice. Lab Is smaller here but much more clean as compared to my last college" I said looking around.

Kay entered the lab, everyone stood up on their place. "Today I won't be teaching you any practical. Journals are yet not ready" he spoke coldly. "You are free to do your work."

He said and took his seat. His seat was just by the door, I looked at him, he was already looking at me. I immediately lowered my eyes.

"Stay cautious" said Afreen. I looked at her.

"Pardon?' I spoke knitting my eyebrows. What was she talking about.

"Stay aware of him. Maintain some distance." She spoke gesturing towards kay. She was not joking, her face was stern.

"Care to elaborate?" I asked.

"As we already told you, you know about the tour. But apart from that he was also caught in his office-." Said Saachi but Afreen hissed loudly, Saachi shut her mouth immediately.

I looked around to check if any professor was around, no one. Kay was still seated on his place

"Okay." I spoke quietly. But literally it was not okay. I mean all these might just be rumors but really bad one.

They filled in me with all the history of the college and all about the classmates on the very first day but it was all a lot of information to take in, in one go. To be honest I immediately forgot everything they told me.

Kay dismissed us after 2 hours. I walked to the parking and headed directly to my classes.

Hectic day huh!!